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The Vehicle Pack is out!

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An Activation Readme would have been nice to include with the zip to read before installation instead of digging about in the game folder.

To summarise:

The pack needs a working 3.00 install to start with

1. Install Vehicle Pack via Setup.exe (includes v3.10 update)

2. Launch CMBN

3. Press Activate & use 3.00 key (DOES NOT USE UP ACTIVATIONS per BF)

4. Quit

5. Use Activate Modules Shortcut in CMBN Start Menu folder

6. Use Big Bundle Key to activate CW & MG modules (in my case)

7. Repeat 5

8. Use Vehicle Pack Key to activate Vehicle Pack

Run game

The question I have is if in the future I install this on a new machine from fresh, can I install everything first then do the above activations (3.0, modules, Vehicle Pack) all in one go?

No quibbles from me on the pricing. If you don't like it, don't buy it. I view the module purchases as like buying a box of soldiers, except I don't have to paint em or glue the tank kits together, and 1 costs the same as 100. The joys of computer gaming. :)

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Having quietly supported this stable of games for many years, I've almost had enough now. After waiting for a long-delayed patch to fix the issues with RT, I am now offered instead the latest in an increasingly small and insubstantial BUT increasingly expensive series of add-ons. I note all the flame units are here, and not in the still awaited patch. Basically, the company's business model now seems to be to offer less and less content for more and more money. The number of scenarios and campaigns (particularly) is already much reduced - clearly Battlefront expect fans to continue to pick up the slack to an ever-greater extent. We have an appropriate saying in the UK for this kind of distain, it is "taking the piss".

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Buck72 - If you read the official line from Steve, the product is over 3 years old and interest does decline for add-ons over time. So to make the work worthwhile in effect you are getting less bang for your buck for these late addons.

Seems fair enough to me if you view it terms of the the lifecycle of the game.

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If the Pack is not worth the money to you, don't buy it. It's certainly not necessary for enjoyment of the game; there's LOTS of stuff to play with, even if you just consider the CMBN "Base Game" only.

Personally, I think it's easily worth $10 to watch a platoon of Crabs flailing their way across a minefield in the game, and another $10 to watch a Sherman Croc trundle its way up to a bunker and cook it well-done. Playing with the M12 is also quite a trip. The rest of the Pack is just gravy. But to each their own.

And bear in mind, the alternative if the Vehicle Pack does not do well is not "BFC releases future vehicle packs for less money," it's "BFC doesn't release vehicle packs in the future at all."

From what I've seen, based on amount of effort required to make the product, amount charged, and likely sales, I'd guess the Vehicle Pack will probably have one of the lowest RoIs of any CMx2 product they've put out so far. It's a labor of love, not profit.

But love only goes so far; it doesn't put food on the table or pay the mortgage. As such, I really doubt BFC will be inclined to in drop the price on any hypothetical future "Pack" releases. If the Pack it doesn't do well, they'll probably just scrap the concept entirely and stick to major game titles and large modules for the future. This will probably mean no more rare, but fun stuff like Crocs, Crabs, R-35s, etc. to play with in future games. :( It's just too much effort to include these things in the major game releases/modules; they need to get some kind of return on the amount of effort it takes to make this stuff.

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Am happy I bought the vehicles pack. I actually bought the hard copy and with mail that came to $50.

I don't begrudge the price as I feel I am still paying for 15 years on the xnt CM1 which is still very much alive and well and being played a lot at many other sites like WeBoB, FGM etc.

However, is this vehicle pack good value? That's hard to justify since it didn't come with any scenarios that actually feature the new vehicles. I was very disappointed about that for a $50 dollar (or even $30) pack. So, now it sits there on my HD with no mission.

I am very fortunate that I can afford the cost. However, I also know that I don't have the talent or time to design good scenarios, let alone the massive work that goes into creating CM2 campaigns. Well-designed and tested scenarios and campaigns is what I would be happy to pay for.

Otherwise, my concern is that the CM2 series is increasingly becoming merely a "work kit" that requires volunteers to make the scenarios that are the whole point of buying a game - because it's about playing the game, not just looking at nice graphics and cute new vehicles.

Here's some stats from my HD including all scenarios and campaigns available for d/l. (There are probably only a few more out there I haven't found.)


Scenarios: 503

Campaigns: 56


Scenarios: 279

Campaigns: 31


Scenarios: 335

Campaigns: 3

CMRT (expected to be most popular):

Scenarios: 49

Campaigns: 3

If BF wants to continue to provide packs, they should at least include scenarios so that customers can immediately enjoy the product.

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I liked the idea of the funnies and welcome the fact they are now available. Makes D Day scenarios or assaults on fortified positions (such as the operations against the Channel Ports much more viable. The new download/installation process was someewhat convoluted to put it mildly although the anti piracy issue is understandable. Having to reactivate all the modules was a pain though as I think many of us found.

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bit more of thinking please- it is too expensive for what it is

-- and yes- ´ld rather donate 10$ for my favourite company to stay alive than give a publisher 20$ to support a bad marketing strategy, which sustains there decision and encourage them for other future packs.

Smart thinking. Because if they didn't make this pack all we'd ever have new for CMBN is whatever engine upgrades might come with future editions of the titles—it would effectively be dead as far as any new vehicles and/or OOBs are concerned. I love that logic. And then we'd get to listen to people bitch, because as we all know, even the upgrades should be free.

You guys depress me.


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Darknight Cannuck says the Wasp became available in Oct '44. Kanonier Reichman says soon after D-Day. Who will win this difference of opinion? I like Darknight's list of vehicles that can still be added by the way. Maybe not quite as sexy as this Pack has but still good stuff.

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Player A has the Base Game only

Player B has the Base Game + Module 1

Player C has the Base Game + Module 1 + Module 2

Player A and Player B can go head to head using the content from Base Game and Module 1, but not Module 2. Player A and Player C, as well as Player B and Player C, can use Base, Module 1, and Module 2.

That is brilliant! Brilliant! There is no other word. I guess my fan boi is showing :D

I have a couple of friends who have not kept up with modules - this would help convince them I am sure.

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I bought a sandwich for lunch today. It took an unskilled laborer 5 minutes to make. I asked her why it took so long. She called me an a**hole. I went to the register and found it cost $8. I asked why so much. They told me to leave and never come back. I asked about a license for activation when I get hungry tomorrow and they said I would have to pay all over again . . . somewhere else because they don't want me to come back. 4 hours later I have forgotten what it tasted like.

Perspective is an interesting thing

Oh man that was funny. Nice friendly place you used to eat at:D

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Smart thinking. Because if they didn't make this pack all we'd ever have new for CMBN is whatever engine upgrades might come with future editions of the titles—it would effectively be dead as far as any new vehicles and/or OOBs are concerned. I love that logic. And then we'd get to listen to people bitch, because as we all know, even the upgrades should be free.

You guys depress me.


A very large +1.

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Well said, Mord. But let's not take all that nonsense too serious. Most comes from guys with only a handful of posts and apparently not even a handful of brains.

Btw, nice touch to add the scenario design DAR/AAR of Jon Sowden. It reads a lot easier this way and I'm definitely going to read it. All in all a great pack, which will give us a lot of fun.

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I have read this extensive thread and I especially enjoyed Erwin's comments. I recently just caught up last week to 3.0 for my Mac, and suddenly it's 3.10 now. Sigh. Here we go again. I just shake my head.

I love the addition of the flame vehicles, don't get me wrong, but I believe they will just collect the proverbial "dust" on my HD for a very long time since there are no scenarios for their use.

My decision is to wait and see. Probably more waiting than seeing.

This is a wonderful game and I am truly thankful to the developers for its existence. But it doesn't mean I have to agree with everything either.


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Otherwise, my concern is that the CM2 series is increasingly becoming merely a "work kit" that requires volunteers to make the scenarios that are the whole point of buying a game - because it's about playing the game, not just looking at nice graphics and cute new vehicles.


If BF wants to continue to provide packs, they should at least include scenarios so that customers can immediately enjoy the product.

I agree that MORE included battles and campaigns would be great to have.

My beta-part on the vehicle pack was quite small. Most of my time is devoted to REDACTED BY MODERATOR and REDACTED BY MODERATOR.

I put in a lot of hours checking other peoples' work. (That means I did FAR less than they did. :) ) To have run through battles/campaigns would've added a lot more effort.

Effort=Cost to you + a delay.

Battles/Campaigns released by BFC must be "tight". They are official. I can create "March of the Crocodiles", featuring a squadron of these beasties roasting their way across the bocage, but BFC cannot. It would be a lame battle, not up to BFC's standards.

I'd pay for a disk full of decent battles. Good maps, decent fights or interesting ones at least. Downloading one at a time for the depository is a pita.

We hear the Vehicle Pack is too expensive, not worth it, etc. (A minority of whingers, agreed. ;) ) What would happen if a battle pack were released? "What? You're charging me for this? I could make this myself with the editor!" Etc.

Again, I agree: more battles and more campaigns are the lifeblood of this series. I'm willing to pay for them. Are others willing to pay? Will that be enough?


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Good points, Ken. And we forget something rather important. The old CM series only blossomed because of all the scenarios and campaigns made by third parties. Okay, the new editor is more complicated, but as someone who is working on his first scenario I dare to say that the learning curve isn't too steep. And believe me, I'm not the brightest with this sort of thing. ;-)

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Darknight Cannuck says the Wasp became available in Oct '44. Kanonier Reichman says soon after D-Day. Who will win this difference of opinion? I like Darknight's list of vehicles that can still be added by the way. Maybe not quite as sexy as this Pack has but still good stuff.

They were found in the Normandy timeframe with Canadian formations, so they should be fair game for a CMBN battlepack. They were utilized more effectively in the Scheldt battles (Oct-Nov 44), which is where my mind was going last night when I made the list.

Most definitely the Wasp II/IIC should be strongly considered for inclusion in any possible future Battlepacks.

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The installation is complex.

When it was ended, the opus Commonwealth was missing.

During the reinstallation of the latter, more average to insert the keys of licenses.

Due to installing complementary modules, if it arrives a problem on the pc, it will become very complex to reinstall everything.

I am certainly going to drop fight mission definitively.

There are too many complementary(additional) modules.

And of complex installations


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And bear in mind, the alternative if the Vehicle Pack does not do well is not "BFC releases future vehicle packs for less money," it's "BFC doesn't release vehicle packs in the future at all."

Very well put. Indeed, the options are either:

1. Make a product that is financially viable

2. Do not make a product that is not financially viable

There is no third option to "make a product that is not financially viable". At least not on purpose :D

We have more things to do with our time than we have time to do them. It is absolutely stupid, and bad for customers, for us to focus on things which only a few people want IF they are unwilling to cover the costs. The whole Pack concept (Vehicle, Forces, and Battles) is an experiment to see if there's a way to continue to extend the lifespan of a Family in a way that makes financial sense to us, the guys who have to risk our careers making the games.

I've seen a couple mentions of the much delayed Red Thunder patch. A quick update here, then I'll post to the Red Thunder forum. Basically, the biggest thing the patch needed to fix is the building entering problem. That took a LONG time to track down and address. Then we ran into some issues with the DRM we use. The latter also delayed the Vehicle Pack release. There was another technical problem that affected both as well. But now it looks like we're clear (enough) of the problems that the patch should be coming out very soon.


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I don't know, i guess i am just goofy this way, but when i work i do liked to get paid for my efforts. So i understand their position and have no problem paying for upgrades/packs/modules. If i don't want it, i won't buy it. I believe Battlefront is a company trying to make money, not a sort of wargaming all you can eat buffet

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