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MarkEzra last won the day on June 21 2019

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About MarkEzra

  • Birthday 07/17/1948

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  • Gender
  • Location:
    Oceanside CA
  • Interests
    Life on Life's terms


  • Biography
    Combat Mission Forum Member #347
  • Location
    Laguna Woods, CA
  • Interests
    Military History and Combat Mission
  • Occupation
    Sales and Marketing

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  1. @:rvseydlitzrv Glad you are enjoying the game. When selecting QB game options Date/side ect. Change the "Rarity" settings down to Loose or better yet none. That might fix your problem. Let us know how you get along and welcome the the CM forum.
  2. Cannot duplicate the results you seem to have had.
  3. I have dl'd the game file. Please let me know which game you were playing SF2 or Black Sea. I will look at the map.
  4. At First BFC titillates, Then annoys, Then brings feelings Hopelessness and dejection, only to be followed by astonishment and Joy! Then, finally, inexorably to critique and dismay. There will be NO Space Lobsters so forget about the butter!
  5. Paper Tiger! One of the best scen crafters ever. Erwin gave you some great advice, take some time and relax a bit. Two things about CM scen... They're always slow to develop and great when we finally get to play them.
  6. "Wars are about killing and being killed for goals which may, or may not, have value. Wargames are about the tactics and weapons of those wars" Steve@BFC and yes: It's one of my taglines.
  7. Mostly Steel Panthers and then was a tester and map maker on SPWAW. Once a Raider always a Raider! Bill Wider introduced me to CMx1.
  8. Yep... the fall of 1999 and the fabulous three stooges! Never looked back. Truly addictive and there is no cure but more CM! Just looked up my first post: "One or two moves a day...more on the weekends and I try to keep four games going at a time....I have suffered only minor withdrawl symptoms at that rate. All Hail Marx & Lennon Forum Member #347"
  9. Rule 62: Don't take you're self too seriously. I have it tattooed on my arm. It's a very good reminder.... especially when I post on the forum.
  10. None of this is my fault... LOL... I get back into the forum... and start a completely off topic thread... I liked the back story... Everyday guys in a national guard unit who get shipped in a hurry to the German front before hostilities break out... if I remember the book. And for the record: Not a big fan of Clancy... all male testosterone driven characters in fantastic situations. Rule 62!
  11. Never mind... There is. A very good book.
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