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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. This really touched me: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-49409125/ugandan-war-survivors-partnered-with-therapy-dogs 'Lok Oroma' is one gorgeous looking dog too.
  2. Yup, buying CM is a bit like buying all the wargames armies you ever wanted (for a particular campaign period) and all the terrain to match.....You just need to find the time to use it all!
  3. That's where it all starts: PS - @Battlefront.com If a hobo ever tells you he's "Come through time to save you!".....Run the **** away!
  4. Did Howard's little tank get to play (in the unique & deadly way that it does)?
  5. Getting that random patchwork look to the paddies right is hard.....I'm well impressed.
  6. I have only one comment on this subject.....Syrian Army ZSU Technicals. PS - Uncon Breach Teams?
  7. North Korea have been testing what appear to be extended range Iskanders for a while now.
  8. How in the name of the almighty did he do that so fast?
  9. Very nicely done sir.....Those are all the rage around here! PS - Is it my imagination or did you square up the hatch on the rear deck? @37mm - You may want to take a look at this mate.
  10. Nice find.....Some more: Have a feeling @Combatintman might find this appealing.....Not sure how we'd do it with 'H&E' though.
  11. Interesting times: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/russia-explosion-nuclear-missile-radiation-radioactive-sensors-a9071496.html
  12. The ‘Eagle fly’ ride was unveiled amid much fanfare, in Löffingen in south-western Germany, last month: https://metro.co.uk/2019/08/20/fairground-ride-looks-like-massive-swastikas-shut-germany-10599876/ Ooops!
  13. Yup that's the crux of it, one either compromises with ditchlocked clusters, which can work OK, but just won't for certain terrain, or one puts up with it deleting doors where possible to reduce the chances of it occurring. Actually from what I recall of the map in question a couple of lengths of barbed wire outside the buildings in question might be the simplest and best option.
  14. That was what got me.....I can't make a snapshot of the exact location right now, but I will once I'm back up & running (it was a few missions in, bottom of the hill in Stavelot I think).
  15. In this instance (as I recall, my PC's not CM-worthy right now) part of the issue is modular buildings, which really look the part, but don't give the designer the option to adjust the door/window configuration in the way that you can with modular buildings.....It's just one of the compromises one has to consider when building maps. Two days without CM and I'm starting to suffer severe withdrawal symptoms, can't even 'quickly check something in the editor' right now.....God what will I do with myself for another 24hrs?
  16. T-80 seems to be having a bit of a renaissance.....T-80UE-1 is at the tank biathlon: I like the T-80 crews much more than the T-72 crews TBH. http://gurkhan.blogspot.com/2019/08/80-1-723.html Meanwhile upgraded T-80BVs are going to the far east: http://gurkhan.blogspot.com/2019/08/80.html
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