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Personally, i'm more interested in WW2. Hope to see the Pacific in the future..

I was always of the same thought. However playing CMBN I really started to miss all the modern toys in Shock force, never thought I'd actually prefer a modern game of CM over a WW2 one but I do.

Seriously when the modern game comes out I say all you WW2 only guys like I was should try it out. You may end up being as surprised as I am.

East front has always been my thing. However now I'm looking forward to SF2 as much as the east front game. Never thought in a million years I'd think this way.

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I attempted to play modern warfare games - but for some reason they never really impressed me or got me hooked.

On the other hand - 2nd World War games just get me carried away - i don't know the reason why - but for some reason - I jest get overwhelmed leading the shermans or the panzers :)

And wohoooo am I waiting for the eastern front :)

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"Battlefront" is just a state of mind, dude. ;)

Joking aside, as far as I know (and what do I know?) the coming titles are planned to be done by the 'usual suspects', no expected farming out work to mysterious third parties that I've heard of. Thats assuming nobody drops dead from overwork in the process. ;)

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and here we have the pre-cursor for CM SF2:


Hey BFC, I said this back in '08:


You owe me base game, all modules + residuals!



Ok, base game then. And maybe a module. Or two?



Alright, how 'bout a cookie?



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In this (http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2012/07/06/the-sicilian-defence-battlefront-talk-plans-prices-pixies/) interview, 'Battlefront' says the following sentence:

'One thing we can say is there will be no “strategic overlay” (game within a game) in CM ever. There’s just no way this is good for CM, Battlefront, or ultimately the customers who think they really want it.'

I totally agree with that. Many programs lost their way with feature creep. Keeping to the core and doing it good is the way to go.

However having just said that my question is: will BFC make it easier for the players to create such a layer?

I've been involved in noobs campaign and am in the FGM OO campaign. I have to say that the added strategic layer adds a lot of interest for me to the game. Its not only about winning or loosing this particular battle: the outcome has consequences for the team. Even if you loose you might have achieved enough attrition on the enemy and so on. Also the battles are more surprising and might be quite lopsided. In QBs you can roughly calculate what to expect.

Organizing such a campaign is a boatload of work. Making the maps, creating OOBs and adjusting OOBs after battle are quite time consuming and lots of manual work. If CM would make such things easier we could have more of that.

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In this (http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2012/07/06/the-sicilian-defence-battlefront-talk-plans-prices-pixies/) interview, 'Battlefront' says the following sentence:

'One thing we can say is there will be no “strategic overlay” (game within a game) in CM ever. There’s just no way this is good for CM, Battlefront, or ultimately the customers who think they really want it.'

I totally agree with that. Many programs lost their way with feature creep. Keeping to the core and doing it good is the way to go.

However having just said that my question is: will BFC make it easier for the players to create such a layer?

I've been involved in noobs campaign and am in the FGM OO campaign. I have to say that the added strategic layer adds a lot of interest for me to the game. Its not only about winning or loosing this particular battle: the outcome has consequences for the team. Even if you loose you might have achieved enough attrition on the enemy and so on. Also the battles are more surprising and might be quite lopsided. In QBs you can roughly calculate what to expect.

Organizing such a campaign is a boatload of work. Making the maps, creating OOBs and adjusting OOBs after battle are quite time consuming and lots of manual work. If CM would make such things easier we could have more of that.

+1 on that and it doesn't have to even be that extensive (says the neophyte).

If you could import the forces from an end battle into another scenario that would take care of a large percentage of the overhead. I think that beyond map creation, which it seems there is some major headway on, that is where Broadsword spends most of the time on our campaign.

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Sorry if someone asked this before, but I had no patiente for reading all post. Thanks for answers

Are 1 & 2 ( CM : Battle for Normandy Module 2 and CM Eastern Front 1) the CD's to put into the two empy spaces remaining in the stell box from "the first" CMBN?

And CMFI is one box with one cd?

I'm confused and (a bit worried too). Reading all post and reactions about CMFI I feel a bit lost.

I hope I have explained correctly my question. Regards

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CMBN, CMEF1, and CMFI are / will be separate games with their own modules.

The other CDs that go into the CMBN box are CMCW and CMMG (maybe an odds and ends modules too?).


yep, there are supposed to be 4 CDs eventually for CMBN (Hey BF if you release for some odd reason a 5th disk what do i do?!!)

CMFI if pre ordered is a tin case also with room for 4 discs.

Whether that is any kind of standard to rely on is too early to say. Considering the volume of material and sheer time scale for the Eastern front that might not be a continuing standard. Some of the EF could be more modules of the time frame of each release may end up being different than simply on release for each year. Russian ToEs alone could create difficulty.

Question to BF. The version 2 upgrade, are you planning to release that as DL only or as a disc? I don't really care either way, I've got my storage infrastructure down pretty good just curious.

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CMFI is a new family, subject to all the same stuff as CMBN and CMSF but maybe a bit different. Steve talked about a new concept called packs...so there could be modules, and then smaller packs that would include just vehicles, no scenarios...or other combinations of stuff.

East Front is next year sometime...who knows how long? But they say 2013 so, LOL anytime between January first and Dec 31st?


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The first Eastern Front game is fairly well along in terms of artwork and data entry. Those are the two things that largely determine how long it takes to finish. I can't speculate how long it will take right now, since we're still focused on Italy's release, but we'll give you guys a better idea in a few months.


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The first Eastern Front game is fairly well along in terms of artwork and data entry. Those are the two things that largely determine how long it takes to finish. I can't speculate how long it will take right now, since we're still focused on Italy's release, but we'll give you guys a better idea in a few months.


Just had a lightbulb moment. I don't think it's been stressed before, but for us consumers, the new development model means we will be able to get "Noo Stuf" as and when it's ready. Rather than EF needing, necessarily, to wait for the V3 engine, if the accumulated features of V2 are adequate to support the release, it can go when the artwork and data entry are good. Or if V3 is ready before the "content", the engine upgrade can be released to allow all the new features to be used in previous (eligible-for-upgrade) families and then packs with units that exploit new mechanics, like Fire, can be released as their "content" is created.

I imagine that packs of units will only add units to the "specialist team" or "single vehicle" lists, or will packs include modified TOs as well that incorporate the new units?

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Correct. We will keep making game improvements but will hold them back until we have enough of them that can stand on their own. This means we can make some of our games without time being chewed up chasing down bugs, recoding stuff that didn't turn out quite right the first time, etc.

Packs are intended mostly for units only. New TO&E is mandatory. Specialist Teams and Individual Vehicles can be put in without new TO&E, but it's doubtful there will be much reason to.


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