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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. TBH, even with those textures, that's about a million times better than the landing craft we've had up until now!
  2. Good choice! But now we have to nag you to expand it some more. Apparently wars in the middle east (& wider region) can go on rather longer than initially predicted.
  3. That's a new one on me and I (normally) use a lot of flavour objects.
  4. Did you figure out who the hidden protagonist of 'The Player Of Games' is.....It's not as simple as it seems?
  5. I'd second that. Seems to me that Steve & co. are perfectly amenable to a well made argument.....Make your case, you might just convince him.
  6. However once those dedicated FOs were available, some units got pretty damned good at delivering precisely that sort of close support: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAF_Second_Tactical_Air_Force
  7. Attacking with the rising sun behind them.....Very classy.
  8. Err, no.....That's because you are in an EU country (for now at least) and it's a lawful requirement that they notify you of their cookie policy.
  9. Did you find yourself yelling "FFS lads! Just shoot that mother*****r!" at your screen too?
  10. So, c'mon.....How about: Seems a shame to stick to just a couple of cop shows!
  11. Could the billboards be set to attach to the second floor frontage of a building? I often leave the second floor frontage blank on shops etc. to represent advertising hoardings and the like.
  12. I was hoping for more from the Challenger update program TBH! What he said!
  13. So.....New Brits Pack for CM:BS not too far down the line then?
  14. Cool.....Hope you have the opportunity to give the mod set a try, I'm finding it a joy to work with, but you do need to learn some new (and occasionally slightly counterintuitive) tricks with the terrain. @37mm Had obviously been following the various threads where the difficulties of modelling jungle were discussed.....We have all the toys we wanted, remodelled grain or tall crops that can be placed as LOS blockers in jungle areas, many of them tagged so that we have different options for Highland or Lowland terrain. Give it a look, I suspect you'll like it a lot (once you figure out where everything lives).
  15. I'll second that.....Many thanks @Aquila-CM, your work is both revolutionary and inspiring. PS - I absolutely guarantee you'll be seeing several of these items in 'Bong-Hai' (Heaven & Earth Mod), it's just a matter of time!
  16. There's a variant with a 14.5mm semi-manned turret in CM:BS (same turret as BTR-82K).....Perhaps that would make a better swap than the basic MT-LB?
  17. @Combatintman Do you fancy giving it a shot yourself.....We have the toolset for you to use. Making the map in the screenies above is taking all my time at the moment.....It's pretty big, very complex & TBH, I'm figuring out how to do it as I go along!
  18. Thought it was time for another postcard or two (it's been a while): All we need now is a Sampan or two to go in 'em!
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