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How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?


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3 hours ago, Battlefront.com said:

In the very beginning of the invasion Ukrainian artillery seems to have been mostly absent

No. Our arty played big role in defneding of Kyiv, Brovary, Hostomel, Kharkiv, Chernihiv. Even in Kherson during the battle for the bridge. Maybe this imagination formed with numerous videos of light infantry ambushes on columns and AT-team works, but actually our artillery met the enemy with first hours of invasion.  Brigade's artillery moved behind own mech.infantry, artillery brigades hit concentrations of enemy and conducted couter-battery fire

Edited by Haiduk
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RU budget is to be sequestered - civilian Girkin (Nesmyan)


Without much fanfare, it was reported that the budget was being sequestered by 1.6 trillion rubles. In the past there would be much talking and lamenting . Today everything is routine: the enemy is at the gate, the gate is locked, the key to the lock is either broken or lost. You understand everything yourself. Therefore, there is nothing to discuss.

The fact that little victorious [war] is worth some money is understandable. But how much is unknown, the question here is does even anybody from management knows. Lies of homeric proportions are the cement on which the regime stands. Putin is lying to us, his subordinates are lying to him. "...There is a reason why everyone is lying: it works. Society is based on this. The ability to lie distinguishes a person from an animal..." Dr. House ©

And only when the numbers begin to completely disagree, a Solomonic decision is made - to secure what has already happened.

It seems that the sequester was accepted. If we take into account that the "non-war" has been going on for only 4 months, and there is at least as much more ahead, then this sequester is definitely not the last.

"Dad, will you drink less now? - No, now you will eat less" ©


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Impact on Ru industry - civilian Girkin (Nesmyan)


...It is not entirely clear what significance those 150 companies that left had for the economy. For example, the departure of Simmens in the absence of alternatives to its technologies looks quite problematic. If anyone has forgotten, it was the Simmens units stuck in Canada that stopped the work of Nord Stream-1. Well, almost stopped.

The departure of literally three Finnish companies has already led to serious disruptions in the operation of paper mills, as well as problems in the plywood manufacturing industry. Car factories stopped tight - apparently, foreigners took with them some real trifles [small equipment - sarcasm], when they left. And these trifles have blocked the work of the industry, with which thousands of other enterprises are connected.


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Locals from Snizhne write UKR strike destroyed ammunition storage with ballistic missiles and SA-missiles for S-300 (not counting usual stuff)

New hit of ammunition storage in Donetsk

Also FIRMS reported about likely ammunition depot hit near Ilovaisk, Donetsk oblast


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1 hour ago, Grigb said:

I mean it is obvious that in last several comments you pushed two RU propaganda talking points, quote:

  • There is no such thing like "RU nationalists"
  • In short, the Russian Federation has weapons and ammunition to the ass"

On top of that you tried to hide the fact you are Russian, quote I'm ordinary man in one Eastern-european dictatorship. 

Grigb, if I am correct, you have provided some interesting translations, for which I thank you.

Your points against @Slaughterhouse-Five :

The first I think is a misunderstanding of what he wrote - he said there is no such thing as RU nationalists, only RU imperialists.

The second was apparently entirely a quote from a RU forum of some kind.

The third is ascribing intent without evidence.


The purpose of any real RU propaganda would be to create division, in fact to denegrate the idea of truth itself.  It would be instructive to know if someone was a propagandist of course, but this is not something that will be obvious, and making accusations of this sort with no evidence only serves it's purpose.  I believe in fact I was suspected of the same simply because I have a 'Russian' quote as my signature.

In the end, the origin of any specific idea does not matter - they should be critiqued on their own merit.  Of course the technique of the 'firehose' of random stories with truth mixed in is also a propaganda strategy, and things that are true can be grouped together to serve a narrative if received uncritically, but the solution is in the way you assimilate, critique and sort through it, how you choose and create sources etc.

This is why I find the idea of 'useful idiots' etc. damaging if carried too far.

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25 minutes ago, Haiduk said:

Locals from Snizhne write UKR strike destroyed ammunition storage with ballistic missiles and SA-missiles for S-300 (not counting usual stuff)

New hit of ammunition storage in Donetsk

Also FIRMS reported about likely ammunition depot hit near Ilovaisk, Donetsk oblast


What's incredible is that there are literally 4 launchers there. It is of course the ISR who should be thanked, effectors are just the last piece of the puzzle, as The_Capt mentioned. Anyway, the 3 M270s pledged by UK or DE do not look inadequate anymore.  While we wait for those, there's a new HIMARS video from Ukraine:


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20 minutes ago, fireship4 said:

Григб, если я не ошибаюсь, вы предоставили несколько интересных переводов, за что я вам благодарен.

Ваши очки против@Бойня номер пять :

Первое, я думаю, это непонимание того, что он написал - он сказал, что нет такой вещи, как русские националисты, есть только русские империалисты.

Второй был, видимо, целиком цитатой с какого-то РУ-форума.

Третий - приписывание умысла без доказательств.


Целью любой настоящей пропаганды РУ было бы создание разделения, фактически очернение самой идеи истины. Конечно, было бы поучительно знать, был ли кто-то пропагандистом, но это не то, что будет очевидным, и выдвижение обвинений такого рода без доказательств служит только своей цели. Полагаю, на самом деле меня заподозрили в том же просто потому, что у меня в подписи стоит «российская» цитата.

В конце концов, происхождение любой конкретной идеи не имеет значения — их следует критиковать по существу. Конечно, техника «пожарного шланга» из случайных историй, смешанных с правдой, также является пропагандистской стратегией, и правдивые вещи могут быть сгруппированы вместе, чтобы служить нарративу, если воспринимаются некритически, но решение заключается в том, как вы усваиваете, критикуете. и разобраться в этом, как вы выбираете и создаете источники и т.д.

Вот почему я нахожу идею «полезных идиотов» и т. д. вредной, если зайти слишком далеко.

I'm russian propagandist, we have already figured it out, we will not return to the past. We will proceed from verified data. And then he starts to suspect you. Why do you need it?) 

If I understood correctly, then Sherlock has unquestioned authority in logic on this forum, so anyone who argues with Holmes automatically impersonates himself. Some sort of superpower.

So, because this, I chose an anti-war nickname to confuse everyone. Elementary, Watson)

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Really rare footage of UKR Buk M1 work - since Day 1 I've seen one or two videos with Buk launches. Before a war Ukraine had three regiments, armed with this system. Photo fixed losses, according to Orix are 2 TELARs and 2 TELs. 


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36 minutes ago, Huba said:

Talking about drones: imagine each carries a Glock. Or a grenade. Or even something sharp. This is seriously scary:


Man, it won't be fair in the future to use these against infantry. Sides must agree, either drones or  people. 

And our favourite strategy games will be reduced to artillery and drone shoot em up 😑

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17 minutes ago, akd said:

Company-sized Russian tactical group wrecked with artillery:

It seems crew run away. Wise choice.

Also, this time from Russian side- rather detailed bombing Ukrianian trenches to show how it may look like (not embedded, just link). Overall traditional Russian mix of close shots and missess withour confirmation of direct hits. 



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19 minutes ago, akd said:

Company-sized Russian tactical group wrecked with artillery:


93rd mech.brigade, I see, reduced enough the fleet of T-80BV of 4th GTD again in previous days




Though, Russians continue to push  - according to eveneing reports, they had some success near Mazanivka village on Izium direction.

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34 minutes ago, panzermartin said:

Man, it won't be fair in the future to use these against infantry. Sides must agree, either drones or  people. 

And our favourite strategy games will be reduced to artillery and drone shoot em up 😑

Is the death of the infantryman as a role going to be discussed in future wars involving these drones like the death of the tank was during this war? 

Imo both the tank and the infantryman are not going anywhere for a while. It will be interesting to see engineers come up with ways to counter drone technology. 😀

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23 hours ago, akd said:

I had noted him previously as “Lt. Col. Sergei Moskvichev,” but erroneously listed him as probably with the 137th Guards Airborne Regiment based on his burial in Ryazan.


@sburke @Kinophile

Moskvichev was Head of the Armored Service (начальник бронетанковой службы) for the 155th Guards Naval Infantry Brigade:


Lt. Col. Alexander Smirnov, Deputy Commander of the 11th Guards Air-Assault Brigade.  Says he was killed at the CP of the 6th Separate Cossack Motor Rifle Regiment “Matvey Platov,” 2nd AK, LPR on the night of June 30-July 1.  (Also says he started in the “Special Military Operation” as part of this regiment, for which he received the award below?):


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1 hour ago, Slaughterhouse-Five said:

I'm russian propagandist

Prove us wrong let's see you post something useful 😉

I know who has provided us lots of useful information and I appreciate his time and effort in doing that and it ain't you...

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20 minutes ago, Holien said:

Prove us wrong let's see you post something useful 😉

I know who has provided us lots of useful information and I appreciate his time and effort in doing that and it ain't you...

Sorry but why do the Russian speaking members of this forum have to be held up to a higher standard than anyone else? They are not obliged to provide anything, although I am very grateful they do. 

Can we just keep it civil please? Disagreement is ok, and being disrespectful to people who you disagree with is not a good way of encouraging a free conversation. 

Edit: just to be clear this is not aimed at only you, it's just I don't want this thread turning into a self-reinforcing echo chamber and I want to hear the "russian" narrative as long as it is expressed respectfully 

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3 hours ago, fireship4 said:

I believe in fact I was suspected of the same...


2 hours ago, Slaughterhouse-Five said:

And then he starts to suspect you.

I didn't mean by @Grigb.

2 hours ago, Slaughterhouse-Five said:

If I understood correctly, then Sherlock has unquestioned authority in logic on this forum

He started posting last month, after joining in 2011.

Let's not waste any more of the thread with this you guys, it is not worth it.

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