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Russian army under equipped?

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I didn't want to create a new thread for this, and went for this one as the CMBS thread. Interesting new BBC online investigation that reveals a development I wasn't aware of:

"Inside a pro-Russia propaganda machine in Ukraine"


The purpose of my post isn't 'Russia-bashing,' but to point out a RL phenomenon that could provide a convincing backstory for CMBS scenarios/campaigns. To quote the end of the article:

"The revelations point to a problem for the propaganda-makers - making their often-absurd claims believable. But Aric Toler of the investigative website Bellingcat, suspects that believability may not be the whole point.
"I think that the fakes are not meant to be extremely convincing," Toler says. "All it takes is a few popular news outlets... to run a headline about a video of a Ukrainian far-right group 'reportedly' making a threat. The vast majority of people only look at headlines for stories and won't see any future retractions - so the damage is done."
Toler believes that the fake Russian Liberation Movement claiming the suspected Rostov arson - despite any evidence to back up the claim at all - may also have been somewhat effective.
"Perhaps the video was a smokescreen to hide the real purpose of the arson, or maybe it's just an opportunity to create this bogeyman of the anti-Putin ultranationalist.""

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  • 2 weeks later...

false flag attacks are nothing new.  here is one by Nazi Germany in preparation for the invasion of Poland


Definitely a viable option for a back story for any CM modern conflict. You could even create a scenario of the actual false flag attack as the beginning of a campaign.  Have the entire campaign be the initial steps to war.  Has some advantages as the forces involved should be small with out all the additional support elements that are typically there for a regular conflict campaign.  If you want to make sure that all the possible units including US are involved have it occur as a training campaign is being undertaken with NATO forces so as to explain the unusually rapid response by units with limited support.   Could be really fun.

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Preliminary results on a set of military equipment kit.


For the period of the pilot operation, about 500 training hours were spent in the control units. Based on this, we obtained certain statistics, which served as a basis for analysis and certain conclusions.
For example, as a whole, the accuracy of shooting was improved 1.5 times (from 12 to 8 cm), the penetration effect of bullets on the steel plate (10 mm) was increased by a factor of 2 (from 50 to 100 m). At the same time, the target detection range was increased 1.5 times at night (from 350 to 500 m) and it was possible to detect targets in smoke, fog, rain conditions due to thermal imaging sights up to 1200 meters.

Simultaneously with the experimental operation, comparative tests of 5.45 mm caliber automata were carried out: AK-12 and 6P67 and caliber 7.62 mm: AK-15 and 6P68. Their goal was to determine the effectiveness of prototypes of automata of each of the calibers in comparison with the standard samples and among themselves to develop recommendations on the appropriateness of adopting the best type of product for armament. In this direction, the work was conducted in three control groups: paratroopers, marine infantry, motorizedrifles.
The results of comparative tests showed that the fire efficiency of the 6P67 with respect to the AK-12 is 1.1 times higher at a range of up to 300 meters, and at longer distances, the AK-12 exceeds 1.1 times the automatic 6P67. Also, , that the effectiveness of fire with respect to the regular AK-74M increases two-fold in AK-12 and AK-15, and 2.3 times in 6P67.

In addition, the controlled operation of the AK-74M assault rifle was carried out in the framework of R&D "Obves". She showed that the rifle product has an increase in combat effectiveness in comparison with the base model. For accuracy of shooting, the AK-74M Obves is superior to the AK-74M almost 1.3 times.However, the new modernized product has significant problems, identified when the standards are met. In particular, the average arithmetic value of the results of the performance of the standard No. 13 "Incomplete disassembly of weapons" with a standard machine is 12.1 seconds, and with the AK-74M "Body" - 47.5 seconds. When the norm № 14 "Assembling weapons after incomplete disassembly" is fulfilled, the average arithmetical value of the results with the standard weapon is 18.6 seconds, and with the prototype -
1 minute 24 seconds, that is, it takes 4.4 times more time to fulfill the standard.


Much attention was paid to the means of aiming and surveillance, which were fully controlled under joint operation with weapons. At the same time, the methodology of stage-by-stage development of devices and sights by servicemen was worked out in accordance with their armament for a full-time post.
At the first stage, it was conducted to obtain from the warehouses all the necessary range of products in units with equipped storage facilities and secure them for personnel.
The next stage was the study of tactical and technical characteristics, device devices and sights, checking their performance before starting operation.
On the third day, skills and skills were developed for performing exercises day and night using appropriate sights.
At the final stage, experiments were conducted on the quantitative composition of a particular sight, the instrument in the staff structure of the unit and the military unit. Here the main goal was the development of recommendations taking into account the fulfillment of the main tasks in terms of what weapons, what sights and instruments, what items of combat equipment are necessary for each unit. It is the characteristics of the aiming devices, observations and the possibilities for their improvement that formed the basis for proposals for improving the methods and methods of unit operations in the performance of tactical tasks.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Quick question - I’m a fan of towed AT guns (What can I say, artilleryman through and through) is the Russian doctrine surrounding the 2A45M the same as what we have in game with the Ukrainian MT-12? These guns would have the same performance as those on modern Russian MBTs, correct?

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On 12/12/2017 at 9:27 PM, DougPhresh said:

Quick question - I’m a fan of towed AT guns (What can I say, artilleryman through and through) is the Russian doctrine surrounding the 2A45M the same as what we have in game with the Ukrainian MT-12? These guns would have the same performance as those on modern Russian MBTs, correct?

You can broadly set MT-12 to something between T-54/55 and T-62 - so it's purely a flashback from 60s. 2A45M is comparable to early/midlife T-64/T-72. The gun of today by construction that's capable of firing latest goodies yet lacking the best barrels and modern targeting.

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Interesting article, esp this: 

"Russia has managed to obviate the need for deploying large numbers of troops on the ground by bringing in private military companies. These companies consist of well-paid mercenaries, most of whom are retired Russian servicemen. The difference from the similar practice in the United States is that the Russian private military companies are not relegated to supporting roles. They are used as highly capable assault forces, and their personnel are often embedded with Syrian units to augment those units’ fighting ability. This approach has proved very useful both militarily and politically, as it minimizes the political cost of direct military intervention. The Russian public has proved completely indifferent to reports of the losses suffered by the mercenary companies, rightly believing that “these people are highly paid, and knew what they were getting into.” As a result ― and contrary to Western expectations ― Russian losses in Syria have not led to any negative domestic repercussions for the Putin administration."

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It seems to function like a version of the French Foreign Legion - expendable.  However, at least they are well paid. 

Have always felt that military service is (or should be) a admirable vocation, not "just a job" as it is now often presented as.  If it's "just a job" it makes perfect sense to hire oneself out to highest bidder and fight for money.

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5 hours ago, Erwin said:

This approach has proved very useful both militarily and politically, as it minimizes the political cost of direct military intervention. The Russian public has proved completely indifferent to reports of the losses suffered by the mercenary companies, rightly believing that “these people are highly paid, and knew what they were getting into.” As a result ― and contrary to Western expectations ― Russian losses in Syria have not led to any negative domestic repercussions for the Putin administration."


This is a lot like Blackwater and other US PMCs in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The main difference seems to be that the Russian PMCs are used in a more direct/active/offensive manner. 

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I wonder how many of Wagners personel are retired Special Forces or just on on sabbaticals like the 'vacationing' forces in Ukraine.

Kelly's Heros was quite prescient just instead of banks and gold bullion it's gas & oil wells as rewards!


...according to The New York Times, the Kremlin established a policy in Syria where companies that seize oil and gas wells, as well as mines, from ISIL forces would get oil and mining rights for those same sites. Two Russian companies received contracts under this policy by this time, with one employing the Wagner Group to secure those sites from the militants. Later, it was revealed that the company would receive 25 percent of the proceeds from oil and gas production at fields its PMCs captured and secured from ISIL.


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5 minutes ago, Wicky said:

I wonder how many of Wagners personel are retired Special Forces or just on on sabbaticals like the 'vacationing' forces in Ukraine.

Kelly's Heros was quite prescient just instead of banks and gold bullion it's gas & oil wells as rewards!


The New York Times is hardly a credible source after all the **** they have been involved in.

Nevertheless, rather Russian PMCs have the oil than the ISIS rats, no?
It does seem like a peculiar arrangement though. However, if the Assad regime doesn't have the cash to pay the PMCs up front, then it kind of makes sense. 

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On ‎20‎/‎12‎/‎2017 at 12:05 AM, Wicky said:

I wonder how many of Wagners personel are retired Special Forces or just on on sabbaticals like the 'vacationing' forces in Ukraine.

Kelly's Heros was quite prescient just instead of banks and gold bullion it's gas & oil wells as rewards!


Executive Outcomes worked on the same basis a few years back.

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On 2017-12-19 at 8:15 AM, AtheistDane said:

The New York Times is hardly a credible source after all the **** they have been involved in.

LOL - what. The NYT is a very credible new source. After all when they make a mistake they will correct it. Propaganda outlets don't do that. If your handle @AtheistDane is serious then you should value those that seek the truth and not just follow the party line by blind faith.

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10 hours ago, IanL said:

LOL - what. The NYT is a very credible new source. After all when they make a mistake they will correct it. Propaganda outlets don't do that.


The only part of what you wrote there that I agree with is that you put "NYT" and "propaganda" in the same line. 
All you have to do is to browse the NYT website and read the headlines and it will become obvious that the NYT has a clear political bias.
We saw this during the presidential campaign as well. 

10 hours ago, IanL said:

If your handle @AtheistDane is serious then you should value those that seek the truth and not just follow the party line by blind faith.


I'm not the one displaying a dogmatic belief in what a specific "news" outlet says, you are. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

This had been buzzing around online for some days and now appears to be official - it would dwarf the previous ISIS attack on Russian helicopters near Palmyra:

"Syria war: Photos 'reveal' Russia jet damage at Hmeimim base"


"A Russian military journalist has published photos of Russian warplanes which are believed to have been damaged by rebel shelling in Syria.

Roman Saponkov posted them on social media after reports of the attack.

Russia's defence ministry acknowledged a 31 December rebel mortar attack on Hmeimim airbase but denied any jets had been disabled.

It also confirmed two servicemen's deaths. Russia's Kommersant newspaper said seven jets had been destroyed.


According to Kommersant, in the attack "at least seven planes were destroyed: four frontline Su-24 bombers, two Su-35S multi-role fighters and an An-72 transport plane".

Posting on the social media site vKontakte, Saponkov listed the losses as: six Su-24s; one Su-35S; one An-72; one An-30 spy plane; and one Mi-8 helicopter."

I couldn't help but think about the RAND report Snakes in the Eagle's Nest. To quote from the conclusion of that study:

"In conclusion, attacks by small forces with the limited objective of destroying aircraft have succeeded in destroying or damaging over 2,000 aircraft between 1940 and 1992. This fact is powerful testimony to the effectiveness of small units using unsophisticated weapons against typical air base defenses and is a sobering precedent for those responsible for defending USAF bases against this threat."

I think there's an argument to be made here - putting aside naval airpower - in favor of long-range bombers and strike aircraft, using PGMs to compensate for long distance missions with loitering.

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Drone attack on an airfield  - new one on me


The drones, or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), used in the attempted attack were basic in design, Russian news site Lenta reports.

The UAVs featured an engine taped to a wooden frame, which carried two "home-made mines", it added.

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RUS MoD statement highlights:

1. Both Navy's Tartus and Air Force's Hmeimim were attacked.

2. There were 13 drones, 7 were taken down by Pantsyr SHORAD, C&C chain of the rest was taken over by ECM. Three of them blew up at landing and three landed intact.

3. The technology used in drones provides control over them at a distance of up to 100km.

4. The rest is barometers, GPS, actuators and the rest of what they call "advanced" technology...755154247720363.jpg



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 My guess is 12/31 attack was by drones also, leading to redoployment of assets to address the vulnerability and foil the subsequent attacks.

lol at the "Arabs are too stupid to do this narrative, must be CIA" narrative Russian MoD is pushing now.  Everything pictured is homemade, even ordnance. 

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