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Visual Bone

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Oh. My. Gosh.

Love the cityscape and the details in the Priest. And that bocage does look splendid!

Amazing shots - thanks much and keep up the great work! I actually dreamt of playing CM:N recently, just goes to show you ;)...

@Piecekeeper: Check out the tags in the bottom right corner of the screenshots - might answer your first question ;). As for question 2, expect "WHOOSH" to be a major sound effect, to be heard prominently in the first few minutes of most scenarios (according to Bullethead).

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magical source of Guinness. :D

Ahh to dream.

BTW.....as an international airline pilot I have been almost everywhere but the place I like best is Amsterdam. I cant enjoy the local cannibus but the people are really cool (even to Americans which is rare nowadays) and the girls on bikes are a real treat!

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Anybody else notice the difference in reaction between the visual bone and QB bone thread. The screenshots really do get people excited and get the blood pumping. I mean that Priest shot makes you wanna just jump in and start lobbing shells somewhere.

Since we have Steve here for the time being, I can't help but get greedy. How about some pics of the krauts and maybe some action pics? How about a MG-42 rocking & rolling? :D

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No pics of Germans just yet. The poor bugger's equipment is being stuck on them like Americans. Just haven't gotten around to straightening that out, but until then it is uuuuuugly :D

BTW, the hedgerows were a REAL (insert unkind word of choice) to get done. In real life they are chaotic, which is not something that computers are good at coping with. The first couple of attempts were far too clean or ran into various 3D issues with the game engine. And of course there is a polygon budget for something like this because it's likely used in large amounts.

What we have now we're pretty happy with. Seems to be a good balance between what we would like it to be and what it practically can be. Hedgerows are extremely important for this game, but at the same time there's a few other things that are important as well :D


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Very nice! Will the ammo inside the M7 (Priest) be reduced as it fires?

The Priest shot has shadows turned off to make the details easier to see. And no, the ammo racks don't deplete as shells are fired. The game is actually coded to do this, but we found a problem with that... Fog of War. We don't think you should be able to move your camera over the enemy's Marder III or M-10 so you can count how many rounds are left before deciding what to do Since this is a "fluff" feature we have put it aside for another day.

Here is thequote from Steve about that.

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Ah man, how I love the Olive Drab...it's gonna stick out nice when mixed in with some ambush camo from the burning German tanks!

These screens are awesome! I've been waiting for this since CMBO! THIS is what I dreamed of all those years ago.

So how are we looking as far as flavor objects go? You guys gonna give us a heap? They will be the key to really setting off the surrounding environs.


P.S. HOLY CRAP! You posted new shots while I was typing! I am gonna have to go change my undies....AGAIN!!!

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Fantastic looking game.You can already see the potential of such a release just by looking at the few screenies.You guys do great work and are probably exited about this particular release,seems to be a fan favorite :)

Hopefully now, people will settle down and wont go all Bone crazy, that should be the fix people need to get on with their lives..... for at least a couple of weeks to a month anyway..... before they start to fiend and go crazy for something else:)

Now, we got some info and some pics, the next step is game play footage.:D:P

I like what i see and the little details that are mentioned in the first post sounds great, can't wait to get my hands on it and start giving commands in this WW2 setting.:)

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Have you ever looked in to using procedural generation rather than static models for things like hedges and trees? Rather than having an artist design a 'hedge' model and using that wherever a hedge occurs, you create a procedure that generates a hedge model. Obviously it takes a fair amount of tweaking and testing to get something that generates nice hedges for all input values, but then when you stick a hedge on a map, it stores the seed value(s) with the hedge and uses that to generate the hedge when the world is being created. (You don't actually need it to work for all seeds, as long as you can give a list of seeds that are acceptable and pick from those).

Downsides: More time spent creating the world when the scenario is launched, since the 3d hedge (and tree) models have to be generated at run time rather than loaded. More work for programmers

Upsides: Greater variety of models. Less work for artists. Smaller data files for download.

I don't know how long it would take to come up with a hedge algorithm that was consistent with the requirements of how the hedges in CMN work.

There is a 1st-person shooter (kkreiger) that uses entirely procedural methods to generate all the models in the game (and just about everything else). The whole program is 96k (no that's not a typo) but generates scenes like this:


The gun alone, if done as a normal mesh model, would probably require more space than the entire program.

No idea how well it would work for hedges, trees or other organic things (buildings are already more or less done like this; the various arrangements of windows, doors, skins are selected randomly from the basic templates to create the complete building). I'm tempted to go and have a crack at an algorithm now. Or at least putting it on the 'to do in my spare time' list :)

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I keep wondering if the procedure you describe could be used for curved surfaces on vehicles: road wheels, gun barrel, cupolas ... If that was the case, I think one master model could be used for all levels of detail (and for all future games). Quake 3 had an algorithm for meshing curved surfaces depending on system performance, if I am not mistaken. Of course all this will be moot once we arrive at real-time ray-tracing.

Best regards,


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