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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. It's one of the main reasons I got into doing what I do on my MOUT maps, simply because there is no way for the player to know in advance if doors will function. IMHO the onus is on the designer to ensure that they do, but this is a much more difficult proposition when making a historical map based on a template than it is for my fictional ones. I've since rationalised what happened to me in KG Peiper as those buildings were part of the US defence, it's perfectly reasonable to assume the Americans had barricaded them and I did have engineers available. However there was no way for me to know that without playing it. If I were tweaking the map myself I might remove a few of the doors blow open a couple of the buildings and also place some fortifications like sandbags to imply the buildings are part of the defences, but hindsight is always 20/20. I still highly recommend it, it is probably the most historically immersive campaign I've played.....As soon as you see the maps you are there (& it's cold & it's wet & it's miserable).
  2. I'd particularly recommend this one Ian, the maps are astounding, if you are familiar with the battlefield you'll recognise them in an instant. On the downside some of the buildings on those maps are not always quite so accessible as they might appear.....Causing me to rage quit my last run after an entire platoon took very novel, but ultimately suicidal, routes to bypass doors that were blocked by adjacent terrain.
  3. He's been a tremendous help on a number of fronts, very much appreciated.
  4. Oh boy.....That's BHSFB! Those dudes are in trouble! Their new camo looks awesome.
  5. Subtle sig. One I happen to agree with 100% though.
  6. The 25mb file worked in preview at it's location (still can't see it in Imgur). Very nicely done. "Somebody call The Roach!"
  7. Looks like the sort of tree @Mord would cultivate.....Probably with fresh blood.
  8. We seem to be at a bit of a misunderstanding here, I was genuinely unsure of whether you understood the campaign structure.....There is no requirement to limit the variations between scenarios to: Are the scenarios available individually at all.....I'm guessing not, so it probably does come down to someone decompiling the campaign and looking. PS - That isn't going to be me right now as the PC I'm using is fit for browsing only.....Its replacement, that I just spent three and a half grand on, is sitting, in boxes, on a pallet, in my living room and has to stay there for at least another 48hrs or so, which really isn't doing my mood very much good TBH.
  9. It's OK we've had lots.....Someone else should get to have some.
  10. I'd need to decompile it and look, which could take a while. However that doesn't change the fact that this comment: To which I initially responded, is drivel. Too much of Elizabeth's fine ale? This early in the day?
  11. TBH it's quite hard to ascertain what the level of your knowledge actually is. Because this doesn't display any comprehension of the system at all.
  12. Sometimes if the forum's feeling balky, you will need to click the 'Insert Other Media' tab (bottom right), and then select 'Insert Image From URL' and then post your link in the dialogue box that pops up.
  13. Nice work, kudos to you both for spotting & fixing it.
  14. You are making me want to start messing with Trumpton again.....Loads of your Chiraq City stuff would be useable.
  15. Clear evidence of the flagrant vegetablism of the US system!
  16. Depends entirely on how it is scripted, it could be a variation of the same scenario or a completely different one, according to the designers intent.
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