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the Fighting Seabee

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Everything posted by the Fighting Seabee

  1. Thanks Wiggum, that's what I was going for in all 3 of my missions. Just wait for Webwings campaign. Looks like it's going to be cool.
  2. I took the door, losing 1 squad who walked into a building and was mowed down by some guys hiding inside. Next I got my reinforcements and had them move up the right side. They came into some minor contact but handled it well. One guy was wounded but another squad was able to rescue him. At this point, I thought I had it in the bag. So I tried to pound the lock and key with whatever artillery I had left, but most of the rounds missed. Then I moved my guys up the right side through the woods. As soon as I got to the objective, I was ambushed by a couple dozen Syrians! My squads were decimated. Only a few shaken soldiers remained. They were finally able to make it into the lock/key compound, but were not able to root out the enemy in the building next door. These guys were in trouble, so I mobilized whoever was left at the door for a rescue mission. Time ran out. I received a draw. Great mission! With the way it ended for me, it would have made a good campaign, the next mission would have been a rescue. I had fun with this one. Hoorah!
  3. The Curve v2 is up at CMMODS! 1. 2 hour limit 2. Fixed a typo or two 3. Improved point system 4. Minor gameplay changes Take your time and use sound tactics.
  4. It seems like it would be really easy to make any unit be able to "acquire" from any other unit. This would be a very nice thing to have. Also, when you acquire ammo, why not have one more option that says "take all"? -OR- an option to close the "acquire" menu, so that you can acquire multiple things without having to press the button over and over again. Both of these things seem like they would be pretty easy to program in for a future patch. Btw, while we are improving the interface, please make the red button a "pause" button. Currently it is completely useless in RT mode.
  5. Thanks guys. Sorry Camaroon, I won't call you Andreas any more . Molotov Billy, glad you played it again with more time. I pretty much used the same strategy of leaving the convoy at the start. But I am in the process of changing the scenario a bit. The convoy now will arrive 45 minutes in so you will have more time to secure (I'm retesting and will put it up on CMMODS in a day or two). You also mentioned that red guys should come up to the starting point... there is a squad with orders to move in toward that area, but if you have secured the entrance area well, your guys take them out pretty quick. Anyways, I'm really glad you guys like the mission. When I'm done fixing it, it should be just about perfect. I really appreciate your input. Happy Christmas and Merry New Year!!
  6. Hi Cameroon (Andreas), You're exactly correct. I am changing several things about the scenario. I'm making the time 2 hours, so you can end when you want (after all, you are the commander here). Also, I have added points to the blue map objectives so you get more points for actually securing the zones. Great idea with the convoy... I thought of that when I was playing but I was able to let them chill at the entrance zone where they came in until it was time for a mad dash. The only problem with the convoy just sitting around somewhere else is that it might get ambushed while all the combat troops are busy up the road. So basically I wanted to keep them together. However, you still have a point. I will change when they arrive for a later time, but you're still going to have to make sure they have a safe zone to arrive in, and a safe place to park if they can't move out yet. Thanks for the AAR! I will address these concerns and put out v2 very soon.
  7. Pete, I liked this mission a lot. I've only played the first hour but I have taken the door. Now I'm getting ready to move in on the other objectives. Very interesting tactical situations! Great map too. Nice details, especially around the "Door" Objective. I'll let you know how the rest went once I'm done.
  8. It's there. I checked "newest entries" and it's there.
  9. Webwing, Thanks for the detailed AAR. Your strategy was a good one. Had you gone the left route you may have encountered some "additional difficulties". And you got lucky with the carbombs. The last time I played, the bomber made it all the way to the buildings at the beginning and took out half my platoon! Luckily I took out the second one with small arms fire. It's cool that the choppers were able to take out the second one for you. I agree with your comment about the choppers too, but I think it is realistic and common for the patrols and convoys in Iraq to have choppers overhead or nearby. The whole point thing, I'll have to play with that to get it right. Anyways, great AAR. I appreciate it. It really helps me to improve the scenario.
  10. I totally agree with you guys. The time... really the only consideration with time is that during convoy ops, you generally don't want to hang around for 2 hours in a kill zone. But, the mission really is a "secure" type mission so we really do need the full time. The points... I will adjust them. Don't feel bad about how the program says you did, sounds to me like you guys did better than me, so you get a Total Victory from me. The setup... I wanted the battle to seem like an ambush, meaning you get a little more than what you expected. In these densely populated areas, the militias have lived their entire lives there and they know every nook and cranny in the area. I definitely was going for the feeling of having these guys coming out of the woodwork to attack from all directions. I wanted it to be exciting, and somewhat realistic at the same time. Otherwise, I'm glad you guys liked it! For my second mission (not including Zarqawis Last Day) it's not too bad. I'm learning the editor now and have some more ideas. What did you guys think of the realworld location??? I tried to do the map pretty close. Ended up having to cut it down a bit, it originally looked more like the google earth view. Thanks for playing!
  11. Quick mission self patch... Add time. It's at 1 hour right now, add more if you like. Adjust points. Right now it's leaning heavily toward the Red team. Just add some points to the blue side to even it up a bit.
  12. Thanks MarkEzra. And how's the weather out there in KC? I don't get to go home for Christmas this year.
  13. Awesome! I just wish you had version 4 of my mission "Death on the Sand". It's much better. Where can we download your mod?
  14. C3K, Thanks, I was just wondering about that. I know there's something about it in the manual but I never really noticed anything during gameplay.
  15. Man, I wish I had more time right now. Work and women seem to eat up all my time. Every time I start to play a mission, she calls my name and wants to cuddle, or she wants the trash taken out, or we need milk. I say "damn the milk, full speed ahead!" That doesn't go over well. Can't wait until your next release though, the others were great, and this looks to be even better.
  16. Yeah, I originally had the time at an hour and a half, but I thought if I was the commander I would want the get through there as quick as possible. Feel free to make any changes in the editor that you want. Thanks for posting and letting me know.
  17. Is it a national guard mission where you have to calm all the roudy Chiefs fans?
  18. Right on, Webwing. Just play through slowly like you would if real lives were at stake and you'll do fine.
  19. http://www.cmmods.com The Curve v2 is now up! More time, improved point system, fixed typo, and a few gameplay changes. Secure a dangerous section of road so an important convoy makes it through safely. Map is based on a real-world location in Iraq. Just east of Al Khalis to be exact. Have fun! Please let me know what you think so I can improve on the next one. [ December 25, 2007, 01:26 AM: Message edited by: the Fighting Seabee ]
  20. OK Pete, that makes perfect sense. Now I won't be able to use an AI plan because I specifically need certain units to be in certain places. What I will do is make groups and not use setup zones for a specific group of units, while using AI plans for other unit groups. Thanks man, it's going to take a little while for me to get it all up and running, but the help is much appreciated!
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