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slysniper last won the day on February 9 2022

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    Louisville, Ky USA
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  1. Well, that is good news to a extent. It isnt fixed, but at least you know you have not lost anything, How long to fix and get updated is another story, it will be what it will be, Issues like this dont resolve themselves and it takes someone having to put time into it to get it resolved. And when its in IT's hand, you have no control of when that time will be spent.
  2. Well, let us know of any updates as to what is happening. Nothing good about it, no matter how you want to look at it. Its just deciding as to how to move forward and where to go from here. (adapt and overcome)
  3. Ok, Artkin, review and take some of your own advice. You are also one that likes to throw Fuel on the fire all the time. Why, what is it getting you. Well I know what it gets you, because I like to do it also, to peaple like you. Almost anytime I see a post from you I know the chances of it being anything other than negative and or condensending is going to be very low. Case in point. (So maybe Bubba was out of line and made the issue more of a issue. I dont know or care) But I do see you here determined to carry the fued on and be the inforcer for the other side ((good job) The only post that has any substance is this The great irony of the "Information Age" is in how it has allowed disinformation to flourish. The phenomena isn't limited to the younger posters, there are plenty of 'gray beards' that immediately assume that their opinion is fact, without a single shred of evidence to support their claim. They are all to willing to ignore contrary opinions, no matter how well reasoned the counter arguments may be. The situation is bad enough when there is an objective 'truth' - that requires evidence and facts - involved, It becomes even worse when the argument is over something subjective, often times becoming a matter of taste or preference - 'to-may-to' versus 'to-mah-to'. And on the Subject of Hotkey, which you have complained about at least 100 times On the subject of hotkeys - yeah theyre absolute garbage and need to be updated. I've already posted about this before on these forums. I said that the wack hotkeys are bound to dissuade people from playing these games. As longtime players of CM, you guys should know that theres a hotkey file that can be altered. And that should be mentioned. No other game has a hotkey pattern thats similar to CM. It's inefficent and confusing. It has to go. OK, point noted, noted again and noted I really dont know if its 100 or 10 or a 1000 times. Yes it could be improved, and yes it would be nice if it match other games. But wait, what other games, which games are the standards, when was the standard created, who said it was the standard, and who inforces the standard. I just smile when people think that there was a standard to hold to. Likely when they worked on these games, there was more inconsistancy in general as to what was out there. If anyone knew the standard, if there was such a thing, these guys had worked for companies that would have known it, so they would have known it and what, just said screw it. I could make the same complaint about phones, Why the helll can they not all operate the same. It is so frustrationg that they each have to have their own methods for commands and cannot even run on the same operating systems. I dont know what CMx3 will bring when it comes to how it operates. But I know enough to know that the features have even more options and there will be new ways to access those options. I dont know what standard one would think they should be held to, but I can assume, no matter what they produce. I am sure you will find fault with it no matter what efforts have been made. That is the only thing I am sure of. Do you tell a painter how to paint, then why do you think you can tell a game designer how to design. Just because you hang a painting on your wall, does not make you the expert. Just because you play computer games, it does not make you the expert.
  4. I do not know where you get this common wisdom from. Arty vs tanks for the WW2 games has been pretty effective , I do not recall any modifications that have ever been done that has made a change to it in any major way. A lot of these view points come from statements of someone having tried something and it did not work out in the game instead of any real testing to see what the game actually does. Like I recall a player complaining about it and when I looked into it he was using 81 mm mortar. "Not going to happed bud". Try 155 and come back to me and we will discuss how effective arty is. I think the best testing and complaint that has been done that shows results that arty still has issues to its modelling was the one resently done that did show the lack of sub systems being effected .
  5. well, I guess it all depends if you can catch the tank not moving. My mode of testing was to run the armor through a barrage and see what type of resuls I was gettting. Seldom does a player let his armor sit under a barrage if he sees rounds start to fall. I will agree modern stuff can be more accurate and then with the specialized shells, very deadly. But I will stick wityh a general barrage on modern tanks not very deadly. Just painful.
  6. Just dont try it onthe modern game periods. You will not get the same results. The arty is much more affective in the WWII stuff, Only the specialized stuff in the modern titles will be effective general arty will prety much only immobilize
  7. I found 3 to 5 games is a good amount. If you find someone that does multible turns a day, then the 3 games make more sence. If everyone is only managing a turn a day at the most, then 5 is better. If someone only does a turn or 2 a week, they are a lost contact to me after one game.
  8. If you had to go to combat and you have only these two weapons to choose from for yourself and your life depended on it, which would you take. That maybe solves the debate, for you anyway. MG's always seem like the weapon of death and destruction. But they are weak if not supported by other units. So, if I had to rate it for all situations one might find themselves in, then also for the fact of which would likely have less down time in combat, and which would I prefer to have to pack around in all types of terrain, then the Bren is my choice. If all I have to do is sit in a defensive positions, I have two other MG's also covering the same area and I have a crew of men to support the weapon, then of course the MG 42 is my weapon of choice. Everything has a purpose, the trick is to get the best out of what each is designed for.
  9. How about having a little more hope. Like CMx3 BEING CREATED AND IT WILL PICK UP WHERE CMx2 leaves off at. so continue to work back in WWII but also able to take what has been done in CMX2 and at a quicker pace convert those games into CMX3 versions. I also wonder if what trends as the best period for sales will not change in the near future. There is a reason as to what is the most possible period. What is the majority age of the buyers and where their interest lies. For the younger groups that will become the majority of players in this hobby, they will determine what is the period of most interest. Not what the old guard likes, which is getting smaller all the time since age and health is taking them out.
  10. well, I am waiting to see, mini drones that have programming that will be able to track other drones and be basically like an heat seekling missile. So basically suicide drones to take out other drones in the sky. smaller, faster and capable of disabiling other drones. So where does it all go to, really dont know. but I agree with the concept that we are at a point where its the early stages of developement. where does this new warefare end at. who knows?
  11. Let me throw this question out there. Does anyone think that the drone warfare we presently see become a thing in the past at somepoint in the near future. In otherwords, I have a hard time believing that there is not tech weapons being made that can elimate drones from the skies. Basically drone warfare in the skies. I am sure that there is stuff that has been done in Western developer hands that could be used for such purposes. Russia, not so much, they dont seem to have a present answer and if I was a western power with the possible answer, I sure would not expose it now so that the tech could be mimiced at this time.
  12. best thing to do with that is when playing h2h. The weaker player is assigned the side that is recommended as AI. That will make for the best H2H play of the battle. players will generally do better than the AI. as to game play. So in theory, the AI beefed up some to help make for a good battle.
  13. Well, before blaming all your problems on the designer of the scenario, maybe you should evaluate the skill level you are playing at. I have not finished the battle, but here is where I left off at. I still have a hour and 33 minutes left in the battle. My losses are at 68 men, the Germans at 194. I lost interest because of the ease of the battle at this point. I thought the map to be well done, the challedge to be good and the oppotunity to use the wasp as very enjoyable since they are a key to the success of this mission. If I do ever finish it, I for sure see no problem with getting to the final objective and keeping things in my favor. So, how can there be so much varience?? The designer cannot solve that problem unless, they started creating 4 or 5 versions of each battle, set for different difficulty levels.
  14. OK, just tried all sorts of ways to get the top mounted 50 cal to fire. and I did manage to do it only one way. The tank must be unbuttoned, there must be a target in the line of sight from the commander to the mg gun and then to the target, I was using a infantry target. Then I had the main gun or turret MG firing at something in their present direction or area firing in their present direction. If the turret guns are presently focused on other targeting, then the commander will fire the top MG if by chance he has a target in the general direction that is in line with where the gun is mounted to him. So how often will you have that, where just by chance the enemy just is at the 7 oclock position at the same time you are firing straight ahead. Also the graphics are screwed up when it did work, but I have reported that to BF already
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