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the Fighting Seabee

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Everything posted by the Fighting Seabee

  1. I just happened to come across this image showing a unit in cmsf with a mortar. http://aged.3dn.ru/Novosti/cmsf.jpg Was this part of the game and taken out? I would love to see it put back in!
  2. The problem with using formations is that once contact is made (at least for infantry), everyone stops or is pinned down. I just can't really see it being all that useful in this game. I could think of a lot of other improvements that I would rather see.
  3. I think it's Cool Breeze working his anti-atgm magic.
  4. I prefer realtime too. It feels much more realistic, and giving orders or losing track is not really an issue because you can pause and do anything you need to. Other rt games don't let you do that.
  5. I tried everything you guys said. It still doesn't work in IE or firefox. Sorry, a bunch of you guys get 5's from me.
  6. In my mission "the curve", I made the red ai plan so that the red force would move into areas with buildings. Maybe I didn't do it perfectly, but it seemed to work. I just put the zones over all the buildings. It looks very spotty, but the red forces seemed to use it as planned. So my suggestion would be, to assign a new zone for each waypoint that you need the ai to take. Once they get there and touch the zone, they will try to move to the next one. It may be pretty complex but keep working with it. I had quite a bit of difficulty but finally was able to work it out with a little help.
  7. I've had a problem with my troop icon being offset like 50 meters or more from the troops. The only way I can fix it is to split the squad.
  8. Mission 1 AAR: I moved one platoon up toward the left and the other up the middle. I was trying to hit the first mg position from 2 sides, while keeping mg1 between me and mg2 so I could use mg1 as cover from mg2. During the assault, I lost 4 guys. Just as I started to pound mg2 with mortars, time ran out. Draw. Mission 2 AAR: I started with guys in both mg positions. I moved 2 platoons up the left to the small ridge overlooking the town. The other I moved up the right side hill. I tried to pour as much fire on the mosque area as possible, but the enemy was heavily entrenched. So I rained down mortars on the complex near the mosque there in the corner of town. They were completely wasted because they had no affect at all. The rest of mission 2 was spent in a shootout with the mosque and the guys near the bridges. I lost 0 men, but had 18 wounded. I wasted thousands (maybe 4 squads worth) of rounds of ammo trying to kill one guy in the trench by the mosque who took out several of my guys. Total defeat. Now I'm working on mission 3, and hoping I can pull out a win. Mission 3 AAR soon.
  9. I'm really starting to like Cool Breeze. Even though his thread may be somewhat pointless, we can still give him some good advice. He seems to be a pretty nice guy.
  10. OK Webwing. We'll see what happens when I get to missions 6 and 7. BTW, very cool of you to add me into the credits. :cool: And thank you for the campaign and all the hard work you have put into it. Sadly, it may be awhile before there are any user made campaigns that even come close to yours! Mission 2 AAR to follow, although with a little less imagination than Taki
  11. I think he is too good!!! Playing Veteran, I'm not having quite as much luck. On mission 1, I was only able to take the mg position on the left. I was prepared to take the one on the right, but time ran out. I lost 4 good men. Now I'm on mission 2, and I'm struggling to take the mosque. I've lost more men, but hopefully I'll be able to bounce back and take it...
  12. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=6db_1199237696 I would love to hear the sound of the a10 gun going off in game, especially if it's that loud, echoey sound that really makes you say "holy crap".
  13. Smoke really helps too. I like to pull my strykers up to the building, pop smoke, and then let my guys rush in. This works pretty well. As for the first campaign mission, you have to pound the hell out the everything with artillery. Then slowly move tanks through the breach. Don't forget to move your infantry with javelins up the berms. The javelins are extremely useful for taking out stubborn positions.
  14. OK, still not able. I tried everything you said, still have no results. ?
  15. I have often thought that I would love to be able to rewind a bit. And while we are on the subject, I would also like the ability to speed up time as well. In cm1, we could jump forward in 10 second increments. That would be cool too.
  16. Duke, I agree. There is no other game so realistic on the market. Sure, Company of Heroes has more realistic visuals, but fails in realism. I happen to LOVE the modern setting. In CM1 I was constantly "pretending" that it was modern. I love the ww2 setting too, but I think it was time for some modern warfare. The details are amazing too. Some of the things that blew me away were: 1. the speed of sound being modeled (when something goes boom across the map, it takes a couple seconds for the boom to hit you). 2. Different types of artillery missions/ammo. 3. Projectile trajectory, evident in my mission "death on the sand" when you zoom in across the map from ground level. 4. Finally!... bouncing tracers! 5. Bradleys fire one round to mark/adjust fire, then unleash. 6. Map/mission/campaign editor. 7. Focus on realism vs. hollywood style combat. 8. Smoke usage and how the wind affects it. 9. Many others I can't think of at the moment. Ofcourse there are things I would like to see added and improved, but overall I love this game. I give it 9/10.
  17. Have you heard of WW1 or the Battle of Fallujah? Trench warfare and urban warfare are the most deadly and difficult ways to fight. There are no special tactics you can use to win perfectly. These types of warfare a hard, slow, and bloody slogs. The main reason our great Marines did so well in Fallujah, was because they were able to call in air strikes and artillery. Whenever they came to a hard nut to crack, they pulled back and destroyed the whole nut. Then they moved in and mopped up. (I'm in no way saying they had it easy or aren't the best, just that they were able to use far superior firepower to great effect). Had the Marines not had these other options, it would have taken much longer and cost a lot more American blood. So when you get stuck in the trenches or can't seem to cross the street, it's because that is how it works in real life, and that's what creates interesting tactical situations.
  18. Yeah, I guess I'm torn. There are so many great games that are moddable. Some of my favorites are oblivion, company of heroes, and il2. All of these games have been heavily modded and ALSO have official add-ons. I love all of these games and DEFINITELY played them much more because of user made mods. Business-wise, there is a fine line to walk. Maybe the makers of the other games I mentioned have more money and are able to risk more. You can't mod a game, or use mods for a game, that you haven't purchased (at least for us law abiding citizens). Saying that mods will break up the community is kinda like saying that if I buy a mustang, soup it up, then I won't be in the mustang community anymore because I don't have a stock mustang. Either way, at least we get a good map editor, and there are already some great skins out there. People like Webwing are putting out some amazing missions and campaigns. I have heard several people mention that with these small, user made missions, their enthusiasm and interest in CM:SF has been rekindled. So, I guess it's a risk, if you open up your product to be freely changed, then it could undermine your business, as people will no longer need to purchase a USMC addon. Conversely, the ability to create and/or use user made mods may actually make more people buy the game. And there are plenty of us loyal battlefront fans who would buy the official releases no matter what, just to support the company and get the "real" stuff. Any way that Battlefront decides to go, I'm there with you.
  19. Ok, I just redownloaded and installed the latest version of java. I'm no computer wizard, but everything seems to be enabled; however, I still cannot use the "rate this scenario" button. Do you have any other suggestions?
  20. QUICK QUESTION: I have had some great reviews at CMMODS, but for some reason I cannot seem to rate any other missions. When I press the "rate this scenario" button, nothing happens. Any help would be appreciated!
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