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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. Personally I'd start with something a bit smaller. I've recently starts making 'Asian' maps for CM:SF2, so I had to figure out my mapping techniques afresh.....I started with a couple of 640m x 640m maps to develop techniques, then did a 1.2km x 1.2km map using some alternative techniques, to widen my 'Asian' repertoire. I'm currently struggling with a 2.4km x 2km 'Master Map' incorporating almost all of the techniques I've developed.....It's taking months to do. As for swapping maps back & forth between games, allegedly it can be done (with many caveats), see this thread: Sadly I couldn't get it work. But I did download a lot of converted maps from those who could and who were kind enough to make them available.....Most of them worked just fine.
  2. Reckon you need to take a look at the warp/transform tools to straighten things out and you'll pretty much be there.
  3. Outta likes, again, already! You guys gotta slow down! PS - @37mm Just out of interest, how does that little boat look between two 16m foot-bridges used as jetties, spaced one tile apart (hopefully you could find a map with such a configuration)? PPS - Does the depth of the water tile (Deep/Shallow Ford/Water) affect the sit of the object?
  4. His username is not just his username. & Mosul. Better than West Mosul (building river deltas is a doddle by comparison). & now this ****'s getting weird.
  5. Don't forget about the constant fear that the skies would clear (which they eventually did) and allied air-power would decimate their largely road bound forces (which they eventually did).
  6. They are the same size as the modules on the glacis & have the same fittings.
  7. You can easily tell it's not plywood by the various weld beads.
  8. Take a look at this thread.....There are wonderful things: And they're not just for CM:SF2. If you can't find exactly what you want, the denizens of the thread will probably help you to make it for yourself.
  9. Ironically I just found this: https://thewarhorse.org/reflections-archives/sadr-city-sniper/?mc_cid=47b4626461&mc_eid=4eb1b2a558 So now we know exactly what the crane looked like: PS @sburke Thought this would be of interest.
  10. Amazing stuff.....I did my day's supply of likes long ago & I still owe you several more!
  11. They're getting pretty close IMHO.....I recommend keeping them one full tile from any actual water, which is just right for a footpath, fence or hedge (or just a line of jungle tiles). With that (or other) barrier, one is less likely to notice the slope to the real water.
  12. TBH I'd expect the full MBT variant to be in the 60ton class.....As for when we'll see any major deployment, who knows? In CM:BS, not at all I strongly suspect, which makes this discussion rather moot (cool tank though it is).
  13. @Mord I'm outta likes (understandable given recent events here & elsewhere), I owe you one.
  14. Another useful trick is just to get in there with the ditchlock elevation tool and stick some subtle folds in the ground.....It's almost as effective as using hedges and rather easier on the eye IMHO. Sure it's a swerve around the actual issue, but what we are after is a fun fight, no? How we get there should be optional.
  15. I wonder if this isn't the source of the processing issue.....Could one or the other of the sites be waiting for notification of receipt of that e-mail? If so, the fact that it's being sent to spam might mean that a notification of receipt is never sent, thus the BF site views the process as on-going? Just a thought.
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