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chris talpas

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    Ontario, Canada
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    wargaming, history, astronomy
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  1. If Biden truly wants to maximize Harris’ chances, he should turn over the presidency as well to give some power of incumbency to her -a test drive of her presidency.
  2. Nice interview with General Ben Hodges getting his thoughts on the NATO summit and reluctance to allow long range strikes against airfields which are killing Ukrainians. Argues that Washington is overly fearful. While Hodges isn’t exactly MacArthur, I’m far less certain that Crimea isn’t a red line.
  3. Another very topical episode from Perun where he looks at Russian equipment losses and replenishment. Long term trends not encouraging for Russia but also chiding incremental western support that is allowing them to adapt.
  4. Other thing as well was the use it or lose it situation for Russia in terms of Ukrainian ammo stockpiles being at their lowest but only increasing in the near term as the congressional roadblocks were finally coming down. Effectiveness of drones on blunting the attack was certainly unexpected by the Russian commanders.
  5. My god..can we add treason ? The US definitely benefits from the rules based order which it has led (reserve currency for example). Do people really want to topple this? I just want to cry thinking about November. My apologies for the diversion (just a concerned neighbour)
  6. I’m not suggesting that shooting them from the sky is the only way to kill those archers. Much like the escalation into launching strikes against Russian forces massing across the border have now become fair game, could one not declare air fields that have launched air strikes against Ukrainian civilian infrastructure in the last 1-3 months (pick a number based on your risk tolerance) are now allowable targets for western supplied weapons? Naval platforms have been fair game and a number of missile platforms sits at the bottom of the Black Sea.
  7. At what point are we going to realize that we can’t only shoot down arrows but need to go after the archers?
  8. Perun is back this time discussing recent escalations by Russia and what has been or could be the allied response. As always both informative and entertaining.
  9. Thinking of battleship’s and carriers, the airplane represented long range precision that could defeat mass. The US carrier task forces represented mass precision that simply overwhelmed Japanese naval and aviation opposition. There really was no place for the battleship in this new world of massed long range precision. Those carrier task forces were well equipped with ISR as well. Just carrying on with the analogies
  10. Thought this was interesting in highlighting some Russian unconventional conflict within NATO https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/30/europe/russia-hybrid-war-nato
  11. Would love to see The_Capt and Perun collaborate especially as special advisors to the next government on how to fix Canada’s very broken military procurement process. Canada needs to spend more both to be in line with NATO minimal spending expectations and also because winter is coming. Fix the system to best make use of those new dollars. Buy more off the shelf but choose wisely. One area of leveraging local talent is in AI research
  12. Perun is back with a most topical video.
  13. Perhaps the support of that endeavour is what is keeping Charles busy since we’ve not yet seen the release of Combat Mission Space Lobsters.
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