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CM Black Sea – BETA Battle Report - Russian Side

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 Steven, they were firing at the crew from the SA-13 they knocked out in the previous turn.. then they started to react to the more dangerous threat, the RPG team.


No, just the one immobilized T-90.   ;)

hmm didn't you have one hit a mine on post 294? Or is this a video of that incident?

Edited by sburke
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gotcha, meanwhile in the battle that really matters you are trouncing Scott in the "views" category.


To be fair to our backed-into-a-corner armor officer, he has been updating a bit more sporadically than Bill as well :P

Edited by Rinaldi
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Vanir Ausf B,


Very much appreciate this information--for several reasons! How does the Svinets stack up vs the M829A3? Would love to know where the two sides stand. Of course, we're talking two radically different armoring schemes here, so RHA penetration numbers aren't necessarily useful in answering the broader questions. That said, would you kindly provide the new Russian HEAT/FS designator, penetration figures and equivalent data for the US projectile?


The T-90 Wiki is showing that one of the T-90's HEAT rounds significantly outperforms the KE round. It explicitly talks about DU liners, too. What I'm seeing here is evidence of impressive technical work on HEAT munition design, particularly the triple charge projectile. This reflects both what was briefed to us in 1985 by the CIA and in several mentions in successive versions of Soviet Military Power that the Soviets had a significant lead over the US in explosives. 




Like other modern Russian tanks the 2A46M in the T-90 is fed by an automatic loader which removes the need for a manual loader in the tank and reduces the crew to 3 (commander, gunner, and driver). The autoloader can carry 22 ready-to-fire rounds in its carousel and can load a round in 5–8 seconds.[8] It has been suggested that the automatic loaders on modern T-90 tanks have been modified to take advantage of newer ammunition such as the 3BM-44M APFSDS, which like the US M829A3 penetrates armour better than the previous shorter rounds. HEAT rounds that can be fired from the 2A46M includes the 3BK21B (with a Depleted uranium liner), 3BK29 (with a credited penetration of 800 mm RHA equivalency), and the 3BK29M(with a Triple-tandem charge warhead). Additionally the T-90 features the Ainet fuse setting system which allows the tank to detonate 3OF26 HE-FRAG rounds at a specific distance from the tank as determined by the gunners laser rangefinder, improving its performance against helicopters andinfantry.[42] Accurate firing range HE-Frag-FS 10 km, APFSDS 4 km[43]




Ref your No 322, first vid, there appears to be a major T-90AM graphics problem with the running gear. This is glaringly evident at 0:39, where the rear road wheels somehow extend well outside the track. Those T-90s look wicked, and the CROWS type MG mount looks pretty cool whether static or firing.  I'd think that with the right defilade position, you just might be able to convince your opponent all that's there are light scout forces. Until it was too late!




John Kettler

Edited by John Kettler
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3BM60 Svinets-2, a DU round that AFAIK has not yet entered production. 

Svinets-2 in production since 2013.



Протокол заседания Совета директоров № 4 от 30.04.2013

Повестка дня: 

1. Об избрании председательствующего на заседании Совета директоров Общества.

2. О заключении сделки - государственного контракта на поставку 125-мм выстрелов с бронебойно-подкалиберным снарядом «Свинец-2», которая имеет стоимость, превышающую 100 000 000 (сто миллионов) рублей.

Принятые решения:

1. Избрать Алешина Алексея Владиславовича председательствующим на заседании Совета директоров Общества.

2. Принять решение о заключении, в случае победы в закрытом аукционе, сделки государственного контракта на поставку 125-мм выстрелов с бронебойно-подкалиберным снарядом «Свинец-2» для нужд Министерства обороны Российской Федерации, с начальной (максимальной) ценой 

1 809 771 790 (один миллиард восемьсот девять миллионов семьсот семьдесят одна тысяча семьсот девяносто) рублей, на условиях документации об аукционе и заявки на участие в аукционе, сформированной Обществом.

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To be fair to our backed-into-a-corner armor officer, he has been updating a bit more sporadically than Bill as well :P

I'm not surprised.  Scott told me its taking him about 4 hours to prepare each post... so I hope you guys are showing him some love and appreciation for the effort and labor he is sinking into this.  For my part, I can't wait to read his side of the battle.

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I'm not surprised. Scott told me its taking him about 4 hours to prepare each post... so I hope you guys are showing him some love and appreciation for the effort and labor he is sinking into this. For my part, I can't wait to read his side of the battle.

Hope you like books! Full of characters that you like to get to know....

Edited by Holien
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Scott told me its taking him about 4 hours to prepare each post...


*sigh* Not surprising. I requested that he cut down on his "literary" efforts and was told politely but firmly where I could stick it.  ;) To be fair, nearly everybody else who has commented on it really seem to love that style, so he has his fans. But I'll be happy, Bil, if you keep with your own style, which suits me just fine.





Edited by Michael Emrys
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I'm not surprised.  Scott told me its taking him about 4 hours to prepare each post... so I hope you guys are showing him some love and appreciation for the effort and labor he is sinking into this.  For my part, I can't wait to read his side of the battle.

Oh yes we are abusing him mightily. Tough love is the only kind of love we know. :D

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*sigh* Not surprising. I requested that he cut down on his "literary" efforts and was told politely but firmly where I could stick it.  ;) To be fair, nearly everybody else who has commented on it really seem to love that style, so he has his fans. But I'll be happy, Bil, if you keep with your own style, which suits me just fine.






Face it Emrys,


You're nothing but a picture and video slut!!!

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Sorry for bad English, I use Google translation



Watched the video, and even with the English at me tight, there are some comments on the Russian Federation. Hopefully helmet-mounted night vision device in the Russian Federation will be only special units (GRU intelligence Airborne, etc.). What about the line units surprise no collimator sights, now the Russian army in terms of equipment Optics is the US Army 2003-2005. But only a little worse collimators not every fighter, and 2-4 on all the department. About the devices they are now equipped with night vision all offices in the platoon, had previously been Soviet practice to equip only the third branch of the platoon, with night vision is better 3-5 on all department (usually 3-4 unit for separation). Disappointed in the presence of a rifle company (company of a sniper if in Russian) only SVD, and the absence of such weapons as the SV-98 and VSS .
1) Interested XM-25 will he have the opportunity to undermine the grants in the air over the division? 2) The technique has a sensor on the laser irradiation will be able to automatically deploy a weapon in the direction of the threat? 3) And what principle is valid defense, planes do not even maneuver and do not leave the zone defense in case of danger? 4) When the surveillance UAV commanders what level will be kept informed, and if it will be implemented if the transmission delay information from the battalion commander to let the platoon commander and squad leader.




Посмотрел видео и хоть с английским у меня туго ,есть некоторые комментарии по РФ . Надеюсь нашлемные прибору ПНВ у РФ будут только у спецподразделений ( ГРУ , разведка ВДВ и т.д.) . Что по поводу линейных подразделений удивило отсутствие коллиматорных прицелов , сейчас армия РФ в плане оснащении оптики это армия США 2003-2005 годов . Но только чуть хуже коллиматоры не у каждого бойца , а 2-4 на всё отделение . По поводу приборов ПНВ теперь ими оснащаются все отделения во взводе , до этого была советская практика оснащать только 3-е отделение во взводе , с ПНВ уже лучше 3-5 на всё отделение ( чаще всего 3-4 прибора на отделение ) . Огорчило наличие во стрелковой роте ( снайперской роте если по русски ) только СВД , и отсутствие таково вооружения как СВ-98 и ВСС .
1)Интересует XM-25 будет ли у него возможность подрывать гранты в воздухе над подразделением ? 2) Техника оснащённая датчиками об облучении лазером сможет ли автоматически разворачивать орудие в направлении угрозы ? 3) И по какому принципу действует ПВО , самолёты даже не маневрируют и не уходят из зоны ПВО в случаи опасности ? 4) При работе разведывательного БПЛА командиры какова уровня будут получать информацию , и если все то будет ли реализована задержка передачи информации от командира батальона допустим до командира взвода и командира отделения .





P.S. Thank you for the new forum online Battlfront.com   :) 

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Sorry for bad English, I use Google translation

Kudos on the effort Husker.

The kind of delays you mention on question 4 are factored into the time enemy spotting information takes to propagate along the chain of command, as in the WW2 titles. That time depends on the channel used to transmit the info, and the EW level set by the scenario designer.

The gameplay effects of those delays haven't been especially important in past titles, but who knows if bfc has some surprises in this department.

Edited by BletchleyGeek
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While I wait for Scott to send the next turn I am thinking about how I want to proceed.  This is a key deicsion point in the battle.  I want to keep a strong force to face the US reinforcements, but I also want to start to take down the units in the pocket and grab some of those objectives.


This map is several turns old, but should be a good reference for the discussion:

Pursuit_Plan.JPG1st MRC  - After moving through the terrain that this company is sitting on I have concluded that Scott will not move that way even if his reinforcements come in there.  The woods are impassable to vehicles except in a very few narrow corridors.. so any force he tried to move through those woods would be channelized and would have to advance single file.  A dream for me to defend.. but I doubt it'll come to that.  


What I plan to do is push some AT teams as far forward as possible and take up reverse slope positions to attack any armor that might move laterally out of this corner of the map.  I will deploy a lot of the 1st MRC infantry in depth in ambush positions in case Scott does try to bull his way through.  I will also keep a platoon of BMP-3s as support and they will be positioned fairly far forward in the gullies and dry stream beds as a counter-attack force and for quick sniping if it looks like Scott is presenting a flank I can take advantage of.  


At least one Platoon of BMP-3s and the T90 platoon will remain in the rear of 1st MRC and be ready to advance to hull down positions to cover any other contingencies.  The key is to get as close to Scott's US units as possible to negate his range advantage.  Or, to hit them in the flank or rear when the opportunity presents itself.


The remaining BMP-3 platoon will be moving out and I will discuss them in a bit.


2nd MRC - I am not comfortable with this company staying on the forward slope of center hill so I am planning on pulling them back to cover the flanks and the area especially between 1st and 2nd MRCs.. I suspect Scott will seek open ground to move through, especially now that I have this hill well covered.  He probably will not want to move through this terrain where he could run into hidden AT teams.  I will be leaving several AT teams in hide positions to pop out if Scott does try to recapture the hill.


One platoon of BMPs and two of the T90s (the two that have suffered some damage) will be moving out and I will discuss them in a bit.


GL Platoon and ATGM Section - These units will remain in their current positions to secure the area between the two MRCs and the open area to the north,  I doubt the GL Platoon will be of much help, but I have to work with the resources I have available.  I will strengthen them by moving the second remaining GL Platoon BMP 3 from the north to the area between the two MRCs.


3rd MRC - This formation which has no vehicles (which really sucks by the way <_<  ) has already started to scout the Power Station objective and will attack it in the next few turns.  One platoon is moving up to the area around my immobilized T90 to provide some support and to scout that approach for follow on forces.


Recon Company - This formation is too weak to be a viable offensive force other than the platoon that has two BMP-3s (without Arena).  This BMP platoon will move across the river (one has already done so) and cause some havoc on any enemy units on the north end of the town.  Many other teams have been scouting forward in to the town for several turns already and will continue that mission as a distraction and to keep Scott's forces in place.


Assault Company Team (clever name TBD) - This new formation will be made up of the following units:

  • Command: Tank Company HQ tank
    • BMP-3M (Arena) Platoon/1st MRC
    • BMP-3M (Arena) Platoon/2nd MRC
    • 2nd Tank Platoon (-) - two tanks that have suffered damage.
    • 3rd Tank Platoon (-) - two tanks - this is my reserve tank platoon, the platoon leader's tank from 3rd platoon is the immobilized tank

Mission - this formation will strike hard at the enemy units in the pocket.  I have yet to decide their scheme of maneuver but they will assemble near the Power Station objective over the next few turns.


Objective - kill as many enemy units as possible and make Scott believe he has to increase his tempo with the US relief force which could cause him to get careless and rash with his US force.

Edited by Bil Hardenberger
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Welcome aboard!


That is most interesting and useful information about Russian NV gear and weapon optics you provided. Would you please tell us where you got it, since it's obviously some online source.




John Kettler


I apologize in advance for my bad English, I use Google translation.


Information is drawn from life, I am connected with the armed forces of the Russian Federation. In 2008-2009 military service as a conscript. Remained in the army to serve under contract. In the army has already served six years. Involved in the conflict in South Ossetia in 2008.

Извиняюсь заранее за мой плохой английский , пользуюсь гугл трансл .
Информация черпается из жизни , я связан с вооруженными силами РФ . В 2008-2009 проходил военную службу как призывник . Остался в армии служить по контракту . В армии уже отслужил 6 лет . Участвовал в конфликте в Южной Осетии 2008 году



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I apologize if I have bad English.


After conflict in South Osetia in 2008, organizational and staff structure got a few changes. The motorized company have been cut on personnel and armament: the HQ units have been cut on MG’s crew (PKM , PKP), but set into each squad replacing RPK. Personnel count in companies depends on type and can be 105 to 120 men.




IFV (BMP) Motorized Company.

Company HQ:

1)Company Commander, 2)Deputy Commander, 3)Gunnery Sgt., 4) Ground Radar Operator, 5)RTO, 6)Senior Corpsman, 7)Gunner, 8)Driver.


!!! In some units there are 3-4 extra snipers per HQ squad. !!!


!!! There’s Radar Operator position, but in fact, there’s no men could operate them, as well as there are no radars themselves. Haven’t seen them by myself too. !!!


Platoon HQ:

1)Platoon Commander, 2)RTO, 3)Corpsman, 4)Sniper (SVD/SV-98) or Sniper pair (SVD/SV-98)


A normal squad with BMP consists of 9 men: 7 infantry men and extra 2 as BMP crew.


1)Squad Leader 2) MG 3)AT 4)Assistant AT 5)Senior Rifleman 6)Rifleman 7)Rifleman

BMP crew:

8)BMP Gunner 9)Driver


!!! In some units, there’s no rifleman. One position is cut. !!!




BTR(APC) Motorized Company.

Same as IFV platoon, except for the sniper: there’s no one in HQ, but each squad has marksman (SVD) .

APC companies are added with ATGM platoon to withstand enemy armored vehicles.


MT-LB Motorized Company.

Can’t say anything about this one.



A word on snipers in Russia. Snipers in motorized platoons in AFRF are more like Sharpshooters/Marksmans compared to Western qualifications. Professional snipers are usually operating along company and batallion HQ’s or operating independently having their own tasks.

In massive military units, there’s special infantry platoon, from which the professional snipers and marksmen distributed into other platoons.



Radio Communication.

Radio communication in companies nowadays developed a way forward since 2008-2009, platoon commander can now contact with any of the squad leaders. There are two radiostations in squad now: squad leader has first, senior rifleman has the second. Snipers in IFV platoons also have radios.



There are 2-4 1P63 collimator sights per squad. It depends on commander how they would be distributed along the men (e. g. 1st and 2nd patoons consist most of the contract operators, means they’d get 4 sights per unit, rather then 3rd platoon with recruit men, who get 2 sights per unit). There are units fully complected with 4 sights per squad. Usually, there are 25-40 sights per company.

There are no helmet-mounted NVG’s in units, but many firearm-mounted scopes ( 1P51 “NSPU-3” ), 3-5 units per squad, 30-50 per company.


!!! Some of contract operators buying themselves modifications for their firearms, e. g. optics (Western too), tactical grips, rail systems and so on. !!!


Some of HQ units bying themselves a thermal-imaging devices.



In general, the motorized company of AFRF can be compared to one of 2005’ish era of US Army.




После войны в Южной Осетии в 2008 году ,  организационно-штатная структура армии РФ стала меняться . В мотострелковых ротах вывели часть личного состава и стрелкового вооружения . Сократили управление взвода , убрав расчёт единого пулемёта ( ПКМ , ПКП )  . Но при этом единые пулемёты появились в каждом отделении взвода вместо РПК  .  Численность роты зависит от её типа 105-120 человек .

Мотострелковая рота на БМП.
Управление роты :
1)Командир роты, 2)Заместитель командира роты, 3)Техник по вооружению, 4) Оператор наземной РЛС, 5)Радист, 6)Санитар-инструктор роты ( Старший медик ), 7)Наводчик-оператор, 8)Механик-водитель .
!!! В некоторых частях в управление роты придаётся снайпера 3-4 человека !!!
!!! По сути должность оператора наземной РЛС есть , а людей реально умеющих пользоваться нет , как и самих РЛС . Сам не разу эту станцию не встречал . !!!
Управление взвода:
1)Командир взвода, 2)Радист, 3)Медик, 4)Снайпер ( СВД/СВ-98 ) или Снайперская пара ( СВД/СВ-98 ) 
Обычно отделение на БМП состоит из 9 человек , пешая часть 7 человек и 2 человека это экипаж БМП .
Пешая часть:
1)Командир отделения 2)Пулемётчик 3)Гранатомётчик 4)Помощник гранатомётчика 5)Старший стрелок 6)Стрелок 7)Стрелок
8)Наводчик-оператор БМП 9)Механик-водитель
!!!В некоторых частях в отделениях на 1 стрелка меньше !!!
Мотострелковая рота на БТР.
В управлении роты одно и тоже , в управлении взвода отсутствует снайпер . Но в каждом отделении есть снайпер ( СВД ) .
Мотострелковым ротам на БТР придаются противотанковые взвода ( ПТУР) батальона , для борьбы с бронетехникой противника .
Мотострелковая рота на МТ-ЛБ.
Тут ничего сказать не могу . 
По поводу снайперов в армии РФ. Снайпера в мотострелковых ротах это по сути меткие стрелки если сравнивать с западной квалификацией . Профессиональные снайпера обычно придаются командирам мотострелковых рот и батальонов или действуют независимо имея свою четкую задачу .
В военных частях имеется стрелковая рота , из которой потом распределяются снайпера по мотострелковым ротам . В ней же и профессиональные снайпера 
Радиосвязь в ротах развита лучше чем в в 2008-2009 ,  командир взвода может связаться с любым из командиров отделения . В отделения сейчас рация есть у самого командира отделения и старшего стрелка . Рация есть и у снайпера в мотострелковых ротах на БМП . 
По поводу оптики я писал недавно , но повторю . В отделениях 2-4 коллиматорных прицела ( 1п63 ) на отделение . Всё зависит от решение командира роты по распределению этих прицелов , если в роте 1 и 2 взвод преобладают контрактники  . То в этих взводах будет в отделениях распределено по 4 прицела , а в 3 взводе будет только по 2 прицела на отделение . Есть роты в которых отделения полностью укомплектованы 4-мя коллиматорными прицелами . 
В среднем на роту 25-40 коллиматорных прицела .
Нашлемные приборы ПНВ в мотострелковых ротах отсутствуют , но очень много ПНВ на стрелковое вооружение ( 1П51 “НСПУ-3” ) , 3-5 прибора на отделение  .
В среднем на роту 30-50 ночных прицелов  .
!!!Некоторые солдаты по контрактной службе покупают за свой счёт более лучшую оптику , в том числе и зарубежную . А так же рукоятки на цевьё и ремни .!!!
Некоторые командиры рот и взводов приобретают за свой счёт тепловизоры .
В целом как я писал мотострелковая рота РФ по оснащению сравнима , с Армией США 2005 года  . 


Edited by HUSKER2142
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The Twelfth Minute


2nd MRC - Scott is firing what appears to be mortars at 2nd MRC.. this fire caused several casualties among my dismounts.  I need to get them mounted on their BMPs.  The fire has been especially effective..,



Power Station - at the Power Station objective two of my T90s started to area fire on the buildings next to the two openings leading into the objective.  I seriously expect these entrances to be mined.. and there is but one way to find out.  One of the T90s was fired at by an RPG team... the round was intercepted by the tank's APS.  



How many troops can Scott have in this objective?  A platoon maybe?  3rd MRC is scouting along the walls of the objective and will test the entrances in the next few turns.



Scott has figured out where one of my mortar batteries is located and has been conducting some counter-battery fire over the past few turns.. casualties have been light and these mortars are all getting close to running out of ammo so I am loath to move them.  This turn one of the incoming rounds takes out the observer in my FO team.. we'll have to see what effect this has on my artillery fire on the town.



In the town, the HMMWV that was on the edge of town was seen moving deeper in to the town chased by 30 mike mike from one of my BMP-3s.  No hits noted.



This AO is shaping up to be the next important front...  the two enemy Tunguskas are still at large (Tunguska 2 is starting to advance, alone toward my scout teams in the south-west corner of the map).  I have precious little to stop this thing in that area.. yet.


Edited by Bil Hardenberger
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Hi Bil


That would be some Tunguska love that Scott wants to share Bil.

You really have the devil by the tail when it comes to them unless you have some anti armor capacity.

The T90s near the Power Station are really hammering the defenders and I have a question.


Do you plan to attack the power station with the T-90s working with a motor rifle company or is it going to be the T-90s providing overwatch while the dismounted Infantry storm the gates ?

I'm just wondering how your going to tackle the power station in a little more detail.




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