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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. To know precisely what to make you'd really need to chat to the boss (@37mm) and TBH probably also to install the mod, it really is quite different in there. 'Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas any more!'
  2. Sweet.....Cheers. Nah! It's old, but it's still a Beast. I've only ever had map-crashes with the old engine or with a 16km2 map (in CM:FI).....I just want to completely rule out the latter now that I seem to be focussed on the newer games.
  3. That seems to be the way forward, setting waypoints on the bridge itself seems to be one of the triggers. Also never wind back a video when a vehicle is on a bridge.....When testing for @MOS:96B2P I watched a video where my tank crossed a bridge to about the midpoint by the end of the turn, then I wound it back.....Instant bridge bug. Reloaded & watched the turn again, without rewinding.....No problem. I understand the issue has been addressed in recent patches, but in my experience the rules above are probably still worth following.
  4. I'm reserving my second install for the (imminent) birth of 'Beast III' (my next PC).....I'm going to have the guy who builds it install all the games at the earliest possible stage and then configure the rest of the build to suit (I want to be able to drop two regiments onto your humongous CM:BS map and play that in the background while building an equally big map in another of the games. Any advice on spec would be very welcome BTW.
  5. US is a problem right now.....The current build is essentially a Red vs Red mod. @37mm is the man in charge of TOE.....He's made some rather interesting changes to the whole structure of that area of the game, it is to say the least, quite unlike regular CM:SF2.
  6. Cool, cheers. At the moment my install is configured exclusively (and really quite thoroughly) for the orient, but when I return to the middle east, you can be confident your mods will get a full workout (my attitude to mods has taken something of a sea change since the Heaven & Earth project began).
  7. It looks to me like @MOS:96B2P is using a variant of the H&E building set.....With some experimentation you can build some really quite interesting looking (& not very Syrian at all) structures (as you saw elsewhere come to think of it). I'm really interested to see where this project goes.....I thoroughly enjoyed the early tests (more than any other test I can recall TBH) and as the project developed we've all learned quite a bit about the engine in the process.
  8. From my perspective some generic portraits would be more than enough, hell, we're still winging it with TOE etc. to a certain degree as there is a lot of experimentation going on (on every front).....If you have the time they would be much appreciated, of that I'm sure. But I'm equally sure that none of us would want to keep you away from the main CM games, where your work will be more widely appreciated.....Cheers for the positive waves though, with waves like that, the bridge has gotta still be up!
  9. Now that is taking on a very distinct look.....I like the brownstones.
  10. Ello, ello, ello.....What's going on here then? (or should that be ?)
  11. If you fancy joining the Heaven & Earth crew, I for one would welcome you aboard.....Doubt I'm alone there.
  12. You are kidding fella.....What you guys do is borderline witchcraft from my perspective. But it sure is a lot of fun playing with the stuff you fellas make. I'll let you into a secret here.....I was similarly sceptical to @Mord to begin with, then as the mod iterations proceeded, I found myself looking at what I'd made with your mod compilations and thinking, 'Wow.....This really is starting to look more than a bit different!' and we've come on leaps & bounds since then (to say my plans for 'Ikke-Phtang'** have changed in recent weeks would be something of an understatement). ** The ancient royal seat and some time capital of 'Bong-Hai'.....Basically Heaven & Earth's own variant of @LongLeftFlank's Ramadi.
  13. TBH I'm not completely clear on what type of crane it was.....As I recall, the US basically tried to wall off Sadr City, to which the locals did not take well! The construction crane was apparently the focus of many scuffles. @sburke would know more.
  14. I believe that's the chassis weight, not the weight of the complete system: https://rg.ru/2019/06/28/ves-tanka-i-bmp-na-platforme-armata-rassekretili-na-armii-2019.html
  15. The Lloyd is the proper tow for the 6pdr, there should actually be two carriers per gun.
  16. You've done a great job of sculpting those mountains.....I'm messing with elevations right now on a map of similar size, so I know how much effort that part alone took.
  17. They even shot me through the walls if you recall! Hold on.....Am I confusing two different consulates?
  18. Like tears, in rain. https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/rutger-hauer-dead-blade-runner-age-cause-movies-roy-batty-a9019491.html Time to die. RIP Rutger Hauer
  19. Cracking game.....Probably my favourite, 40ish figures and you are away.
  20. There are 162 flavour object slots, so we can always have a few new items with no loss there. TBH many of these items are so specialised that a tagged mod for a given scenario may well actually be the best bet (until the advent of CM3, which could perhaps be designed to facilitate such things).
  21. I'll be using those too.....I really missed having these in CM:SF2, they add lots of immersion to a map (I'm used to them from CM:A/CM:BS). Nice work.
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