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Operation Market Garden announced!

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Steve is very active on the forums lately, something must be up...

Ow wait: Not to worry, there are some urban centric improvements on the way for you guys very soon. Some will be in Market Garden, others will be in the not-too-distant-future Upgrade v3.0.

This is wonderful news!

Can we pre-order yet, he he he.

one question : can v2.xx engine games be upgradable to v.3.0?


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All this corporate-speak about maximizing profits may lead BFC to entirely abandon the genre they to love for the 'big bucks' doing "My Little Pony" iphone games for nine year old Japanese schoolgirls. Make 'em filthy rich. You wouldn't want Steve to go that route, would you? :eek: :o

You apparently haven't heard of the adult male my little pony fans. Not that I'm one.

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Unfortunately this is the second Market-Garden thread that has been hijacked by the same people who just cannot stop harping about BF's families/modules/upgrades sales model.

There is a line from a one of my favorite films that some individuals should take to heart: "It ain't right and it ain't wrong. It just is." The new sales model "just is." The old model of one game featuring an entire theater with massive amounts of content for $50-60 was great for us wargame consumers, but, as BF has informed us numerous times, it almost ruined them.

BF states that their new sales model is working for them, and I'm pleased to hear it because it will mean they'll keep making new products which should be looked upon as a good thing.

Anyway, I'm thrilled about the upcoming module. One very pleasant surprise is the inclusion of historically accurate maps. I was expecting the scenarios and campaigns to feature maps that were just approximations of their actual counterparts with some generic bridges and windmills thrown in for flavor. I did not expect re-creations of the actual bridges of Arnhem and Nijmegen. It sounds great!

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As so many have said, Battlefront's pricing is very fair (and probably a bit too low, IMO)

Please don't say that, they are listening ;P

Not to worry, there are some urban centric improvements on the way for you guys very soon. Some will be in Market Garden, others will be in the not-too-distant-future Upgrade v3.0.

I'm not sure if I understand correctly. So there are going to be some engine improvements(urban) in module or not?

While I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts with us, I think it's better to leave the game development and game marketing decisions to those who do it for a living.

So I would like to ask(ask, not say how I would better make this businesses than you) one thing because actually last time when i was talking about this "debate" went in different way speaking gently :). What is actually the problem with this approach. We would have for example one core game for each different theater. West front, Italian and Eastern. Every player than can actually expand this base game for a new units, different part of the front, different operations and time periods they want with modules. They can of course buy upgrades to make their game better. At the beginning with module policy i thought it would actually look like this. It's very comfortable and flexible for user than actually buying new game for a single operation like Bulge. And this doesn't necessary mean lowering your income because it still depends from module and upgrades policy(how many and in what form you will release them). And big majority of community would buy all of them anyway and maybe those old players who resign would be more satisfied(maybe or maybe not...) . So what are actually drawbacks of this?

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You apparently haven't heard of the adult male my little pony fans. Not that I'm one.

Unfortunately I have. One of the biggest head scratching moments of my life. But then again, most people think I'm crazy for collecting bits and bobs of militaria. Especially when they see the volume that I've amassed!

Unfortunately this is the second Market-Garden thread that has been hijacked by the same people who just cannot stop harping about BF's families/modules/upgrades sales model.

Yeah, sorry about that. Unfortunately it's logical for it to happen this way. I'll try to keep it down to a dull roar.

Anyway, I'm thrilled about the upcoming module. One very pleasant surprise is the inclusion of historically accurate maps. I was expecting the scenarios and campaigns to feature maps that were just approximations of their actual counterparts with some generic bridges and windmills thrown in for flavor. I did not expect re-creations of the actual bridges of Arnhem and Nijmegen. It sounds great!

This is one of the things we hope to do more of in the future. It really helps with gameplay for those who have a strong sense of history. But we're not exactly sure when/where it will be applicable because most battlefields lack major distinctive, well known landmarks for us to bother making.

I'm not sure if I understand correctly. So there are going to be some engine improvements(urban) in module or not?

Again, they will be made available for everybody in free patch form. But Market Garden people will get it right away while others might have to wait a bit for us to make and test other patches.

What is actually the problem with this approach. We would have for example one core game for each different theater. West front, Italian and Eastern. Every player than can actually expand this base game for a new units, different part of the front, different operations and time periods they want with modules. ... So what are actually drawbacks of this?

I'm confused. You just described, fairly accurately, the way things already work. Except that you mentioned only Modules, but there are also Packs that will soon be in the mix.

There are drawbacks to any system, and our system is not an exception. However, given the alternatives we feel quite strongly that overall this is the best solution for everybody. Including us. Because by definition if it doesn't work well for us it doesn't work at all for you guys :D


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I'm confused. You just described, fairly accurately, the way things already work. Except that you mentioned only Modules, but there are also Packs that will soon be in the mix.

Not exactly. You've decided to divided it more in to separate families. Cut Battle for Bulge and Normandy into separate families. Or Eastern Front into four. I was talking about... hmm... call it "bigger" games

What packs? Did I miss something?

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Not exactly. You've decided to divided it more in to separate families. Cut Battle for Bulge and Normandy into separate families. Or Eastern Front into four. I was talking about... hmm... call it "bigger" games

Oh, I see! Every system has it's breaking points where concepts collide with practical reality. There are a multitude of practical issues with having too many Modules/Packs within a particular Family. Which means we have to go with a "clean slate" every so often or those problems start to get in the way of things. Given the huge annual changes on the Eastern Front we don't see any practical way to keep it one huge Family. Western Front is a little more debatable, but currently we are sticking to the notion that it will be a separate Family. Likewise North Africa, whenever we get around to it, won't be a continuation of Fortress Italy. But because the force/unit change overs in Italy is more modest we do think it's practical to finish up to 1945 with another Module.

From a cost standpoint there will likely be very little difference to the customer if we kept the Eastern Front one Family or the planned 4. The only negative thing about dividing up a Front/Theater is that players will have to load different games to play the different timeframes. We understand that can be a nuisance, but we do feel it's unavoidable. Er, unless we come up with something clever and that is always a possibility :D

What packs? Did I miss something?

Yes :) It's been discussed a bit here and there for the last year. Packs are narrower, smaller releases that don't necessarily have a focus on a particular battle. They are going to be priced lower and proportional to what we put into them. The first planned Pack is or Normandy and it will things like Allied "Funnies" and obscure vehicles found with 21st (and other) Panzer Divisions in June. I don't know what else might be included as we have not finalized it yet.


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Well, my idea for "Ammo Packs" keeps getting dismissed. I mean, how cool would it be to saunter into the BFC online store and drop $1 or $5 in order to get ammo? Your pixeltruppen would start, at initial game purchase with your new CMBN or CMFI disk, with a SET amount of ammo. As you use your troops in various battles, they'd run their ammo stock lower and lower. You could only restock their supplies by using Ammo Packs! Cool ammo, like 7.92k, would cost more, obviously.

I thought this could move BFC's finances into a wholly new direction.

I have thus far been ignored.



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Regarding Packs, IIRC you mentioned the possibility of doing some small ones. If the first pack is mainly vehicles, could a second pack include things such as Free French and Ostbattallions? What takes more time by the way, vehicles or new "Armies" such as the French?

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Ammo Packs... I LOVE IT! And we could also do Fuel and Food Packs. Awesome!

Oh, and an answer to a previous question... yes, the halftracks in the Pz Brigade's PzGren Companies armed with MP44s do have copious amounts of Kurtz ammo in them.

Yes, Packs can add things such as Free French and Ostbatallions. I was also thinking of various Festungs (Fortress) formations as well. And of course for Fortress Italy there are all kinds of things such as post 1943 Italian Fascists and Partisans, Indian and South African, etc.


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I'm happy to hear that there are new features and improvements incoming!

These, plus new campaigns are top factors for me. I don't really feel a lot of need for more vehicles and uniforms, since we have plenty of them already. But fixes, improvements both in gfx and gameplay and new features are always welcome!

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Again, they will be made available for everybody in free patch form. But Market Garden people will get it right away while others might have to wait a bit for us to make and test other patches.

Can you add this info maybe to the announcement? It would have saved me two postings in this thread.

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Well, my idea for "Ammo Packs" keeps getting dismissed. I mean, how cool would it be to saunter into the BFC online store and drop $1 or $5 in order to get ammo? Your pixeltruppen would start, at initial game purchase with your new CMBN or CMFI disk, with a SET amount of ammo. As you use your troops in various battles, they'd run their ammo stock lower and lower. You could only restock their supplies by using Ammo Packs! Cool ammo, like 7.92k, would cost more, obviously.

I thought this could move BFC's finances into a wholly new direction.

I have thus far been ignored.



Just as well you've been ignored or CM owners would be coming around to break your legs. :eek:

Too late, BFC heard you.

Now ... where's that crowbar ...

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One place animations could use some major help would be when crews move AT guns.

Will we ever see the end of the disappearing bodies when guys are shot on vehicles?


I agree, I'd like to see that happen before we get infantry riding on tanks.

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One place animations could use some major help would be when crews move AT guns.


Personally, I'd rather see guns able to be moved backwards without rotating. I can live with the current animations, but the (rather silly) rotate-because-it-can-only-move-forward mechanism has gameplay implications.

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Not to worry, there are some urban centric improvements on the way for you guys very soon. Some will be in Market Garden, others will be in the not-too-distant-future Upgrade v3.0.

Good news.

Sadly the world cannot hear it...

You obviously understand your business, but garbage sells, if it is advertised well. I have the impression, there are millions of people out there who do not like the shallowness of "wargames" these days, but have no idea that a game like CM even exists. At least this is always my impression when someone opens a thread about CM in a non wargaming forum and people interested in strategy or wargaming chime in. Then the CM players always must explain to them first, what CM is and what it can. It should be the other way around: every player knows it, everyone has tried it.

If I would run a business like you do, I'd contact Mike Dillard...

Maybe, maybe not. Don't forget that one of the improvements that came with v2.0 was the ability to easily make "linear" terrain items in maps. This was, without a doubt, the absolute worst and most tedious part of making maps prior to v2.0.

Have you ever looked into a conversion tool for Open Street Maps to a proprietary format your map editor could read?

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Good news.

Sadly the world cannot hear it...

You obviously understand your business, but garbage sells, if it is advertised well. I have the impression, there are millions of people out there who do not like the shallowness of "wargames" these days, but have no idea that a game like CM even exists. At least this is always my impression when someone opens a thread about CM in a non wargaming forum and people interested in strategy or wargaming chime in. Then the CM players always must explain to them first, what CM is and what it can. It should be the other way around: every player knows it, everyone has tried it.

If I would run a business like you do, I'd contact Mike Dillard...

Have you ever looked into a conversion tool for Open Street Maps to a proprietary format your map editor could read?

You do have a point about the large numbers of people that play war games who have never heard of CM.

I have moaned myself about how BF only leak out bits and bobs of info over months and some times years. The answer is always the same and understandable. We are small and we do not have the money.

As you say, BF know their business and if they had the money i am sure they would target these people.

All the people i have introduced to CM have all been blown away by it by the way.

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