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the Fighting Seabee

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Everything posted by the Fighting Seabee

  1. The more the merrier! The more equipment/countries we have access to, the better the scenarios. Steve has mentioned in the past that they wouldn't release the code for us to make our own mods, but maybe they could at least give us a library of equipment so we can make our own battles and campaigns. That would be great.
  2. I second that my brutha. I too have purchased all of the CM games (cmx1 series twice!). Reading the forums has really showed me that battlefront cares about putting out a quality product and making us happy. I do agree that it would have been nice if 1.0 was as good as 1.06, but even before 1.06 I still liked the game. Btw, thank you, cyborg, for your service!
  3. Cool, I'll play the new one soon. I hope it's not too much harder! The comment earlier by Vincere about having a real 360 battle is exactly right. After moving my guys around the initial corner and making my way down toward the apartments, I was suddenly surrounded. My reinforcements from the other side of the map really had to fight hard to link up with the other units. I loved it.
  4. That will be up to the scenario designers... They would have to give you reinforcements that include strykers/apc's full of ammo. But I am also all for more time. It could be worked out easily I think.
  5. Nice mission. I enjoyed it. But I was a little sloppy and lost a lot of guys. I will be playing it again. Thanks!
  6. I second that. Exactly Zero armies in the world don't use trucks.
  7. As far as I know, the only real problem with 1.06, as pertaining to missions, is the TF Thunder campaign. The ai placement seems to be off. Pretty much all of the other missions seem to work perfectly, although some may be easier or harder, depending on the situation. I would say to play them all anyways.
  8. Great pics. As a seabee using a lot of heavy equipment, we got plenty of stuff stuck. The most noteworthy for me was during an operation in the carribean (vieques island). A security jeep cherokee got stuck, so they tried to use a deuce and a half to pull it out. It got stuck so my mechanic hotwired a civilian dozer and I took it down there. I got stuck. We tried everything to get it out and ended up having to dig a 100 ft trench, 5 ft deep, and as wide as a dozer to pull it out. While doing so, a news chopper flew over and videoed us doing this... in an environmentally protected area we weren't supposed to be in in the first place. I got in serious trouble for that one.
  9. Don't miss WebWing's other campaign "In search of a ghost", also at cmmods. Webwing did an amazing job with it. You'll have a blast. When I get the time I'm going to give it another go, although he did mention that he might fix it up a bit to match 1.06 a little better. As far as your question goes, I don't know.
  10. OK DzrtFox, I just sent you the mission. Check it out and let me know what you think. If you think it's good to go, I'll put it up on cmmods. Thanks man, much appreciated.
  11. Maybe someone could retexture a low wall into a low sandbag wall. I don't currently have the expertise to do so, but wouldn't that work?
  12. Hey DzrtFox, Would you be interested in a special forces mission? I have been working on one called "Afghani Stan". It's very small, basically you only have 33 guys or so, and it can be done in less than an hour. I don't think it would be all that great for multiplayer, but it is small and somewhat fun. It needs some testing and suggestions to make it perfect, but I'd be happy to send it to you.
  13. I would like to see the snipers actually be less visible and also be very accurate at long range.
  14. While your at it, toss in some Seabee units! You can make history by being the first company ever to model seabees in a game. I understand that the real Seabee functionality and mission wouldn't be feasible, but hey, we have fought side by side with marines since the beginning of world war 2, in nearly every single battle up until present day.
  15. Yes, this is the first game I've ever had that increases in value as the months go by. Hoorah!
  16. I have the same experience all the time. The at4 is much more accurate than the rpg. Rpg's tend to have a lot of crazy rounds that spiral out and hit nothing. Also, the sound of the at4 is not like the sound of the rpg. The at4 has more of a bang when launched, the rpg is more of that "super bottle rocket" sound which is actually really good in the game. Just a few observations for 1.07 tweaking. I still love 1.06, it's closest to perfection so far.
  17. Thanks. I need to do some revisions to a special forces scenario I just created in 1.05. I think it will actually make this scenario much better!
  18. My girlfriend is making a t-shirt that says I hate the Giants, with both NY giants and SF giants emblems.
  19. WOW, really cool. Great work! This will lead to a somalia mission with lots of crazy dudes and technicals.
  20. I have to agree. I tested it on one of my scenarios and it kicked kicked my butt. Then I played the excellent scenario about saving the burning tank. Then I restarted the campaign and played the first mission. I'm as impressed as slug88. This was much closer to how I always imagined the game should play. This game is definitely my favorite wargame of all time. I can't wait until I get to play as USMC! With the modders learning how to mod and the scenario guys get going again, this game is really taking shape nicely. I can imagine so many possibilities. OK BFC, go have a beer.
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