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Bil Hardenberger

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Bil Hardenberger last won the day on May 19 2023

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    Fredericksburg, Virginia


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    Richmond, VA
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    Computer Animator

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  1. My wife just got an MS Surface laptop... very light (like 2lbs) and powerful and she loves it. More expensive than something like a Chromebook, but you get what you pay for. Happy hunting, Bil
  2. I think I you’re right. This is how I read it too.
  3. Saw that on CNN... https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/29/europe/ukraine-war-us-tanks-intl/index.html Interesting and they are correct, the Abrams is only part of the US Army's battlefield system and is not meant to fight alone. Goes right to @The_Capt's desk pounding that armored vehicles are really at a disadvantage in this type of fight. Of course, we also didn't give them enough of them to really make a difference.
  4. Here is my post on the subject: https://battledrill.blogspot.com/2013/09/movement-technique-005-hull-down.html
  5. Bill, classic delay op... the key will be to ensure your tanks are hull down and if possible in key hole positions... this will maximize your chances that you will spot the enemy before they can spot you. If it looks like you are spotted (starting to receive fire) move under as much concealment as possible and get to a new position. Always try to set up with overlapping fields of fire On my blog specifically look for the hull down, key hole, masked movement, and alternate firing positions posts... repeat this process as much as the terrain and enemy actions allow. If you see a chance to counter attack, or better to launch a spoiling attack, go for it, then fall back into your defensive positions.
  6. Bill, take a look at my blog, gives a good basic run down on using real world tactics in CM. https://battledrill.blogspot.com/?m=0 Look for the Tactical Toolbox on the left side of the screen Edit: changed the link to the web version
  7. Rule of thumb that I use.. Tank has thermal sights: STAY BUTTONED - do NOT expose the tank commander (TC) NO thermal sights: UNBUTTON - expose the TC
  8. My day job is developing wargames for the USMC, and I wanted to address the bolded part above. Computer simulations are great, but they do not answer all the objectives of professional wargames, in fact many time the result is not even that important, many times the discussion and insights learned from going through the process are all that we are after. Computer sims also have a way of stifling this conversation, trust me when you have 50 professional Marine, Army, and/or Navy officers in a room, a table top game is the best tool for the job if you want to invite conversation and in-depth topic discussions. There is also a dopamine hit players get from the tactile nature of a map and counter wargame and rolling dice that you rarely get from a computer simulation. That also has a value to get player buy-in, interaction, and enjoyment. Simulation based professional wargames are great when the results are important, testing a new tactical organization, weapon system integration, etc., but they usually turn into a series of in-depth planning sessions with a simulated vignettes occuring for flavor. There is also a stovepipe mentality with these types of games with different player cells huddled around their machines that is absent in table top games. I've seen it all and there is value for all types of wargames in the professional setting and which is used depends on the objectives and research questions we are trying to answer. Table top games in professional wargames will not be going away anytime soon. Bil
  9. If you know anything about me, you know that I will never argue with someone harping on the value of the wise use of terrain.
  10. Finally was able to read through this.. luckily for me, this is in line with what I do for a living so its billable. I do have some feedback however: I found it interesting that he defined "Fire & Movement" as what the assault squad is doing, where the standard historical definition is for an attack consisting of two elements, a Support Element providing suppressive fire, and an Assault Element closing with and destroying the enemy. True, the Assault Squad could be conducting a Squad level Fire and Movement Battle Drill during its Assault movement, so maybe it's right? Seems odd to me though. Platoon level assaults versus a 3 or 4 man position seemed excessive to me, but that is the American way of war! I would expect a Squad to be able to deal with an enemy of that size alone, without the rest of the Platoon. I am surprised that there seemed to be little to no reconnaissance to find the enemy, you know, the first F in the Four Fs (Find him, Fix him, Flank him, Finish him)... The assault was launched before the enemy was located, this led to more casualties than necessary. This premature launching of an assault is the one thing I preach against over and over on my blog... you must find the enemy before you decide how you are going to deal with him. In several of the runs the assault squad was caught by surprise, or suppressed in the open. Neither of these would have happened if a scout team (or three) had been sent forward to recon and locate the enemy... only THEN deciding how to deal with them. The Support element seemed to be really a separate part of the action, where to increase effectiveness they needed to be working as a team, and they needed to be mutually supporting, not something I thought was happening as I read through the AARs. All in all a very interesting series of posts, appreciate you linking it @MHW, but I can't help but think that I am left underwhelmed by this, and that I could have provided guidance that would have helped them close with the enemy with zero (or close to it) failed assaults, based on the forces involved and the support provided. Bil
  11. Thanks for the heads up... haven't seen this and its now on my reading list... I can't help but think that he could have saved some time if he'd read my blog. Seriously, a study like this just hammers home how accurate and realistic this game can be. I wonder is the good LTC (retired) works at Quantico. I might have to reach out to him. Bil
  12. @drewshotsfan I will be interested to pick your brain, after all of this experience with the Hard Cat Rules, in your impressions and thoughts on the system. Mainly how it worked, where it frustrated you, etc. FYSA: @IanL
  13. The losses are concerning, but a lot of this Ukraine counter-attack force is green and they are still learning, mistakes are going to be made. I would only start to really get concerned if this trend continues.. but I have faith that they are smart enough to make the adjustments required in order to succeed. This is a very small part of the entire force in action and is in a very concentrated area... I would suggest standing by and letting things play out; I suspect a lot of good news is going to come our way very soon.
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