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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. Well that's an unfortunate state of affairs. They could at least try to look a bit cross with each other!
  2. Not only am I in awe of the work you've done.....I really like the way you think too! Funnily enough I extracted a rather nice map of Aleppo Airport from a CM:SF1 campaign. I have a feeling this may be where I got the map.....Kudos to author, it's a fine piece of work.
  3. I suspect if we were to search Venus thoroughly, we might find the above engraved on the hardest stone on the planet! PS- IMHO Elon Musk isn't really a space entrepreneur.....He's just planning his getaway!
  4. Seems like a job for the modders TBH.....Maybe a co-operative effort with the CM:SF2 Africa crew could be fruitful?
  5. Cheers.....It was quite a pain to make TBH. Removing the lower walls on a series of interconnected buildings, each with legged balconies on all four sides, requires some patience & precision.....One misplaced click in preview mode usually leads to another, & then another, and then the serious swearing starts!
  6. Sometimes Armageddon can look like a really viable option, can't it?
  7. Not too shabby for an early experiment IMHO, with some foliage I reckon that'll look pretty convincing.
  8. Both 'Bishr' & 'Mtope Valley' are twice the area of the delta map, and the former has a city in it.....This one however has sea, swamps, islands, several villages (both stilt & regular) & also a couple of small towns (colonial & modern), a plantation, a couple of service stations.....etc. I'm reasonably optimistic (and I'm buying a new custom PC quite soon). The finished map will be portioned up into smaller sub-maps for use in a campaign by @puje. However it is taking a while to do!
  9. It's potentially a very useful bug.....Much more of a Mantis than a Cockroach IMHO. I've not experimented with it on the delta map yet, I'm trying to cover a broad area before doing any serious detailing, hell I've only used four or five types of foliage so far.....It's a hell of a project, TBH I'd probably cut the map down if I didn't like all the different areas so much.
  10. God no! I'd charge more than double that for a single tank.....Painting to a high standard is very time consuming and requires a considerable investment in equipment on the part of the modeller. I have five good or excellent quality airbrushes (two each for two different jobs & a backup for my nephew to mess with) and a compressor with a reservoir. My desk has a veritable battery of lighting and is flanked by two filing cabinets full of paint, brushes, masking materials etc. etc., the list goes on & on & on!
  11. I assumed you already had TBH.....Apologies for any confusion I may have caused.
  12. @37mm You are getting this terrain making thing down really well.....Don't suppose you fancy doing a couple of hectares of delta for me at all? Presumably if I started a terrain ditch adjacent to a ford tile, I could run it tangentially across a paddy (away from the ford tile 'water source') as an irrigation channel?
  13. For once I can agree with you there.....Sometimes I'm my own worst enemy.
  14. They didn't need much rescuing from what I recall.....Staying well out of their way seemed the safest option to me!
  15. Here's another one for you JK (you may be familiar with it already): http://www.mafva.net/
  16. Wow! @Aquila-CM I can't thank you enough.....You really have made my day! I was getting a bit stuck for inspiration on my delta map.....It's kind of big and I do everything in a very 'particular' way, so it can get a bit tedious, but you've given me so many new ideas. Outstanding! PS - Is there an amphibious, unarmed (or lightly armed) vehicle with passenger space that we could re-skin with that boat (Junk/Dhow)? I really could write a scenario that genuinely is 'unlike anything seen before' with a few of those.....'Pirates of Bong-Hai' anyone? PS - @37mm I'm actually serious here.....A CM:H&E Indiana Jones style riverine journey from the delta to the lost temple of 'Lang-Ri-Sha'. A [Pirates] tag for all things nautical might give us options, allowing us to use [Delta] & [Ikke] for various building and terrain changes?
  17. If the flavour object is big enough you could probably place terrain inside them, then use that as a spawn zone.....I was thinking of trying to connect that cargo ship to the shore with a couple of foot bridges.
  18. Magnificent.....You sir, are a fekkin genius! Huge thanks for your help with our 'Heaven & Earth' project. PS - @The Steppenwulf, @JulianJ, @MOS:96B2P, @sbobovyc.....Have you guys seen this stuff?
  19. They are.....Try driving a Red VBIED past a dismounted Blue taxi.
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