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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. Yup, I'd buy that too. Probably right after CM:FG.
  2. That's nicely done sir, kudos for cutting plastic. Even the baseline M47's very hard to do in the 1/72 world, it's the only 'Patton' that I don't have.....There's no injection kit and the resin kits that are available are less than brilliant. However I have a feeling Armory or maybe even OKB Grigorov may do one in the not too distant future (he says optimistically).
  3. You shouldn't have to mess with game files.....Simply create a Z folder in your game directory.
  4. It's like a very quirky version of the original CM:SF, I really like it, but I have odd tastes. In some ways it's more sophisticated than CM:SF, in others less so, and in some areas it's just odd (those stupid bloody trucks).
  5. Yes. I'd buy this in an instant.....The more open the format the better. PS - My money's on the T-54.
  6. You could always look for AI plans in the editor.....Oh, hang on a minute.
  7. Funnily enough, @MOS:96B2P made this for me (for use in my 'late-period' stuff, it will go on the wall of a cinema): We do have a working (armed) boat, but sadly it's not a 'Pibber'.....Yet. TBH 'riverine' maps will need some very special treatment.....@37mm Did you have any results with the 'scuba-wire' experiment?
  8. You need to go into Units, choose the fortifications you want for the appropriate sides.....Once you've done that click Deploy Blue or Deploy Red as appropriate, which takes you into Preview so you can place them how you want them.
  9. It wouldn't be my first choice of system and that's a fact, but looking at what they achieved in the air to air role, they might as well have used them in that fashion.....If enough attacks were sufficiently coordinated they'd have a decent chance of getting something through.
  10. I know.....But, as JK points out, they weren't driving around in view of RT cameras until the squabbling started.
  11. Damn that's pretty! Wonder how many small IEDs it would take to bring down a big rail bridge.....
  12. Alternatively they might have deliberately built the bridge that way as a great big '**** you!' to the Ukraine and their new western chums.....TBH I'd count on it. PS - The Russians were very serious indeed: That's the dainty little 'Harpoonalike' KH-35.....They have much bigger/faster ones for serious navies.
  13. I believe so, but you'd need @37mm to confirm. Dude, it's an M113.....I easily can live with some extra fuel tanks & stuff!
  14. It seems that it's possible to place them in spots that the game doesn't like by Alt+Clicking.....They'll go where you put them, but vanish once you leave preview. I tend to Alt+Click 'em to the general vicinity, then Shift+Click 'em into final position.
  15. You can sort of simulate that with on-map spawning & exit zones (I tend to do this in conjunction with manhole flavour objects, fake railway tunnels etc.), assuming you have the reinforcement slots/terrain objectives to spare.....Smaller tends to be better for MOUT maps as is IMHO.
  16. Did you contact support at all? If anyone can find you a fix, it's probably them: https://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com/ Note the 'New Ticket' Tab, top right.
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