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the Fighting Seabee

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Everything posted by the Fighting Seabee

  1. MarkEzra, I'm curious, how did you change your scenarios for 1.06? Do changes need to be made in order to play older scenarios? How did you improve them? Thanks!
  2. To tomorrow!....<clink> <gulp>, uh oh, kickoff's in 3 hours, better get to more drinkin'.
  3. with xp printscreen, beware that it saves the ss to your clipboard, so you have to paste each one each time you take it. At least that's whay I have to do.
  4. Syria and all other places on Earth have terrain impassable to tanks and very difficult for infantry. Deep water is a good example. As well as rock cliffs, dense forests, swamps and bogs, large walls, large ditches, large burms, buildings, boulders, certain types of fences, etc.
  5. Yeah man, the zoom has always been there. I use it all the time.
  6. I just check every time I get on the internet, or maybe once per day. Come monday after work, if it's not out, I'm gonna be doing the refresh dance.
  7. Man, people ask where the patch is every single day since 1.0. Hopefully it will be out soon though, because I think the elos will change the game for the better. We'll see.
  8. I'm almost done with a new special forces scenario, it'll be done soon. Pandur, I just have to say the in The Curve v2 I was able to get the second surprise to work perfectly. I gave him his own ai plan, he follows that plan and when he gets close to a target... boom. It actually wasn't hard at all.
  9. I don't think that snipers compensate for the coriolis effect. Let me do the math... near the equator the earth is 24000mi around. A bullet travels Xdistance in Yseconds. At this latitude, the earth is travelling roughly 1000mph. 1000mph/60/60=0.27mi/second, but the shooter is also moving at the same speed (roughly). I guess the variation in latitudinal speed between the shooter and the target (which is 1 mile north) is extremely small. Therefore, I think that adjustments and calculations made would be minimal, if not overcorrected by the smallest incremental adjustments. Something tells me shooting through a swarm of gnats would cause more deviation than the coriolis effect. Dude, come on, I don't know the answer. But that is the best I could think of.
  10. http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=52;t=003649 Here's one that looks good.
  11. Yeah big dork. The stark reality of death is a smack in the face. That's why we call him (and all others that die for us) Heroes. They make the ultimate sacrifice for us. When you witness such tragedy it can be sobering, and make you realize that war is not a game (or if it is, it's the game with the harshest rules and is played for keeps). But that terrible gut feeling is the reason (imo) that we are there. We have to neutralize the people that cause this pain to us and the people of Iraq. Imagine a suiced bomber... how many lives he takes, how much sorrow he causes, how much pain he unleashes. That's why we are there fighting. And that's why our guys are heroes. Hoorah to you my brutha, and to all the other guys over there. Stay safe, keep your head on a swivel, do the right thing, and come home in one piece.
  12. That's awesome man, can't wait! I've got my mind churning for some green battles. Good job.
  13. Thirds. It would be mod download links, info, and pics, and would be easier to find mods.
  14. Cool, take your time. Think it through and then release it. Until then... I can't wait!
  15. 1.Clickable Order of battle... needed urgently. 2.Big RED button that does nothing during realtime play should be the 'pause' button... should be easy to implement. 3.Ammo usage... tell squad to use at4, etc. 4.Hold fire... a basic command every soldier should know. I can think of some more but it's 3am and I'm tired. gnite.
  16. Hey bodkin, I love it. I think it makes it look much better. Thanks, I have complained a few times in the past about the original tracer color. Your mod kicks ass.
  17. Hoorah, I really see potential from the mod crowd.
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