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More drama in Ukraine--Sea of Azov

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6 minutes ago, DerKommissar said:

Yeah, even more reason it's strange that USMC, Ukranian Marines and VMF don't appear in Black SEA.

?? there is only so much space in a release. More to come and all that... Didn't Steve even hint that the plan for the BS module would include Marines? It has been a while so I could be wrong.

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I recall years (decades) ago the Pentagon did a big wargame sim to test out their newest warfighting theories and futuristic weapon designs. Unfortunately the opponent team was too aggressive and managed to sink their landing craft just as the sim got going. The frustrated development team called a halt to the wargame, refloated their landing craft, and resumed the sim. I don't believe the things fared much better on land. The clever opponent team was able to saturate and overwhelm the Blue side's high tech defenses. The exercise foretold the current problem of using expensive patriot missiles to shoot down cheap drones. I wish I could remember when that wargame took place, perhaps the late 90s of early 20s.

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3 hours ago, IanL said:

?? there is only so much space in a release. More to come and all that... Didn't Steve even hint that the plan for the BS module would include Marines? It has been a while so I could be wrong.


3 hours ago, Michael Emrys said:

I could be wrong too, but I think I remember the same thing.



1 hour ago, Sublime said:

Yeah they specifically said they planned to have USMC and VDV, ISTR Russian marines as well.  It was also said that they wanted to add irregular forces for both ukrainian sides later.

In October 2017, in the thread Another Reason for a Centralized Forum, Steve said,

CMBS is owed a Module.  CMBS is theoretically next after CMRT.  Marines are an obvious selection for the first Module and the work being done for CMSF2 is going to pave the way for that to happen.

In June 2018, in the thread CMRT Module 1 Bones, Steve said,

Partisans could be introduced in Pack form to CMBN, CMFI, or CMRT.

I want to say Steve said uncons could be released for CMBS but have not found that yet. 

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1 hour ago, MikeyD said:

I recall years (decades) ago the Pentagon did a big wargame sim to test out their newest warfighting theories and futuristic weapon designs. Unfortunately the opponent team was too aggressive and managed to sink their landing craft just as the sim got going. The frustrated development team called a halt to the wargame, refloated their landing craft, and resumed the sim. I don't believe the things fared much better on land. The clever opponent team was able to saturate and overwhelm the Blue side's high tech defenses. The exercise foretold the current problem of using expensive patriot missiles to shoot down cheap drones. I wish I could remember when that wargame took place, perhaps the late 90s of early 20s.

That was Millennium Challenge 2002. The OPFOR was led by retired Marine Corps Lt Gen Paul Van Riper. https://warontherocks.com/2015/11/millennium-challenge-the-real-story-of-a-corrupted-military-exercise-and-its-legacy/

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4 hours ago, DerKommissar said:

Yeah, even more reason it's strange that USMC, Ukranian Marines and VMF don't appear in Black SEA.

They didn't make it into SF off the bat either. Black Sea had quite a lot of content for a title release: 85 vehicles (US 25, RUS 40, UKR 20) and 91 on map formations (US 27, RUS 33, UKR 31). Shock Force had 49 vehicles (US 25, SYR 24) and 43 on map formations (US 11, SYR 32).  I'd say BS was chock full.



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Yeah I don’t recall Steve ever committing to uncons for CMBS.  The problem is interpreting current events against BF scenarios. It is something that keeps coming up regarding Syria and CMSF as well. CMBS was never intended to be the hybrid warfare model of the current situation, it was more a full on invasion of Ukraine. If you read the back story in the manual they explicitly state what it is they are portraying in the game or not and the uncon forces and situation in the Donbass is not part of the game portrayal.  That being said it is always possible they could revisit that in a pack. 

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57 minutes ago, MOS:96B2P said:

In October 2017, in the thread Another Reason for a Centralized Forum, Steve said,

CMBS is owed a Module.  CMBS is theoretically next after CMRT.  Marines are an obvious selection for the first Module and the work being done for CMSF2 is going to pave the way for that to happen.

In June 2018, in the thread CMRT Module 1 Bones, Steve said,

Partisans could be introduced in Pack form to CMBN, CMFI, or CMRT.

I want to say Steve said uncons could be released for CMBS but have not found that yet. 

Thanks for the clarification. Pretty happy with the content on the horizon.

12 minutes ago, Mord said:

They didn't make it into SF off the bat either. Black Sea had quite a lot of content for a title release: 85 vehicles (US 25, RUS 40, UKR 20) and 91 on map formations (US 27, RUS 33, UKR 31). Shock Force had 49 vehicles (US 25, SYR 24) and 43 on map formations (US 11, SYR 32).  I'd say BS was chock full.

4 hours ago, IanL said:

?? there is only so much space in a release.

Not complaining about the amount of content in BS. IMHO it probably has more content than most other titles. I love that it has 3 unique factions.

USMC is my favourite American service. I like them more than US Army. I also prefer the VMF, and the VDV, to the MSV. Pop-culture-induced favouritism aside, I see why they picked US Army and MSV. It pleased the ravenous Fulda Gap fanatic, inside me.

Hope the modules take less time to push out than a redesign of an entire game and all its expansions.

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9 minutes ago, DerKommissar said:

Not complaining about the amount of content in BS. IMHO it probably has more content than most other titles. I love that it has 3 unique factions.

Nah, I didn't take it as complaining, just giving a little perspective on how much was actually in it. Trust me, I can't wait to get more stuff for BS! I want the Marines and the Brits, but the British are a long ways off, if they even do them. All it says in the PDF about forces is NATO, so who knows what non-US forces they might add later.



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Hmm ok maybe Im wrong then. I really seem to recall him saying theyd like to add them - and yes i know exactly what youre saying about current events vs the game story line, I know its two 'worlds'.

I 100% remember seeing USMC and VDV and I know more was said as well.

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22 minutes ago, Sublime said:

Hmm ok maybe Im wrong then. I really seem to recall him saying theyd like to add them - and yes i know exactly what youre saying about current events vs the game story line, I know its two 'worlds'.

I 100% remember seeing USMC and VDV and I know more was said as well.

I found this from May 2017 in the thread The Cove Australian profession of Arms.  Steve said in response to uncons in CMBS. 

Yup, that is entirely possible.  Though with CMSF2 on the way it won't be too long before those things will be covered in the existing Syrian scenario.

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17 hours ago, Sublime said:

Hmm ok maybe Im wrong then. I really seem to recall him saying theyd like to add them - and yes i know exactly what youre saying about current events vs the game story line, I know its two 'worlds'.

I 100% remember seeing USMC and VDV and I know more was said as well.

I'd be pretty happy even if they pick VDV over VMF.

VDV got a lot of really unique vehicles. I'd love to play as/against a modern day Mobile Infantry. APCs, IFVs, SPGs and tank destroyers falling from the sky! Oh well, maybe not that... still want to see those ****ty little BMDs.

Uncons would make a lot of sense too. I'd be pretty happy with introducing asymmetric gameplay to BS.

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16 hours ago, MOS:96B2P said:

I found this from May 2017 in the thread The Cove Australian profession of Arms.  Steve said in response to uncons in CMBS. 

Yup, that is entirely possible.  Though with CMSF2 on the way it won't be too long before those things will be covered in the existing Syrian scenario.

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Thanks. I honestly cant remember if that was what I remembered or what. Again though Im b@t$hit crazy soo...

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On 10/4/2018 at 4:11 PM, Sublime said:

Thanks. I honestly cant remember if that was what I remembered or what. Again though Im b@t$hit crazy soo...

I remember it too. Although any CMBS 'uncons' will probably me more akin to conventional forces compared to the Syrian uncons. Volunteers, 'green man', mercenaries, vacationers; I'd say that even with the CMBS backstory a realistic case can be made for the Russian 'hybrid' warfare incorporating not only formal state combatants.

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Yes i definitely mimagined BFCs take on uncons would be paramilitaries prpbably mostly fascist types defending Ukraine and uncons for Novo Rossiya uncons

 I also pictired higer end uncons like Wagner Group... is there an infamous or elite ukrainian merc group like Americas Blackwater USA or Russias Wagner


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On 10/3/2018 at 12:43 PM, DerKommissar said:

Thanks for the clarification. Pretty happy with the content on the horizon.

Not complaining about the amount of content in BS. IMHO it probably has more content than most other titles. I love that it has 3 unique factions.

USMC is my favourite American service. I like them more than US Army. I also prefer the VMF, and the VDV, to the MSV. Pop-culture-induced favouritism aside, I see why they picked US Army and MSV. It pleased the ravenous Fulda Gap fanatic, inside me.

Hope the modules take less time to push out than a redesign of an entire game and all its expansions.

What is MSV ? My google-fu could not determine what it was.

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27 minutes ago, Sequoia said:

What is MSV ? My google-fu could not determine what it was.

Yeah, sorry about that -- I was using stupid lingo. MSV stands for Моторизо́ванные стрелко́вые войска which translates to Motor Rifle Forces. It refers to the Motor Rifle Divisions that make up the bulk of the (ex) Warsaw Pact armies -- and are the antagonists of CMBS.

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Serious sharpening in Kerchian strait area, which our bloggers already called in joke "Azovian Traffalgar".

As you know, Ukraine is strengthing own forces on Azov sea and created naval base in addition to Maritime boreder guard forces. To the Berdiansk port were moved by land two armored gunboats and by the sea the former command ship "Donbas" (will use like floating HQ and barrack) and rescue seatug "Korets" - their passing through the Kerchian strait inflicted painful reaction of Russia, but at last vessels arrived in Mariupol.

This time Ukrainian Navy Command decided to move next group of vessels from Black Sea to Azov Sea. Armored gunboats "Berdiansk" and "Nikopol" (Gyurza-M class) and harbor tug "Yany-Kapu". As I said recently two the same gunboats were moved to Azov sea on the trailers by land. But looks like Ukraine consciously has taken a risk, because in December UN General Assembly will pass resolution about Azov Sea. So, before Russia will raise a dillemma - if they permit armed navy boats passing to Azov, this will lead to next image losses of Russian authorities on background of discontent of pension reform and possible return several islands to Japan. But if they will make obstacles to passing or even agression, this will impose international reaction, for example, sanctions and lawsuits about violence of Sea Right.

So, in 3:58 Ukranian gunbout "Berdiansk" requested navigation services of port Kerch and port Kavkaz and noticed, that Ukrainain group is going to pass the strait. But Russian was keeping a silence. At 4:07 a radio communication was fixed between Kerch port and Russian Black Sea fleet ASW-corvette "Suzdalets" (pr.1124M, Grisha-III class) that Ukrainain vessels were detected. Since some time Ukranian group were intercepted by Russian Coast Guard ships and boats.

Russian FSB claimed  "Ukrainian vessels violated territorial waters of Russia and Coast Guard will not allow any provocations". Though because annexation of Crimea wasn't recognized, from the point of view of International Sea Right and UN conventions, waters near Crimea still belong to Ukraine, thus Russian pretenses is not valid.

At the morning, Russian ships became to maneuver dangerously around our vessels and its also were forced to maneuver to avoid collisions.

On the first photo - Ukrainian armored gunboat and harbor tug




At 7:00 Russian Coast Guard ship "Don" (pr.745P) rammed Ukranian harbour tug "Yany-Kapu". This moment was fixed by operator of gun module on our gunboat - you can compare sizes of our tug (left) and Russian ship (right).


"Yany-Kapu" has taken light hull damage, engine damage, lost a resque boat, but continued to move. Russian ship "Don" hadn't time for maneuver after ramming of our tug, and by inertion rammed own other Coast Guard ship "Izumrud" (pr. 22460). "Izumrud" got a hole in the superstructure, some sources said "Don" has taken a hull damage with a hole above waterline and withdrew to the port.

At 11:30 Russians claimed two Ukrainain armored gunboats left port Berdiansk on Azov Sea and on full speed sail to Kerchian strait

Ukrainian group, sailing from Odesa stopped in six miles from the bridge. At 13:12 Ka-52 pair passed over and targeted our vesels.


At 13:42 Russian blocked the pass to the Kerchian starit by the old tanker and sea-crane.


Minesweeper "Vice-admiral Zakharyin" N.908 (pr.266, Yurka class), two speed patrol boats Raptor class and Coast Guard ship "Izumrud" N.354 guarded the pass.  



On this zoomed photo you can see the damage of superstructure of "Izumrud" after collision with "Don"


About 14:00 tugs moved the tanker and Black Sea fleet group - minesweeper and Raptors sailed in Azov sea. Then the pass was blocked again.


Soon, Russian Su-25 pair appeared in the sky, they passed along the bridge.


Close to the evening local inhabitant filmed a video from own car, how in the field near Zavitne village, southern of Kerch, Russian night transport-assault heilcopters Mi-8AMTSh is landing. Possibly assault groups was onboard and they prepared to seiz all our vessels in the night or on dawn. 


Last information but not confirmed - our group in the sea withstanding against 10 ships and boats of Black Sea Fleet and Coast Guard, Russians communicated with our group and claimed to stop machines, any attempts to move toward the bridge will cause opening the fire. Source in our MoD as if said vessels will return to Odesa - they completed their mission and showed for international community agressive intentions of Russia, showed brutal violation of acting Agreement about general use of Azov Sea - military vessels can pass free through the strait and for this its just need to notificate (not to await for permission in the queue) navigation point in Russian port Kavkaz, which controlled traffic and provided with harbor pilots as far as before the war.




Edited by Haiduk
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