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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. Almoat there, just laying in the foliage.....Reckon I'll add the telegraph poles along the highway, but that'll be about the limit of it.
  2. Shoot 'n Scoot FTW. Nope, go back & read the thread again, it wasn't me.
  3. Maybe we should open a 'H&E Mappers' PM thread.....Share a few of the things we've learned? PS - I'm on the final stages of the delta map.....Unless I get tempted by all @37mm's new flavour objects.
  4. BMP-2s are just as trigger-happy.....I recently fought a battle where over 50% of my casualties were inflicted by my own IFV's attempts to 'support' their dismounts!
  5. Looking good.....Reckon you should Shift+Click the two storey building a couple more times though, there are much nicer skins.
  6. Magnificent work sir.....My hat's off to you!
  7. Very nicely done.....I like the footbridge/stream and the colonial building on the corner, they add a touch of character.
  8. I'd put my money on Ramadi! Very atmospheric.....Looking forward to the next installment.
  9. Nice! Is that a stock CM:SF map, I kinda recognize it, but it's hard to tell?
  10. All of which boosts BTR production how, exactly?
  11. No, indeed not. However he can easily test a bigger fuel tank for them in anticipation, of the US abrogation of the INF treaty. North Korean: Russian: You decide. PS - Looking at that launch image, its amazing to me that the tyres survive the experience!
  12. The old ditch style CM:SF, CM:A & now also CM:SF2 trenches do that.....However they are not concealed by FOW as they are terrain not units, and thus tend to attract a lot of artillery.
  13. More (sort of) new T-80s, this time the heavily upgraded T-80BVM: http://gurkhan.blogspot.com/2019/08/80_21.html
  14. IHHO you are both correct. Yes Iran caused the US considerable grief in Iraq, yet their behaviour is still an order of magnitude less contemptible than the takfiris and their sponsors in the gulf states.....Personally I'd trade the Iranians for the Saudis as allies, any time! But we seem to have come a long way from Krasnoyarsk.
  15. It's been kind of quiet in here for a while, Gur Khan suggests why: http://gurkhan.blogspot.com/2019/08/blog-post_22.html
  16. Lang-Ri-Sha will have many, laid out in the pattern of constellations.
  17. Looking forward to the next iteration fella.....As soon as the delta's done, I'm at your service if needed.
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