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How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?


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29 minutes ago, kraze said:

Stop calling us cousins please. Ukrainians are completely unrelated to russians. We share no history nor culture with them.

Just because they occupied our territories on and off for 300 years before - makes us connected to then literally in the same way as Czechs being connected to Germans.

Sorry, this goes too far for me. It sounds like historical revisionism.

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19 minutes ago, Aragorn2002 said:

Please explain? The Russian statement, right?

Not every statement that some Ukranians do not agree is Russian propaganda. There is WESTERN academic system studying on the history for long time, which is neither pro Russia nor pro Ukraine. If you want me to explain the history of Russia and Ukraine, their culture connection, and why Ukraine uses the trident symbol on their coat of arms, it will be very long. There are quite a lot publications on this topic,  so don't worry about their views' independency. I can't imagine that they are all controlled by the Russians.

BTW, in fact, Czech and Germany has culture connection.

Edited by melm
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21 minutes ago, panzermartin said:

I wonder what has happened to the first wave troops. VDV, chechens etc. Did they all get wiped out? They dug in in defensive positions? Is the Wikipedia page false that states that Antonov airport near Kiev is under Russian control?

I also would like to know exactly what happened at the Hostomel airport and wonder if someone has established a clear timeline of the events. Maybe Hayduk knows.

The Russian launched an air assault with Mi-8 helicopters, then the Ukrainians claimed they retook it with a counter attack, but the next day the Russians were saying they were still in control of it so it is hard to tell. And the air transport plane(s) that were shot down, was it a second wave to reinforce the first VDV troops there? And in the end were they relieved by ground troops?

Seeing as Bucha is just south of the airport, it is clear that there must have been some serious fighting there for sure.

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Russians landed airmobile unit from four helicopters in the outskirt of Mykolaiv

Reportedly four Russian Il-76 landed on Hostomel airfield.

UKR 93rd brigade seized most of the E101 road Bachivsk - Kipti and entered to Ukrainian border in Bachivsk area (Sumy oblast)

Russians entered to Konotop (Sumy oblast) and put ultimatum to the mayor to give up the town, else it will be grounded with artillery

Russian forward group entered to Peremoha village on Brovary direction

95th air-assault brigade is conducting some offensive actions in Horlivka direction, but there is many controversal information

Russian ship on the horizon in Odesa


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Some pro Russian sources are reporting Russian forces have reached Brovary only 10 kms or so from the eastern side of Kyiv and attacked a checkpoint there. 50.490147, 30.736567


And there is this map showing the Russians deployment, bypassing cities that has been retweeted by OSINTtechnical.


Could they have really reached the eastern outskirts of Kyiv?

Edit : last confirmed position appears to be around Pryluky which is 100 km away so most likely just guesswork, or just some forward elements.

Edited by Zveroboy1
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37 minutes ago, melm said:

Czech and Germany has culture connection

They have, but just imagine floating that idea in a brewery in Prague circa 1943. You may have ended in the river...

You raise a good topic of discussion, that this is not just a test of wills, ideologies, means, etc. but also a battle of myths. The Ukranian myth will go on since many Ukrainians have chosen to fight rather than roll over. One of the causes of this war is the Russian myth of cultural, military and political hegemony over all the lands east of the Vistula. This mythical dimension is strong for both sides in this war.

Edited by BletchleyGeek
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Kremlin minister tells disarmament conference Russia was forced to invade Ukraine to 'stop them getting nuclear weapons'

Russia is almost 20 years late with their talk about weapons of mass destruction and should have understood that just as no one believed USA when they used that week reason for their attack on Iraq no one would believe Russia today for attacking Ukraine of that same reason.

Especially week is this claim after Putin's words, if the attack had resulted in a quick victory, have gone public in which he says that the reasons for the attack was the unifying of Belorussia, Russia and Ukraine in a slavic Grand Russia.


Edited by BornGinger
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2 hours ago, Aragorn2002 said:

Another interesting outcome, in the Netherlands there will be an investigation in the funding of certain (radical) right wing political parties with Russian money. Other European countries also are planning to do that. I'm pretty sure that the report will be interesting reading. Some of those treacherous politicians even now refuse to condemn Putin.

Hopefully that will be the end of these parties and convince their voters they are better served by the decent and normal right wing.

I hope the same happens in the UK

Edited by Andy_101
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8 minutes ago, kraze said:

No. Our troops tested those against javelins way back in 2020 and they have zero effect

Yes probably a psychological effect for tank crew only. The impression of being safer. Like puting sandbags in the ground of a APC against mines (it's even worse of having it) or tracks parts on WW2 tanks.

It give more stowage by the way 😁

Edited by Taranis
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9 minutes ago, kraze said:

No. Our troops tested those against javelins way back in 2020 and they have zero effect

An interesting answer was posted on the Combat Mission discord. 



[HA]Krasnoarmeyets — 27.02.2022
I am not aware of any publicly available information about Russian testing so far. Ukrainians tested the concept last year, but incorrectly: the chances of the missile missing are supposed to be increased by shifting the thermal signature away from the tank by utilising a pyrotechnical device hanging over the left side of the tank near the engine exhaust (to be augmented by exhaust gases); Ukrainians however put the flames on the tank turret (after the first missile missed):


(Andrei_bt is A. Tarasenko - researcher of Soviet and Ukrainian armored vehicles from Kharkov.)



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In a way, it's also an irony that the russians puts roof on theirs tanks. Soviets and Russian had always make tanks with really low profile but they add a huge roof now... Not really low profile anymore but with the narrow compartment still present...

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1 hour ago, melm said:

Sorry, this goes too far for me. It sounds like historical revisionism.

Historical revisionism of what?

There was no Rossiya (how they themselves spell and write it, not 'russia') until 1721 but there is literally 'Rus' in Grand Duchy of Lithuania and 'Rus' at the time of Muscovy - and the vast majority of Rus lands were a part of Grand Duchy. And Rus dynasties were highly represented and electing the the Duke/King of GD for centuries to come.

The first real Rus territory that came under Muscovy control was Novgorod in 1578 after a really really bloody war that ended up in a genocide of Novgorod population.

Muscovy itself, being the territory of Golden Horde, was muslim. Rus was christian.

Rossiya itself has been doing historical revisionism since forever, their whole history is a lie - it's literally why they invented "tataro-mongolian yoke" in 18th century, while disregarding Grand Duchy fighting against muscovites and Golden Horde as a whole to begin with and kept on twisting and turning events since then.

Or maybe you can explain to me why XIII-XVII centuries is a one giant hole in russian official history?

It's almost literally "there was Rus, then evil mongols captured all then suddenly Russia out of the blue"

Even talking languages - how come ukrainians, belarusians, poles and czechs mostly understand each other without vocabulary - but russians understand nobody?

If we were the same and closely connected - wouldn't it make sense for languages to be similar? But russians instead spent 300 years trying to eradicate slavic languages of Ukraine and Belarus.

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Just now, Aragorn2002 said:

A puzzling and insensitive remark, given the circumstances.

Perhaps you and @kraze might be better off staying out of that noxious swamp, or at least keeping it out of this thread.

FWIW, my Ukrainian in-laws freely admit to  Russian historical, cultural and ethnic connections, although they have no interest in Putin's (or Stalin's) version either.

That's the last I will say on this topic.

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17 minutes ago, LongLeftFlank said:

Perhaps you and @kraze might be better off staying out of that noxious swamp, or at least keeping it out of this thread.

FWIW, my Ukrainian in-laws freely admit to  Russian historical, cultural and ethnic connections, although they have no interest in Putin's (or Stalin's) version either.

That's the last I will say on this topic.

If you can't understand that a country in war with another country, doesn't want to be reminded of any historical, cultural and ethnic connections, than yeah, better to say no more. It's clear @Kraze is not in the mood for such remarks and I can't blame him.

Having said that I also know you meant no offence, so let's leave it at that.

Edited by Aragorn2002
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