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Struggling with the community

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As for whether PBEM is outdated, I can see your point of view. I think it would be nice to have both a direct link turnbased mode for when you have an opponent who wants to dedicate some hours to sit down and play out a whole game in one go, and also a lobby-based system for when you both want to do just a couple of turns daily.

I often like to set aside a whole afternoon to get a lot of turns done, and a direct link system would mean I wouldn't have to constantly load new turns, play, then quit the game, receive and load another turn, etc.

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PBEM is not I am afraid in my temperament even when I play a scenario it takes a week sometimes to complete it. RTS vs WEGO wish the RTS players an enjoyable time also not for me. I can manage the game on WEGO and since 'Beyond Overlord' I found the administration a challenge. I like three or more compagnies on a huge map. I hate bugs yesterday troops running over the street while I clearly plotted the routes through the backyards because the backdoors don't open. Troops also don't travel under a bridge but go over it. Think twice before I play a game with a bridge in it. Road to Nijmegen has forever my thumbs down because of bugs. If I get beat because of lack of knowledge I be grateful to the designer get beat because of a bug I have been wasting my time. 

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11 hours ago, BuzzCutPsycho said:

Poor time management doesn't change the fact that PBEM is an antiquated and outdated system. That's all. Have fun.


Repetition doesn't make your particular viewpoint true. PBEM is the only way a GMT-4 like myself can play with *everyone* else on the globe. Believe it or not, some folks live outside your mom's house in places like GMT+2 or like even GMT+9.

We get you don't have the patience to start an endeavor requiring effort longer than 2 hours in your need for immediate gratification.

No one is disputing the game should offer more immediate play modes than PBEM.

Start a poll and the most desired mode would still be PBEM. Don't confuse something that simply works as being obsolete. The internets only functions today on 'obselete' protocols.

Use your superior time management abilities to troll some other site.

Pro tip: Stop trying to knock other viewpoints down. It's a complex world out there once you leave the family basement where not every solution is a simple yes/no.

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24 minutes ago, Howler said:

Pro tip: Stop trying to knock other viewpoints down. It's a complex world out there once you leave the family basement where not every solution is a simple yes/no.


24 minutes ago, Howler said:

Repetition doesn't make your particular viewpoint true. PBEM is the only way a GMT-4 like myself can play with *everyone* else on the globe. Believe it or not, some folks live outside your mom's house in places like GMT+2 or like even GMT+9.

Irony: we loves to see it babes. 

I truly enjoy the wonderful debate of extremes we have. In one corner, in the blue shorts, 'everyone who plays PBEM is a geriatric' versus the red corner, 'everyone who disagrees with me is a NEET.'


Edited by Rinaldi
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2 hours ago, Rinaldi said:

Not in Education, Employment or Training, which certain ignoramuses assume everyone who isn't working themselves to death must be. 

Ah. Never heard of that. Thanks. 

I guess I qualify now since I just recently retired from 42 year in the military and civilian national defense. Time now to relax and have fun. 


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I feel like NEET should be NEETR (neater, heheh). The R stands for Retirement. I don't think we should be lumping in people who've worked hard all their lives and are now taking a much deserved rest with those do-nothing web-chatting louts. Besides, it's not like retired people weren't twice as active as today's youth anyways, whether you include NEETs or otherwise. I can feel in my creaky bones that I'm coming close to retiring myself, but not yet. My brother however, gosh, he spends so much time at the casino it's like he works there; and it's not like he's playing the slots all day long : I've seen him cheer up the pretty croupiers, make small talk with the regulars better than any waiter could, and even troubleshooting electronic poker machines. God bless that man, God bless those who have passion like he has.

- regards, Johnny C. 

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On 8/21/2021 at 6:17 AM, BuzzCutPsycho said:

I consider most modern military "veterans" to be indistinguishable from the people "living off the government" and doing "nothing to help mankind" you are whinging about.

I hereby rescind my defense of the "younger" generation.  Obviously they have have as many issues as we do.

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2 hours ago, Ultradave said:

Ah. Never heard of that. Thanks. 

I guess I qualify now since I just recently retired from 42 year in the military and Vivian national defense. Time now to relax and have fun. 


Ha!  I retired at the beginning of July and NOW my wife is worried I am working too hard.  All the little things I needed to do around the house are now on a big active list.  I am enjoying it though, I actually feel much more productive versus spending hours on zoom calls accomplishing nothing.

Regarding the generational argument.  Cracks me up as it happens with every generation, but I really sympathize with young folks now.  My generation did a lousy job handling our impact on the planet and they'll be paying the price.  Add to that the pace of change now and trying to stay relevant in the workplace is tough.  I managed to work in one field for 30+ years and be considered very proficient.  Nowadays that is a lot harder to do.

Now excuse me I am late for my morning moment of yelling at clouds.

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It was May for me. I love it. You’re right. Time to do things and space them out instead of having to cram all chores into a weekend. Also, I have too many hobbies. This is just one. And my wife and I love each other’s company even still, so being home all the time has been great. I have no regrets. I had a good career doing important work and worked with amazing engineers. Time to turn it over to some younger engineers that I’ve spent the last few years mentoring. They’ll do great. 


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2 hours ago, Rinaldi said:

I truly enjoy the wonderful debate of extremes we have. In one corner, in the blue shorts, 'everyone who plays PBEM is a geriatric' versus the red corner, 'everyone who disagrees with me is a NEET.'


No. Reasonable people disagree all the time and this was once considered a "feature" of polite society. There are no corners, PBEM is simply a supported mode of play. I do not believe anyone on this board ever described it as cutting edge.

It's not winner take all. I don't understand the need to remove a feature (i.e. PBEM) because someone unilaterally decided it was unnecessary.

You alluding to a "us vs them" dichotomy. You are reading to much in my post as I don't mind new play modes being added. I just don't understand the need to slag other posters. My moms once said that I should be able to take what I dish out. Is this not the case when someone else decides to be rude?

Say your piece politely without the drama and move on. We should be allowed to voice differing positions on any aspect of play without being labelled young, old, hip, blue or red.

While I may prefer reading (forums) over talking (discord). I see the value in having both and wouldn't want to remove either as an option for others to consider. A good illustration of a situation that shouldn't be 'winner take all'.

More importantly, I respect the effort @domfluff and others are making to engage and grow the community. It's all good.

All the best.

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22 minutes ago, Howler said:


No. Reasonable people disagree all the time and this was once considered a "feature" of polite society. There are no corners, PBEM is simply a supported mode of play. I do not believe anyone on this board ever described it as cutting edge.

It's not winner take all. I don't understand the need to remove a feature (i.e. PBEM) because someone unilaterally decided it was unnecessary.

You alluding to a "us vs them" dichotomy. You are reading to much in my post as I don't mind new play modes being added. I just don't understand the need to slag other posters. My moms once said that I should be able to take what I dish out. Is this not the case when someone else decides to be rude?

Say your piece politely without the drama and move on. We should be allowed to voice differing positions on any aspect of play without being labelled young, old, hip, blue or red.

While I may prefer reading (forums) over talking (discord). I see the value in having both and wouldn't want to remove either as an option for others to consider. A good illustration of a situation that shouldn't be 'winner take all'.

More importantly, I respect the effort @domfluff and others are making to engage and grow the community. It's all good.

All the best.

Great spiel, and I do agree. I just was wondering aloud why you felt the need to go down into the mud with him re: the mom's house "jokes" when you had a perfectly valid point otherwise, but that is your prerogative. 

But I'll contribute: I actually think Buzz has a point as well. We pay out the nose for these games, you are entirely entitled as consumers to demand the kitchen sink. PBEM, PBEM +++ or whatever the hell buzz phrase they are using, an actual peer-to-peer lobby system. Demand it all. 

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It's typical wargaming gate keeping. They scoff at progress for the sake of scoffing. Moving goal posts and making inane anecdotal arguments to justify what they see or do as either the only way or superior way. In a way it makes them feel that their club is special and unique and them youngins just won't get it.

Me personally? I read their replies and laugh at them. These people are stuck in self imposed stasis and reasonable discussion with most of them is a sisyphean task.

You can see that right away when they began to knock Discord (which I hate for privacy reasons, not convenience reasons) while still espousing the greatness of forums in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Unfortunately the entire message of the OP was lost once the boomer brigade latched onto how he met with people to play CM instead of the his genuine concerns with the quality of H2H battles and match finding.

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1 minute ago, BuzzCutPsycho said:

It's typical wargaming gate keeping...

You can see that right away when they began to knock Discord...

...was lost once the boomer brigade...

This thread has in a way proved how ridiculous the community can be despite it's small size.

Yes, of course, it's the community's fault. It's always somebody else's fault.

Another fine post. Your mom must be so proud...

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