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combat mission battle for normandy price

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The game is also not 'old' because Battlefront keeps all titles current through upgrades so every title is just about at the same level.


Yes, the (excellent and very reasonable) paid upgrade system keeps the game at essentially the same level as titles that come out later.


However, IIRC, the CMBN demo itself is game version 1.10, while the current fully-upgraded title is 3.11. So, be aware that there have been many improvements over what you see in the demo. .

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I agree with every answer from the posters above

- but would like to stress one thing:


CM will give you far more gaming time that most other games: I bought CMBN at the release in 2011 and got the every module/pack after that. And I am still far from having played every scenario I have on my hard drive, probably only one third of them.


In terms of gaming hours per dollar, Combat Mission is the cheapest game I ever bought. Seriously.

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I agree with every answer from the posters above

- but would like to stress one thing:


CM will give you far more gaming time that most other games: I bought CMBN at the release in 2011 and got the every module/pack after that. And I am still far from having played every scenario I have on my hard drive, probably only one third of them.


In terms of gaming hours per dollar, Combat Mission is the cheapest game I ever bought. Seriously.


This is a key point. If you really enjoy the CM game system, then it stands a good chance of becoming the most cost-effective game (or general from of entertainment) that you have ever bought. I also have only made a modest dent in the supply of stock content despite having the game since it came out. I've played for countless hours, but with the ability to create your own maps and scenarios and all the player-made content out there, the game just keeps giving and giving and giving.


I've bought other WWII-based games over the last couple of years at deep discounts that never really felt like they were giving me my money's worth. Yet, CM with the paid upgrades has been more than worth every penny.

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The demo is free. Grabi it, give a play. Ask questions here about it. Then decide if you want to buy the whole game.


Play value: many computer games I've played have scripted storylines. You wake up in a lab, have to escape, get to the "rescue" location, and perform some side quests along the way. These games have limited replay value. Like a movie, the script never changes no matter how many times you watch it. Some games take 8 hours to finish, other games take 20 hours to finish. But they all finish.


Combat Mission is infinite.


Every battle is different. You have the full editor at your disposal. You can create any battle of almost any size.


The purchase price is higher than some games. The replayability is higher than all games.


If you're interested in tactical warfare, you need to try the demo. If you like it, buy it.



(There is a steep learning curve. The game can be hard for new players. Once past that initial phase, it becomes second nature to play. Post your questions to the forum.)


(Another analogy: board games have a MUCH more limited playability than Combat Mission. The maps and counters are the limiting factor. They are physical objects and I cannot change them or duplicate them. CM has no such limit.)





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CM is a well done, niche product, designed for a specific target audience.  Economics 101 says it is going to be expensive.  There are plenty of fun, cheap mass market WWII games out there, just don't expect them to be realistic.

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why is combat mission battle for normandy so expencive for a game thats really old



1. Because it's a niche product that caters to a small but dedicated group of fans. Not enough fans to shift lots of units, so price per unit goes up.


2. There's no real competition. Combat Mission is almost a genre of its own.


3. Many of the players are retired generals with lots of retirement funds.


4. No seriously though, many of the players are used to play tabletop wargames, which can be expensive. So they are used to paying.


5. Deep gameplay means a lot of replayability and value for money.



I'm personally not too concerned about the price of the CM games, as long as BattleFront does not give in to the temptation to just milk the franchise. If they continue to update the series meaningfully, adding fidelity to the simulation, and working to fix serious flaws, I'll be happy to help them pay their bills.

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Remy appears to have made his CMBN purchase so I guess he no longer needs any responses to convince him! :D

Ha, another one has been assimilated!

Damn I wish my other hobby were this cheap. Looking to get a new jointer for my workshop. Struggling to not spend over a $1000 on it.

Edited by sburke
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  • 4 months later...

The demo is free. Grabi it, give a play. Ask questions here about it. Then decide if you want to buy the whole game.


Play value: many computer games I've played have scripted storylines. You wake up in a lab, have to escape, get to the "rescue" location, and perform some side quests along the way. These games have limited replay value. Like a movie, the script never changes no matter how many times you watch it. Some games take 8 hours to finish, other games take 20 hours to finish. But they all finish.


Combat Mission is infinite.


Every battle is different. You have the full editor at your disposal. You can create any battle of almost any size.


The purchase price is higher than some games. The replayability is higher than all games.


If you're interested in tactical warfare, you need to try the demo. If you like it, buy it.



(There is a steep learning curve. The game can be hard for new players. Once past that initial phase, it becomes second nature to play. Post your questions to the forum.)


(Another analogy: board games have a MUCH more limited playability than Combat Mission. The maps and counters are the limiting factor. They are physical objects and I cannot change them or duplicate them. CM has no such limit.)






It's more than that here. Massive difference between the demo of CMBN and the 1st 3 CM's, which I purchased as soon as they were released. Recently returned to CM and downloaded the Demo. Movement and camera commands are entirely different. No longer is user able to simply "right click" on the mouse and go about issuing command and move the camera along in a simple path by sliding the mouse. Everything is tedious now. My PC is not slow by any means either, hardware or graphics GPU with an 8 core AMD cpu and 7750 AMD card.


My "hope" is that the 3.11 update does something to restore the old, "right click" where movements can be ordered to units, targeting etc.. Once again. This was a catastrophic mistake on Battelfront's part to remove.


Searched over the forums a couple of times but saw nothing on this.



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<snip>Massive difference between the demo of CMBN and the 1st 3 CM's,  <snip> Movement and camera commands are entirely different.


Yes, big changes that is true.  It has been such a long time since I payed the 1x games I forget what was different about the camera movement.  I only remember I like the new way better - well except the camera flies when the mouse goes to the edge of the screen - I still don't like that.


No longer is user able to simply "right click" on the mouse and go about issuing command


I hope I am remembering this right but I think the space bar brings up a menu near the mouse pointer.  I think that is similar.


move the camera along in a simple path by sliding the mouse. <snip>

Ah, sure you can click the mouse and slide it and the camera moves in the direction fo the slide.

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Yes, big changes that is true.  It has been such a long time since I payed the 1x games I forget what was different about the camera movement.  I only remember I like the new way better - well except the camera flies when the mouse goes to the edge of the screen - I still don't like that.



I hope I am remembering this right but I think the space bar brings up a menu near the mouse pointer.  I think that is similar.


Ah, sure you can click the mouse and slide it and the camera moves in the direction fo the slide.


Thank you for your kind replies to several of my questions Ian. The R/Click to give movement commands and targeting orders was/is my biggest gripe. I still wish it was not removed and still in many ways hope to see it, if do end up getting the full version shortly.


Spent several hours trying to fight that "dashing mouse" you described also.. And that spacebar command you described to bring up movement commands I thought were lost? Might just be the ticket to reinstall the demo had uninstalled for what thought would be a game too different to be worth it.




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I would not sell the game short from these trivial concerns.  The camera is an easy thing to get used to or even customize for your ease of use.  Just takes a night or two to setup.  Use the keyboard to move the camera.  Not very hard and I find easier than using the mouse.  You can even customize it however suits you.


The "dashing mouse"  not sure what you or Ian is talking about here.  My screen moves pretty smoothly when I push the mouse to the edge of the screen?


I recommend getting a customizable mouse.  Mine has Mucho buttons that I can configure to work with almost any command.  For example: I have my mid-mouse button setup to toggle trees.  I also have buttons setup for "target" and "quick".  Two of my more used commands.  Makes things a hell of a lot easier. 

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I would not sell the game short from these trivial concerns. The camera is an easy thing to get used to or even customize for your ease of use. Just takes a night or two to setup.

Yes, I totally second that. Just spend a bit of time learning it and it will pay off

I use the keyboard to move the camera the majority of the time. A lesser amount I use the click and drag method. What I like about those is that you control the speed and can slow down as you get closer to your destination.

I find the camera edge movement less useful because it is constant speed I have never been happy with controlling it. What upsets me is when I accidentally trigger if by moving the mouse out if the way. Drives me nuts.

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Welcome to the forum, johnsilver. As I found out when CMBN was first released, CM2 is so different from CM1 that it needs to be treated as an entirely new game, not just an upgrade of CM1. You're going to have to start fresh and learn everything like you would with a game you had never played before. The curve is steep, but well worth it. I could never go back to CM1 again.

Now, I have a bone to pick with you. Why, in the name of all that is good, did you ever get rid of the "peg legs"? They were so much more tasty than those newfangled "chicken planks" or whatever you call them now. Also, you don't give away the cardboard pirate hats any longer? What's up with that? LJS has seriously gone downhill since I was a kid.


Pure 1980s goodness....no longer available. :-(

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When I first started in CM it was with CMBN 1.1. The camera control drove me mad initially. When I discovered keyboard controls it made it a lot easier.

Mouse for rapid, large scale "going across the whole map" types of movement

Keyboard shortcuts for precision control

It made a huge difference in my enjoyment of the game but it does take a bit of experience to be fully comfortable. Give it a try, thousands of players are able to enjoy it, I'm sure you will too. :)

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Thanks everyone for the help with regards to movement and what to expect/not to expect in the final version in camera movement that I was asking. I DID purchase the title (CMBN + Commonwealth Forces) several hours ago from Battlefront, though am still waiting for it to download.. Seems the 10GB file is going to take more than half a day to download, even though I have blistering fast internet service myself.



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Converting from CMx1 to CMx2 games is not a easy task.

But the first thing to remember is not to compare.

There is many differences besides how you give commands or control the camera.

I Found I had to re-address how to use my units and what type of commands to give them also.

But the truth is, the CMX2 game plays much more realistically than the older games.

Just be patient and remember to do proper things and the game will be rewarding. With time you will not think about the interface and how you have to use it, all that stuff becomes second nature with time.

I don't even think about how I control the camera anymore, its just second nature.

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If anyone else has the same issues as I did with jerky movements with the camera on the demo, movement being difficult to give and flat out difficult command of the camera at all from the mouse..


That all went away with the retail 3.11 download version. While movement of the camera via the mouse and giving orders (movement) still hasn't grown as 2nd nature yet as it did in CM1, it's much smoother overall than the demo and hope people don't rely on those quirks to misjudge what seems to be another fine title to Battlefront's list.



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Would it be possible to automate the response to the regular "why is **** so expensive?" questions.  That would save so much time having to go over all the same answers all over again.


I'm with you on that one. Seems there's one of these posts cropping up every week now.

To be honest, I'm poor as heck, with barely two nickels to rub together, but I own CMBN and CMSF.

If I can do it, anyone can do it.

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