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What would your reaction been if CM:SF was the first game published by BF?

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Given how great part of the complaints here are based on either/and:

- "Why did they change/leave out features X, Y and Z when they were in CMx1 and worked beautifully!!!"

- "I'm disappointed because the previous releases by Battlefront were so great and this isn't already!!!"

What would your reaction be if CM:SF would have been BF's first game ever published? No previous record of great games to build expectations on?

I'm very well aware that without CMx1 there wouldn't be CMx2, but do play along, people! Just imagine.

I, for my part, would have been extremely impressed and raving to my friends about this great, great game. (As opposed to telling them to check it out after couple of more patches unless they're hardcore wargamers.)

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-modern era COH or TOW?

-larger scale GRAW2?

I doubt I would have noticed, although to be fair I did not notice when CMBO was first released either. It was combination of a positive review of CMBO at SIMHQ and the pre-release buzz among serious wargaming sites surrounding CMBB that got me interested enough to download the CMBB demo.

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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

Modern shooter? I wouldn't have even noticed it was out.

Pretty much the same here. I would have taken note of it, passed it by and kept playing TacOps (which can be purchased from this website for anyone who hasn't noticed).

Michael </font>

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I would have tried the demo then uninstalled within 10 minutes like I do with most game demos I try. Wouldn't have given it another look, and likely forgotten about BFC until the advertisment for the modules were plastered all over game websites.

Compare that with what happened when I stumbled into BFC in 2000/2001. Ordered the game, not really knowing if I'd like it. I was instantly hooked and played CMBO for several years before taking a long break from wargames in general. Guess which series of games I came back to when I felt like wargaming again? CMx1 is going to stand the test of time for many, many years to come.

Luckily for BFC, CMx2 is now appealing to a far larger group of gamers (as they had planned). So they'll still shift a huge number of boxes, regardless of whether the CMx1 vets are completely happy.

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Given that the modern Middle East is one of my preferred settings for wargames, and no other game that I've played to date has been remotely satisfactory, I would have snapped it CMSF as soon as I heard about it. I would have been intensely frustrated by the LOS and pathfinding issues, but loved it nonetheless. I agree with Redwolf however that I would have doubted that penetration was based on serious research, if we did not have the CMx1 series to go on.

[ August 23, 2007, 02:18 AM: Message edited by: nijis ]

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I would have tried the demo, and then promptly uninstalled it.

I certainly would not have bought it, never mind preordered the extra-expensive special version (still not arrived, about 1 month after "release" date!)

I bought CMSF solely to support BF because of their record with the excellent CM1 games (also Strategic Command)


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This is a clever topic and at the same time it is a bit misleading.

BFC has perhaps earned the right to make this game. It is a bit self-indulgent, but also is fundamentally intended to provide a much much better sequel. The only reason this game is a big deal is because we have such high expectations from BFC, and because we view it through the lens of their previous games.

Of course, if they were just starting out, they would make sure this game was released in a fit state, but it would also not be judged so harshly without the CM1 comparison. Clearly they have deviated from their original philosophy.

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i wouldn't have even tried it. i have hardly tried any of the relatively numerous realistic 2D simulations of modern combat out there, not to mention realistic squad level 3D shooters (OFP being the exception, as far as it can be considered to be realistic).

i have tried to not think about CMx1 when i play CMSF and i have to say i do enjoy CMSF.

to me CMSF is more about harmless fun, less about playing a serious wargame. don't know if developers meant it to be like that. i couldn't care less how CMSF simulates things behind the scenes - would be just as much fun (not being sarcastic, it is fun) if tanks had health bars.

to me CMSF is a bit like OFP. in CMSF i command a platoon but it's quite abstracted, in OFP i command just a squad but it's less abstracted.

i hoped CMSF would do to SPMBT what CMx1 did to SPWW2, but it did not. it doesn't make CMSF a bad game.

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I can't really say...CMBO gets 70% credit for giving me an interest in warfare and 100% credit for turning me into a WWII junky...So I don't know if I'd ever have discovered this site without CMX1...or even cared.


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I was done with RTS with Red Alert. I still haven't purchased CM:SF but I did pre-order CMBO, CMBB and CMAK. I dunno, I hate to give up on anything. I may give CM:SF a try when the patches catch up. Or wait until CM:RTS:WWII is released...its not the modern setting, its the RTS. But I don't know, I may become one of the customers that gets left by the way.

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Wouln't have touched it with a bargepole.

If I hadn't bought and shelved ToW I might have pre-ordered it now to get a feel for the engine, but one purchase of a game I don't play is enough support for BFC.

Contented myself with getting a feel for the engine from playing the demo and wasn't impressed enough to get over the 'let's go bonk some ragheads' subject matter.

[ August 23, 2007, 07:07 AM: Message edited by: Sgt_Kelly ]

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