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BFC - Time to Rethink the 'Roadmap'?

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10 hours ago, slysniper said:

( But Russia does need their love, that front have become the step child in the CM2 series) and as we know, all true war gamers, its their favorite area of history.

Sounds like the beginning of a true Scotsman argument :)

Don't get me wrong I'll play any Eastern front game BFC put out but I have to say I am happier in Italy or France or North Africa - please pretty please.

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11 hours ago, Battlefront.com said:

Yesh, that’s quite a list on top of all the other stuff we’re doing :)  Definitely no Polish Home Guard, Hungarians, or other “Axis minor” nations.  The CMRT module will have German and Soviet TO&E updated through to the end of the war, Waffen SS, Luftwaffe (including scratch forces), Volkssturm, Kriegmarine, and most like 1944 Partisans.  This not only extends the timeframe of CMRT through to the end of the war, but it also fills out the Bagration timeframe.  Obviously new weather, a Germany Region (terrain), new textures, and highly detailed Master Maps as well.

When will it be done?  Not sure, but it’s pretty far along already.  Once CMSF2 is out the door we hould be able to knock it out fairly quickly even though we’ll be fnishing up CMFI R2V at the same time.

I see you didn't rule out the First Polish Army -- which gives me hope! More eastern front content is an easy buy from me. It's a very eventful place and time and I can see the benefits on focusing on a single operation. Any chance of Konigsberg or Prague? I guess it'll open up the road to the most logical pick for NEXT RT module -- Manchuria!

Yeah, I'm mostly hyped for R2V -- Brazilians, Indians AND Free French. Hope it comes out soon. But, take your time, guys. Lots of impatient folk that seem to forget that the quality content takes time. I'd rather play a Stanley Kubrick game than a Ron Howard game.

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34 minutes ago, Erwin said:

If BF can collect enuff presales for a DAK North Africa module or game, it could become a reality.

Heck yes!  where do I send my money!?  N Africa, east front 41-43, Korea 1950, I'd pay for those up front and wait a year.  And of course excited about the planned ww2 releases already promised. 

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Don't kid yourself guys. A best selling game has to include American forces, so no Eastern Front or North Africa 1941-42. Maybe the first CM3 game could be something like Torch to Tunis. But unfortunately it seems like Normandy would always have the priority. I personally would love to see Barbarossa or France 1940. As to North Africa - sure the open terrain gives you a possibility of sweeping maneuvers, but the maps would need to be huge and the whole concept of the game should be different, with the introduction of planning and operational phases.

Edited by Ivanov
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12 minutes ago, SgtHatred said:

It's critical that Battlefront abandon all current development and put all resources into adding the following feature to all CMx2 titles. This is the only road to victory.



Well, if we can't have tank riders in all titles, this is the next best thing for sure. Imagine the fun in snowy conditions! Weeeeeee......

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On 11/1/2018 at 7:00 PM, MOS:96B2P said:

So maybe Combat Mission North Africa for the first CM3 title?   :)

North Africa has a lot going for it I'd say, The Americans WERE there after Operation Torch, you have Rommels DAK, The British, The Italians, The vichy French if the Battlefront team puts them in.  I think it would sell well imo. However with a new game engine I can already see us all begging for  more theatres, Italy, France and Russia. Its all good to me though, Anything new in  WW2 and you can count me in for a copy,

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On 11/1/2018 at 12:04 PM, Erwin said:

Wonder if they are looking at a modified "Star Citizen" model - players have to buy individual units and packages and getting access to all features costs a lot more $.


@IanL thanks yeah I wasnt being entirely serious, not like Im trying to get worked up over such silly stuff as tame comments on a msg board online..

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2 hours ago, 76mm said:


Yes, reference 1944 partisans in the CMRT module, very cool. 

I wonder how they will be portrayed and equipped.   Will they have any similarities to CMSF with a Civilian Density setting and forward observer spies?  Maybe some type of wire detonated explosive?  I'm guessing a Model T Ford VBIED is out of the question.... :D :lol:.    

Or will they just be basically groups of combatants with rag tag uniforms and equipment?  

Any of the above or combination of the above would be very cool for scenario design.     

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I doubt there.ll be population density. Most of the partisan actions big enough for CN portrayal (it is a combat game in fhe end, terrorist attacks dont work well) would be raids, partisan attacks on outposts, things where areas would be cordoned off I imagine and anyone was fair game.  The partisans were also famous for hiding in the deep swamps and woods, and more or less accepting support and people from villages but not living amongst them say like many insurgents in a Iraq/Syria scenario would..  To be honest I cant think of any major partisan actions in cities at all for the east in ww2 - please correct me if Im wrong. i know gigantic numbers were used and whole swathes of terroritory were under de facto partisan rule but I always though these were German rear areas, especially heavily wooded, swamps, and sparsely populated.

I also seem to recall watching Star Medias WW2 in the East series ( yes Russian bias but good- free on youtube) had very interesting mention of a huge mass of partisans a few hundred miles southwest of Moscow in early 42 that basically fought one way, then another, infiltrated through the enemy trap whilst losing many men, and eventually fought another hundred miles or so to Soviet lines. Or something epic. Forgive me but it was the 1st time I heard of it and only time Id heard of it.

But partisans and especially in that time frame are important - even though Id say its 99 percent we wont have Ukrainian anti Soviet partisans (and why would we really for 1 huge outsize incident) they did make a huge impact by killing Vatutin though I doubt it was purposefully Vatutin. One could make an argent for Vlasovites but seeing as how I get a sense of CMRT and the Ost Front indeed as one person said being x2s step child and therefore deperate to get what I consider most important in - which definitely means fleshing out the Red Army, Waffen SS, Luftwaffe, Volksturm and poss. Hitler Youth ( I know its touchy but in Berlin, and Konigsberg off the top of my head they did impact tje battle quite a bit... They refused to surrender when the Heer did in Konigsberg) along with stragglers of both sides, penal battalions, loads of vehicles.. German and East Prussian maps and yes I know MOUT is x2s weakness I still want Warsaw Berlin and Konigsberg. Seelow Heights and Prague too pls. A scenario depicting what if you held od the Amis at Riesberg and your last stand from the Reds coming in from the Ost. Some last minute troops and wounded/old civilians and children are trying to escape as well.

May as well add some minor Axis nations too :)

Sigh who am I kidding.

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p.s. i think red partisans should have mostly scruffy red army uniforms WITH intermixed civvie pants or shirts (like green RA pants greyish civvie overcoat, small cap) possibly also some mixed raggy german uniforms with insignia removed (just say like where the eagle wuda been ripped off) or pants mixed witb RA or civvie clothes.

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20 hours ago, Sublime said:

p.s. i think red partisans should have mostly scruffy red army uniforms WITH intermixed civvie pants or shirts (like green RA pants greyish civvie overcoat, small cap) possibly also some mixed raggy german uniforms with insignia removed (just say like where the eagle wuda been ripped off) or pants mixed witb RA or civvie clothes.

This would be cool.  Maybe some Cossacks.  Also possibly with some German panzerfausts.  Having some would greatly facilitate convoy ambushes.  I'm no grog on the subject but I would think it would be historically accurate for 1944 partisans to have a few panzerfausts in their TOE?  

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16 minutes ago, Sequoia said:

Can you elaborate on what you mean by Cossacks in the game and how they might differ significantly in a game with no cavalry?

The ethnic Cossacks who fought on both sides during WWII.  They would fight on foot as partisans and could have some clothing (maybe facial hair?) of ethnic Cossacks.  Might be cool to have two or three Cossack looking dudes mixed in with the partisan units.         

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