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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. Fill one or two with explosives and crash 'em into a carrier.....A MiG-25 at full burner and flat on the deck is going to make for a fairly daunting cruise missile.
  2. Yeah.....With a particularly cutting sound!
  3. Yup those are definitely M113s (admittedly closer to the A2 or A3 variant, but that's just me being a Trackhead about it). Would it be possible to close or reshape the hatch on the rear hull deck?
  4. Skaffen-Amtiskaw & the Knife Missiles? PS - If you are enjoying the general picture I'd strongly recommend reading 'Excession' while you are on a Banks roll.....It's kind of the icing on the cake, where the Culture is concerned and it has the best hostile alien species ever (IMHO), 'The Affront'.
  5. Come to think of it, I think I may have noticed this while playing the CM:BS scenario 'BSBP-02 Fort'.....There's a machinery shop type place, with a lot of flavour objects outside, to me it looks like this: I'm not sure that's exactly what the designer had in mind. PS - This scenario has not been modified by myself in any way.....Thus if this is not how it's actually supposed to look, it's probably down to one or other of the patches at a guess. PPS - @IanL This might merit some investigation.
  6. That was the plan.....But without those flavour objects, it ain't gonna happen. Fortunately I have a new tool that should solve the issue.
  7. Not really postcard quality right now (too many more things to add), but I felt the need to post a WIP picture of the delta: Be honest.....You really couldn't mistake that for Syria, could you?
  8. Do you think you could expand at all? IMHO several posts in this thread demonstrate an inability to comprehend of the concept of abstraction in a 3d game.....None of them demonstrate an actual issue with CM.
  9. I used bazillions of them in that Afghan valley map in the old CM:A engine.....I forget how big your map was, but I'd be surprised if there were a lot more individual items, although you probably used more types? Please keep me informed of your results. PS - Come to think of it, CM:BS 'Trumpton' crashed while I was adding flavour objects and that has a truly silly number for such a small map.....Could it be an issue with the newer engine?
  10. My mistake, thought you were suggesting the gun was on a fixed pintle.
  11. Cheers fella, I feel slightly better now. Hope your non-CM projects are proceeding according to plan.
  12. If that's the case, my CM:SF2 Mtope map should display the behaviour in spades, I used an awful lot of object cloning there.....TBH I placed one of each object that I was going to use along the main road, then Alt+Shift cloned them, and Alt moved them all from there to their intended locations.
  13. Yeah, it's the big one (4.8km2).....Been on it for months. I'm making it up as I go along (referring to images here & there) so connecting up all my 'little ideas' and blending it into a whole is taking me a while.....What sort of timescale would you expect to get a (fairly complex) map of that size done? PS - It looks kind of flat in that screen shot, but it really isn't.....Water is elevation 5, the highest tile is 97.
  14. Cheers.....Your use of real water will make determining the lay of the land a bit easier I suspect, look forward to giving it a go (once I escape from 'The Delta').
  15. There is water (& Crop 6) in that screenshot. Cheers George.
  16. Not an issue TBH, but I thought it was worth raising as anti-shipping missiles seem to be quite widely overlooked right now.....By my own government in particular, apparently.
  17. Apologies.....Only just discovered the link you added. Very useful, looks like we have most of the info we need now.
  18. Have to say.....That seems a little short-sighted for a nation with a long and exposed coastline and a predisposition for upsetting the Americans! Surely they'd have invested in a few P-15s or Silkworms at the least?
  19. This is correct for the M10, but in the case of the M18, it's not a rearward facing gun, it's ring-mounted and thus should be able to face in almost any direction: PS - Note the tubular framework, to prevent 'Abu-Hajar' incidents.
  20. There's a clue in the names, you'll probably notice more once you've read 'Use Of Weapons'. Did you discover lava-rafting & artificial volcanoes yet.....I forget which book they are mentioned in.
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