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What I'd like to see in CM3...

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I still enjoy CM2. I just feel progress on the whole probably hasn't been as quick as BF would have liked, could be wrong here though. It just doesn't seem at all likely we will get to Early East Front with the CM2 engine. I think it's just starting to show some age and with the increase in PC power since CM2 first came out and 64bit there is plenty of horsepower in hand for CM3.


Four things I'd love to have\see. SOP's, Rooms in buildings,  exciting close combat animations and finally improvement of current infantry animations aswell as more variation.


That would do it for me!

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7 minutes ago, Warts 'n' all said:

Do we really need yet another "I'd love to have/see" thread?

Well this is not bad to listening what peoples would like to see and what periods they are interresting to play, sometimes this gave us ideas for future mods...but is true, is because we have more threads talking about the same things on differents threads names...

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CM3 is as far beyond my imagining as the future CM2 had been back when I was playing CM1.
Wishing blindly for stuff this way, you're liable to either go 'too small' (make mere CM2-appropriate suggestions) or 'too big' (impossible fantasy suggestions). Something that's always been on my wish list has been 'super flavor objects'. Huge dominating flavor objects like locomotives or dockyard cranes or electrical power pylons. On the scale of things to wish for that might be considered 'chump change'. Like walking into a Michelin starred restaurant and ordering a burger and fries. ^_^

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Yes, unless one is an experienced game/graphics programmer it's hard to figure out what is possible vs what is practical.  However, one has to "shoot for the stars" to get anything worthwhile accomplished.  Even if you don't quite make it, you'll probably hit the moon - and that would be damn good.

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What's an SOP?


Something that's always been on my wish list has been 'super flavor objects'. Huge dominating flavor objects like locomotives or dockyard cranes or electrical power pylons.

With the brilliant work of Aquila-CM those things are nearer than you think. And functional, not just pretty pictures.  I also have felt that they are a necessity for modern combat, as well as large concrete buildings like offices, factories, hospitals, and particularly multi-storey car parks, which we now know can be converted into veritable fortresses and immune to most arty and airstrikes.

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BTW is Jeffrey Epstein one of your evil cult members?  He has what I can only describe as a weird Temple of Malign Gods on his private island. 🙂

Actually, let's forget I ever said that. Anybody connected to either Awesome Demonic other-dimensional Power, and/or ruthless intelligence services, shouldn't really be insulted.

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5 hours ago, JulianJ said:

What's an SOP?

Things like specifying what to do when contact is made. For example that way you could have scouts behave differently from an assault team etc.

5 hours ago, JulianJ said:

With the brilliant work of Aquila-CM those things are nearer than you think. 

Actually not really. The main reason we do not have super flavor objects in game now is *not* because the game cannot support the models it is the way they are treated for spotting, pathfinding and fire. A flavour object representing an amusement park ride and a steel container should have very different properties in game but in CM2 the will all behave like a bus shelter. Getting large models into the game is pretty straight forward. Having them behave in a variety of ways is not.

So, it would be great to get all the supporting code in CM3 that would make arbitrary flavour objects possible. It would be a fun feature.

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41 minutes ago, c3k said:

I think I'll start a thread: "Let me know if you'd love to have a thread about things you'd love to have in the game." 


Hahahaha. And then I could start a thread called "How many of you would like to have a thread where we only discuss existing features within the game".

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We could start a thread entitled 'what features CM doesn't have the money to do'. Fancy photo-realistic motion capture animations and celebrity voice actors could be on that list.
I recall sir Ian McKellen said he got paid more for voicing the LOTR game than acting in the LOTR movie. With CM's budget their voice actor celebrites would necessarily to be pretty low-rent, like Billy Baldwin.

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i'd rather have more qol and ai improvments than visual really. one thing that really gets to me now is how the hunt command works. i find it pretty useless in forested/dense urban environments. the ai only stops if they see enemy, not if they have a torrent of automatic fire coming their way from a few metres away. keep on losing so many people like this. also the whole people running onto the streets when they are panicked. I am fine with people running away,, what annoys me is the fact that instead of running to easily accessible cover, the ai runs smack dab out in the open, often towards enemy fire. also may not be the right place to ask, anyone got any ideas for forest fighting. Have tried everything (splitting into smaller groups, adequate spacing, bounding movement), still taking massive casualties. I know the environment like that heavily favour the defenders but i am taking horrendous casualties

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3 hours ago, ishfar94 said:

anyone got any ideas for forest fighting

Assuming that you absolutely must go thru a forest the first tactic is to go very slow, stop for a minute or more and let your units listen for enemy sound contacts.  Once you hear an enemy, in CM2 that sound contact is an accurate location of an enemy unit.  One needs to AREA FIRE at the sound contact to suppress it while moving an assault element closer until positive ID is made and one can TARGET it (assuming your guys aren't firing at the enemy on their own initiative. 

If the scenario doesn't allow sufficient time to move thru a forest slowly and carefully, or have enuff ammo for a lot of AREA FIRE, then send nasty complaining e-mails to the designer.


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47 minutes ago, Erwin said:

Assuming that you absolutely must go thru a forest the first tactic is to go very slow, stop for a minute or more and let your units listen for enemy sound contacts.  Once you hear an enemy, in CM2 that sound contact is an accurate location of an enemy unit.  One needs to AREA FIRE at the sound contact to suppress it while moving an assault element closer until positive ID is made and one can TARGET it (assuming your guys aren't firing at the enemy on their own initiative. 

If the scenario doesn't allow sufficient time to move thru a forest slowly and carefully, or have enuff ammo for a lot of AREA FIRE, then send nasty complaining e-mails to the designer.


Well I get that but the problem is most missions don't have enough time to be that thorough. I still think it could be easily fixed if the hunt command is tweaked so that high rates of incoming fire register as actual contact instead of it just being visual. You'd still get casualties but it would be far less

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1. Models for aircraft. Right now, they feel like an arbitrary destructive anomaly.

2. Dynamic campaigns. Either with an operational map (move your companies, and generate tactical battles), or just a string of random scenarios (allowing you to spend points at the end of each one).

3. Random map generator. Like in CM1.

4. Purchasable reinforcements. Units cost less, but arrive later.

5. Formations. Order a convoy to move in a column or a platoon in a wedge.

6. No grid.

7. More dedicated vehicles. Medevacs, mine clearers.

8. Realistic projectile models. Not every round is a bright tracer. (I do really appreciate the different colours introduced in 4.0)

9. More animations. Give units more opportunities to lower their silhouette -- no mocaps necessary.

10. Enhanced vehicle simulation. Vehicle movement reflects transmission, suspension, etc.

Honourable mentions: bigger maps, better performance, rendered backgrounds, fulda gap, better shadows, NBC mechanics.

1 hour ago, danfrodo said:

Hear Hear!  Move to contact is much needed.  An empty pillbox or dismounted tank will trigger Hunt unit to stop.

And somehow fail to stop when 7.92 Mauser is zipping over their heads...

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3 hours ago, DerKommissar said:

Formations. Order a convoy to move in a column or a platoon in a wedge.


On 7/19/2019 at 5:43 PM, Wodin said:


What I would really like to see is some more 'auftragstaktik' or 'mission command', so you don't have to micromanage every squad when fighting with a battalion. Instead, attack with platoons of even companies, while they do their part themselves.


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The question is what trade-offs are you willing to accept? What are you willing to give up in order to have super-huge maps or micro terrain details or fully mapped out vehicle interiors or strategic map overlays? Are you willing to accept fewer vehicle types or lose the ability to create your own maps? Make a choice.

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