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  1. Video of this Su-25 crashed, filmed by our drone. Fighterbomber TG claimed the pilot was resqued. Despite 110th brigade MANPAD teams for last two months claimed 8 downed Russian jets, this is a first evidence. In other two times were videos of MANPAD launches with unclear results and a video of something burned on horizon, as claimed downed jet.
  2. 414th separate UAV regiment "Magar birds" were moved to Pokrovsk direction from Vovchansk. This is another marker of critical importance of this direction in current time
  3. Mistake in idntification. Became knowingly this turned out other man - complete namesake of Andrey Torgashov - and he is a serviceman of GRU. It's a version of Budanov's revenge for poisoining of his wife and her security (all were in time hospitalized and survived). Budanov offered then "an my answer, about which everybody will know", probably this is it. Alas. GUR agent, citizen of Russia, who reportedly had time to fled to Turkey, was arrested in Bodrum by requestingh of Russia. GUR need to think about better ways of retreating for own agents.
  4. 79th air-assault brigade has repelled today one of most heavy armored assault attempt. Russians in force of 11 tanks, 45 light armor and 1 BMPT "Terminator" tried to attack on Kurakhove direction. This is full combat core of BTG. Except this together with attackers 12 moto-bikers have driven, for recon and attampt of fast outflanking of forward positions. Enemy started attack at the morning from several directions This armada was timely spotted and was "processed" on approach initially with artillery, then FPV joined up, then ATGMs, then Russian armor started to blow up by mines. After enemy lost 6 tanks, 7 light armor and all 12 bikes, 40 KIA and 37 WIA they canceled attack and turned back Despite this since the weather became more comfort for warfare, Russians rapidly intensified own attacks on Donbas. Absolute record for today was on Pokrovsk direction - 150 clashes. Heavy situation near small Prohress village. Russians in heavy assault overran units of 31st mech.briade - as always our command didn't find nothing better than to rotate a brigade, who succesfully defended this direction on "rested and replenished fresh force". Indeed as claimed RUMINT many soldiers of 31st brigade passed through Rivne training center - one of worst places for combat training, where whole month soldier gets only formal training (chiefs of this center even consider inappropriate to waste time to teach soldiers to zeroing of wepon), so on paper this was fres trained brigade, but in reality this was badly trained crowd. There was bad organized communication between positions, EW teams had no concerted action with FPV teams, so latter almost couldn't do own work properly, because their FPV were supressed by own EW assets in that time Russians could fly alsmost free. As result companies of two battalions suffered heavy losses and parially retreated. Part of troops of 1st and 3rd battalions still hold remaimed posiotions, but almost all company comamnders alrerady dead or wounded - combat control was almost disrupted. Soldiers demanded from brigade command to let them withraw, but brigade commander initially to give the order "hold positions", but then comletely stupid order "attack the enemy and renew positions". In conditions of Russians exeeded our forces in 10-15 times in was suicidical and some number of troops were lost in this useless attempts. Elements of 47th brigade as "fire team" were thrown into the battle, but they can't resque the situation - part of 31st brigade still in semi-encirclemement. Last news from there as if command has given the order to withdraw and simultainosly new forces try to throw back Russians on flanks. Prohress is important, because it makes Russians dangerously close to critical road Pokrovsk - Kostianntynivka. The cutting off this road threaten to stable defense of whole Ukrainian groupment on this direction
  5. Several says ago UKR drones struck on of crucial power substations in Rostov oblast, huge disturbance in power grid caused emergency halting of Rostov nuclear plant, whih in own turn caused failure of one of generators and as claimed some Russian sources radionuclides leaking About 5 millions of people in southern regions of Russia, including Crimea now have severe limitations of electricity. Some urban quarters have no power three days so far. South of Russia also suffers from abnormal heat, so increaced load caused chains of smaller failures on substations, especially in Crimea. In some regions of Russia, for example in Anapa, Krasnodar, Bataisk people, sitting several days without electricity came on the streets and blocked roads, demanding to give them electricity and introduce fair power supply shedules Interesting, that yeasterady Putin expalined problems with electicity by... working of cryptominers, "who overloaded the system in this hot wether" Other probably diversion - water feeding of so called DNR by "Don - Donbas" canal, building by occupants almost halted. Reportedly somebody shut up the pipe damper and broke the wheel, opening this damper. As result the pipe was broken due to water hammer and feeding of water was stopped.
  6. The Eagles are coming! Russian assault group bursted into UKR position and blocked in blindage UKR group of rifle battalion of 115th mech.brigade, attached to 63rd mech.brigade (don't ask me why). UKR FPVs came and eliminated Russians. UKR group counter-attacked and cleaned the trench from remains of Russians
  7. About effectiveness of shotguns vs FPV from Russian point of view (spoiler - they missed)
  8. Left bank bridgehead epic, lasting from October 2023 to July 2024 is finished. Not officially yet, but it comimg soon. The decision to evacuate troops was made about two weeks ago. UKR TG "46th brigade" writes, Zelenskyi during own visit to Odesa on 7th of July awarded soldiers, which turned back from bridghhead. But as it usually happened, several soldiers remained "forgotten" on left bank. More and more talks appearing that left bank opearion it was idea of Sodol and he was a curator of this opearion. Only hystorians after the war maybe can give the answer either it worth or not, even though this operation, of course attracted some Russian troops and several Russian regiments were badly battered in attempts to throw our troops to the river. Soldiers say the time of operation beginning was choosen not very good - in late autumn and winter it was too hard to cross the multiple small rivers. They also say they successfully pushed back Russians and could expand bridghead further, but Russians just leveled most part of Krynky to the ground with KABs and artilelry and even changing positions to other part of this super-long village (11 km) anyway finished in the same way. In June 2024 the bridgehead was guarded by several dozen soldiers, dispersed by small position in completely ruined houses. According to information, which received UKR journalist investigators team "Slidstvo.info" from National Police, during bridgehead defence sicnce October 2023 to the end of June 788 Ukrainain servicemen are counted as MIA and are wanted (in Ukriane all missed during the war persons - militaries or civilians anyway wanted by police). Also according their information 262 servicemen were killed on left bank and their body were recovered and burried in Ukraine. So, during 9 months of left bank operation UKR troops lost there 1050 soldiers On the photo - typical view of Krynky
  9. This night SAM site of 12th AD division was hit near Fiolent cape in Crimea. Reportedly there were at least eight explosions (more like drones). ASTRA claimed at least one radar damaged, also one S-300/400 launcher position was hit
  10. This is very dangerous, but looks like after dismissal of Sodol, some threshold level is already passed. Either all will continue like previous two years and we have all chances to lost this war, or public resonance will force authorities to do something with high command staff. The problem of incompetence and "Zhukov style" command doesn't appear after Zaluzhnyi resignation. Just in 2022 we had success, courage and many motivated soldiers, so about such things tried not to talk. But Bakhmut campaign and unsuccessfull offensive, creating of dozens new brigades with mobilized retired stupid soviet-style commanders, who don't understand modern warfare and don't want to study themselves - all this caused first break between "old army elite" and "men of war", supported by society activists. Fail of mobilization in 2023 and successful Russian PsyOps campaign in many cases were because of criminal and incompetent orders of high command, who sent to grinder without any logic and operative necessity thousands of lives. "Old style" commanders could hold the front and even achieve some successes, sending company by company to hold or retake a tree-plant, which already 10 rimes passed from the hand to hand. Some cynically openly told "I'm not care how much them will lost, the order must be accomplished, we will get reinforcement anyway". But in one not good moment the spring of reinforcements sharply dried out. And turned out, these commanders without sending hundreds of private Mykolas to the death again and again, just incapable to wage the war, they are not capable organize communication between own units, they are not capable to organize fire support etc. And the problem has arised in all highness. This is not a first scandal. 59th motorized infantry brigade was one of capable units from 5x brigades, established in ATO times. During full-scale it was headed by talented officer Sukharevskyi, which personally paritcipated in development of brigade UAV systems and tactic of thier usage, so 59th had one of the most effective UAV forces. But recently Sukharevskyi was appointed as a chief of new established Unmanned Systems Command and his place in brigade seized colonel Shevchuk. Soldiers told he is typical Soviet idiot, he was responsible for stupid command, which cost many lives in some other brigade, but by typical Ukrainian tradition he was removed from that brigade... with promotion and appointing of commander of 59th. Shevshuk in short time disrupted all what created Sukharevskyi, except about what told "Ptashka", medical service of volunteer battalion "Da Vinchi Wolves", who became a part of brigade now had a sharp conflict with chief of brigade medical service. Chief of this service just sit own own place and doesn't want to improve nothing. She even rejects to allow to transfuse the blood to wounded in brigade stabilization point, despite this already allowed by Medical Command directive - and of course after "uprising of combat medics", which during long several month "war" forced Medical Command to recognize this method increasing chanses to save lives. I can recall scandal, but more silent with 14th mech. brigade. Brigade successfully repelled Russian assault on Kupiansk direction, but their commander had a dare to report to HQ about real situation in brigade and situation around. But top-brass doesn't like a true. Commander was removed and on his place was appointed next "soviet style officer", who already never sent reports, which could make top-brass sad. But level of losses in brigade rised significantly. And today's appeal of 24th mech brigade to President with demanding to remain colonel Holishevskyi as brigade commander. Soldiers say this is very cool talented commander, which rised combat capabilities of brigade and has respect to soldiers. But.... He also sens "uncomfortable" reports. And top-brass, readinh them getting angry "What? Why?! Retake this area immediately! Will we lost many soldiers?! Don't give a damn! Execute!" Holishevskyi reportedly rejected to execute idiotic orders from HQ generals, which completely don't know real situation and real conditions of troops. So, General Staff is preparing to remove ot from command and to appoint him to military university. Of course, somebody with new experience have to teach future officers, but this looks like usual revenge. Other recent episode - conflict between 226th TD battalion and commander of 41st mech. brigade colonel Romashko. Soldiers say he is a cum of Syrskyi. The said Romashko consider soldiers even own soldiers as a cattle, so you can imaging his treatment to attached units. 41st came on place of 24th brigade, which was moved to Chasiv Yar. Comamnder didn't master with defense of own sector and enemy advanced in New-York settlement southern from Toretsk. He ordered 226th battalion (strictly saying a large company of this battalion) to counter-attack the enemy, cut off his logistics and restore positions. But he didn't give any fire support. 226th TD battalion is from Kyiv 241st TD brigade - this is very well trained unit with motivated soldiers, from which many ATO veterans. But TD units are just light infantry. Without support battalion suffered heavy losses, their commander tried to explain Romashko they can't accomplish this task, because he completely didn't understand real situation and this task can accomplish only StarTroopers, but Romashko has started to make threats with criminal cases, so battalion again was sent to impossible mission and again lost many soldiers without any sense. Scandal with Romashko and with on of his HQ officers, who ordered by obscene words to evacuation car driver, who carried wounded soldiers to turn back and "throw down them back to position" was huge. Two days ago some messages appeared that Romashko is dismissed, but this is not confirmed yet. Other incident from twitter talks of soldiers - one guy told thier battalion commander, who substituted previous commander - "old alcohoilic and scum" in short time rised combat capabilities of battalion and their unit successfully fought several months. But commander gity under Operative Command committee investigation because... their battlion had too low level of losses. Much less than "calculated". By opinion of these staff rats "if you havn't many losses your unit don't fight properly, so you evade from task accomplishing". The same incident I know as far as from ATO times. Nothing changed. Now a petition to president is registered to introduce responsibility for high officers for criminal or incompetent orders, which inflicted high level of losses of personnel or equipment. If soldier lost own rifle he will pass seven circles of the hell, but if commander of fighter regiment lost several jets on airfield because he did nothing to protect airfield (of chief of logistic, who ordered the military train to stay several hours on the station close to frontline) - they will have no responsibility. In better case they will resigned from own duty and moved to other duty, often with promotion. The situiation now went so far, that society must force authorities to make reforms in high command. Because small Soviet army never defeat large Soviet army
  11. Russians showed the launch and impact of FAB-3000 bomb with gliding kit from Su-34
  12. Not first time this situation - Russians, hearing UAV engine sound freeze in place. Maybe in some field manual this directive exists - what to do if enemy drone over your head. Maybe they considered UAV operator will not spot them, standing without movement, but.... the SHADOWS!!!!
  13. First video of special unit "Shkval" (of former covicted) from 47th mech. brigade. They assault Russian position somewhere on Pokrovsk direction Interesting, that in Russian special assault detachments was named "Shtotm" (eng. Storm). Ukriane went the same way and named them "Shkval" (eng. Squall ). For this time about 3500 former convicts agreed to mobilize. First units already on frontline. It's known about "Shkval" detachments in 47th mech. brigade, 59th mot.inf brigade and 3rd assault brigade. Unlike in Russia only persons, convicted on minor charges are allowed to mobilize. Not murderers, robbers, rapers, pedophiles, corruptioners etc.
  14. Bad news. Russians managed to occupy again Urozhaine village on Berdiansk direction. During several days they were gadually pushing UKR troops from southern and central part, today reportedly they assaulted northern part of village with two companies, when UKR toops had there no more than 20 soldiers. Early some voices blamed the command of 1st tank brigade in lost of Staromajorske. Looks like the same command style led to loss of Urozhaine. Good news. UKR troops pushed back Russians in Vovchansk (blue zone), so situation of Russian garrison, encircled on aggregate factory is getting worse UKR troops pushed back beyond the border Russian troops, which captured border village Sotnytskyi Kozachok in Kahrkiv oblast - this is other direction than Hlyboke - Starytsia - Vovchansk section it is NW from Kharkiv. Two weeks ago Russian recon group enterd to the border village and Russians became accumulate infantry in this place. UKR troops blocked them, and now pushed back. On the video as background soldier of some Territorial Troops unit of DNR complains they were sent to assault the village, thoug they were moved here to maintain security of "liberated territory". Their company suffered huge losses, but comamnder of motor rifle regiment, under which comamnd their company was attached, anyway orders them continue to fight.
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