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the Fighting Seabee

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Everything posted by the Fighting Seabee

  1. Sure... The Australian Peel is used to break contact with the enemy. (Actually I taught tactics in the military, so this is natural for me). Normally it would be done in a squad with individuals, but in CM:SF you can only manipulate squads, but it still works well. Basically you'll have your squads trying to move out and break contact. To do this, have one squad open fire to try to pin the enemy down while the other squad moves further away. Then the that squad will open fire at the enemy, and the first squad runs back behind the squad firing. They switch off until they can't see the enemy any more and they can get out of there. This allows you to move out while having continuous fire in the direction of the enemy. A B C ---> B C A ---> C A B ---> A B C Enemy is to the left. B opens fire to the left and allows A to move all the way to the back. Then C opens fire to the left and allows B to move to the back. Do this until you break contact. This is a very common tactic that is used by any group of fighting men. Check this out...
  2. LOL I like CM:Bullet Sponges. Edit: No offense ofcourse, Seabees and Marines are brothers. I think, from looking at the history of CM:SF, that they are really trying to improve the base of this game first. Then when everything is solid (and with 1.06/1.07 it seems to be that way), then they will start to make the mods/addons. Since Steve has mentioned having many improvements in mind but not enough time, I could foresee a couple more patches before they really start hitting the Marines module hard. Anyway, I can't wait. This seems to me like it will be the best tactical wargame series ever created, I'm talking pc game hall of fame. I just hope they don't forget to add Seabees into the Marine module, or it will be incomplete!
  3. That sucks, I've had this game since it came out and had no crashes at all. Just lucky I guess.
  4. Thanks guys, glad you had fun. That's the whole point really. Webwing, great AAR man! Btw, I changed a lot of things around using your advice and I really think it made the scenario much better. Thanks! SPOILER ALERT*************** * * * * * Hints!!!! A) Stay in the ambush zone for 2 ambushes (surprise!), the foot patrol and the convoy. Also, you have a better chance if you get there quickly. When going to the compound, you only need to run in, grab the intel, and run out of the rightmost building by the field. C) Try not to stay and fight it out, you don't have enough ammo. D) When returning to the exit point, use the Australian Peel method to break contact. This works really well in this game. E) Don't leave a fallen comrade behind! The enemy gets points for every dead Special Forces guy.
  5. The Louch, Yeah, I know what you're talking about, you just have to get up to the ambush zone quickly. If you do, you can take them both out ambush style. But it's meant to be a little surprise. ThePhantom, Cool man, glad you had fun!
  6. "Afghani Stan" is a special forces mission available at: www.CMMODS.com
  7. Handihoc, let me know if you can get past mission 5. It keeps making replay it.
  8. I really don't think there are any reinforcement triggers. What it probably is is the reinforcement time can be set to exact or within 5 minutes or within 10 minutes. So maybe the notice is appearing at the stated reinforcement time but the units don't have to appear at that exact time unless you specify exact.
  9. I don't know, but you're obviously a Seabee. I was in NMCB 5, you?
  10. I have to report a problem. I have completed mission 5 (taking the chemical plant) twice, both times the "next mission" goes back to mission 5. What's up with that? How do I advance to the next mission? Note: I only beat it with a minor victory, do I need to beat it with a total victory to move on?
  11. That sounds kinda like the situation when you have a whole squad of heroes who all jump on the grenade.
  12. Do the training campaign. When that is done, move on to the TF Thunder campaign, then branch out with all the new campaigns and scenarios on cmmods.com.
  13. Played mission 3 and 4 now, took a look at 5. Pretty nice, although 3 (the city) was tough on my fps. Still a great job. Can't wait to play the rest.
  14. As far as I know, you cannot. So open the map in the editor, pick your forces, and play the game. The campaigns and scenarios that already exist are kickass enough to forget about the qb's for now. Good lord, just get the game. If you keep waiting for demo after demo, you'll never get it.
  15. Paper Tiger, you're making me nervous. When am I going to be able to sleep? With this campaign coming out, Webwings improved campaign, the TF Narwick campaign, and all the other great scenarios, I'm going to have to break up with my girlfriend, quit my job, and spend my savings on coffee and redbull. Seriously though, with the amount of work and detail your putting into this, I can tell it's going to be great. Thanks for the hard work! I can't wait!
  16. Yeah handihoc, I noticed your name as the briefing guy. Great job! It sucks that you can't play it though! So far so good. I'll hopefully be able to play some more tonight.
  17. Madmonkey666, I can say that I would recommend buying the game for any fan of the cmx1 series. It really does work well now. Ofcourse any game has it quirks but right now I truly believe it's worth the money. There are also big plans for this game in the future, so your purchase will continue to evolve into something better and better all the time.
  18. I just finished mission 2 and took a peek at mission 3 and I have to say that this campaign is amazing. I especially love the briefings. I can't wait to finish it. Great freakin job!
  19. I think he says that since A occured B happened. And now C happened, so he's afraid of D, based on the fact that B was bad. A = C and B = D.
  20. Right on Webwing, that looks like a kickass map! Can't wait!
  21. You have a point. Maybe you should ask for permission first. But... I hereby decree, with the power vested in me by God, over my creations in CM:SF, that any person regardless of race, religion, citizenship, sex, or overall girth, shall be granted free access to such creations, whether to change the map around, reconfigure the units, reconfigure the ai, or any other change, without penalty of law or friendship, oh yea oh yea, as long as they include my name, the Fighting Seabee, as the sole creator of such scenarios.
  22. Personally, I would love to find that someone has enough interest in my scenario that they would work to improve it. But, I do think that all credit for any work done by the original author should be acknowledged in the briefing. For example: if someone were to change my map/scenario around and submit it for public download, they should put a note reading something like "original scenario designed by the Fighting Seabee". Credit is absolutely due when using someone elses work.
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