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CM:BN Screenshot Thread #2

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1. I am so jealous! My rig, even after BFC's 2.12(?) tweaks, simply can't produce such wonderful pics. Too weak a GPU practically impossible to upgrade since it's buried deep within my older iMac--if the GPU could be upgraded. A big if.

2. Love all the pics and particularly love the various combat sequence stuff. Most immersive.

3. While I totally dig all the splendid paint jobs and weathering, I also feel a sense that something's off. That would be the highly prominent at Normandy foliage for camouflage. I wish BFC would figure out a way to this would further suggest that having it toggleable would give us the best of both worlds.


John Kettler

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I really dont know. maybe was a helmet mod, I remember in the old combat mission the color pink made parts disappear dont know in CMx2

Creating a helmet texture with an alpha channel that adds full transparency and renaming it sequentially. In fact you could create turretless tanks with this procedure too :D

Nice pics guys.

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3. While I totally dig all the splendid paint jobs and weathering, I also feel a sense that something's off. That would be the highly prominent at Normandy foliage for camouflage. I wish BFC would figure out a way to this would further suggest that having it toggleable would give us the best of both worlds.


John Kettler

That would look great in-game as you command and move about your various units of large bushes and small bushes and - where the hell have my infantry gone! :P

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George MC,

You've breathed new life into the phenomenon known as the Panzer Bush Syndrome. This was done during WW II and consisted of shooting up any likely enemy location for an antitank weapon. The difference? Instead of shooting at the Panzer Bush, trying to preemptively kill a threat before it gets off a shot, you now ARE the Panzer Bush and seek to avoid being shot or rocketed.

Jorge MC,

Nice StuG III! In looking at the running gear, I note a visual oddity. The return rollers are round, as are the main metal parts of the roadwheels, but the rubber on the roadwheels is faceted, markedly so. Something appears to be wrong somewhere in the rendering process.


Looks like Grabner's stuck in a death loop and has just been destroyed again. Can't tell whether it's a War Movie Lighting artifact or a problem with the graphics, but the 250 Neue Art looks as though the upper right aft fighting compartment panel isn't there.


John Kettler

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Sometimes I think his obsessive need to comment produces this sort of observation\criticism.

I've spent years looking at similar wheels playing video games and I'm shocked that JK has never noticed this particular issue with round objects\wheels.

Still JK is harmless and not a bad chap and his posts are part and parcel of the eccentricities of this particular forum. His heart is in the right place and I don't think he is at all malicious.

Anyway Happy Xmas JK;)

Happy Xmas Wicky.

JK before you criticise you really should learn about the 3D modelling and polygons esp the compromise between apparent quality and render speeds.

Is this wheel, by the early 3D modeller Plato, an ideal perfect circle…

or is a depiction of a wheel like a coastline > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coastline_paradox


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I understand the concept of modeling an object with splines (believe that's the word) to represent a complex shape. As it happens, I go back in this area to Battlezone, which under General Don Starry became the inspiration for the creation of the Army's tactical simulators like the ones used to train tank crews. Object modeling then was very crude (embedded pic at link), but to my friends and I in 1980, it was revolutionary.


Computational limits are very real, and I get that CMx2 games require pushing immense numbers of polygons. Fast. And that's before things start moving, shooting, blowing up and smoke and craters cover the fields. Additionally, I understand that the more complex the object, and the higher the level of detail depicted, the greater the polygon count. Got all that, too.

What I didn't understand, but maybe do now, is why the inner part of the roadwheel looked so round, but the outer part of the rubber rim didn't? Armed with the wholly new to me Coastline Paradox, I'll now hazard the guess that where the inner roadwheel could be very finely modeled with tiny little segments, with very little hit on the processing load, therefore render speed. To do the same thing for the outer rubber rim takes a lot more splines to model the object, so a conscious tradeoff was made between visual goodness and render speed, by reducing the processing load required to render the rubber rim. Right?


Outside of PE for a few months in 2000, and Halo on X-Box here and there (last played in 2010), my 3-D gaming universe has been the CM games. I well remember, and recently had a refresher course on, the CMx1 rendering limits of the time and some of the workarounds used, particularly in the running gear on tracked vehicles. My original comment was driven by what my brain read as a visual disconnect in which two objects in the same image weren't rendered in the same level of detail. This was exacerbated by the very fine detail elsewhere on the StuG III.

The Forums are one of my major sources of social interaction, a result of my health issues, having no car, marginal bus service (none on weekends or holidays) and no friends or family close by. Also, most of the time, I'm in no shape to play CM, but I can come here, hang out, present, share and debate all manner of topics and issues, with people I'd almost certainly never otherwise meet, from all over the world.

To me, the concept, never mind the reality, of fighting four different people, in U.K., China, Finland and Australia, concurrently in PBEM games as part of a tournament was practically incredible.

So, thanks to the generally wonderful people here, my world, my network of contacts through whom I learn new things every day, continues to expand. Without them, I'd be far more isolated, insular and narrow in my thinking. With two exceptions (the Beta Demos for CMBB and CMAK), I've not gotten to go to anyone's house and meet the live people with whom I interact here. In a sense, this is a kind of family, as seen in the various kinds of love and support we give each other both routinely and when the chips are down.

So, yes, I do have information and insights which I contribute, I do raise and sometimes strongly push (M10 ammo issue, for one) certain matters, and I most certainly have opinions and ask questions. Whether these constitute "an excessive need to comment," I'll leave to others, here on the Forums and not, to decide.

Not only do I believe I make a real contribution to the Forums, but it's been said here on the Forums, by PM and PEM to me, and by Winecape's award of wine to me many moons ago for the excellence of my posts. I don't post simply because I can. I post because I have something to say, running on a scale from deadly serious to indulging in all manner of word play and deliberately injecting humor into intense threads about to spiral out of control. And here's another reason why I don't post willy nilly. I'm not a touch typist and, save for the space bar, generally use only two fingers!

By some people's lights I'm perfectly fine, eccentric for others, deranged or even downright dangerous in the opinions of a few. In no way do I assert myself to be center of the Gaussian distribution neurotypical, but having said that, there have been numerous instances of people whose behavior makes me look like I do operate psychologically from dead center on that curve. A shrink could make a very nice living from some Forum denizens. You are correct. I'm not malicious, I seek only good for all here, and the only time you'll find me baring virtual teeth is after repeatedly being attacked and having my repeated warnings ignored. Am nobody's doormat. Period.

Hope you both have decent weather!


John Kettler

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Looks like Grabner's stuck in a death loop and has just been destroyed again. Can't tell whether it's a War Movie Lighting artifact or a problem with the graphics, but the 250 Neue Art looks as though the upper right aft fighting compartment panel isn't there.


John Kettler

Indeed poor old Grabner has to keep reenacting that death run. I played this scenario for the first time last night and its a good stress busting 15 minute blast (as the Brits anyway). I'm not sure which vehicle is the 250 Neue Art (I know I'm going to get shot down in flames for that one but I'm not much of a grog when it comes to weapons and vehicles - my main interest is in memoirs and battle histories). The screenshot wasn't taken in war movie mode but in normal mode and then I de-saturated in photoshop and blurred the background to give a 3d (ish) effect.

sburke - thank you. It was also a nice PIAT shot - he is just about to take out the half track in the middle :)

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No attacks from me. There's always something more to learn--even among the grogs. Process, not destination. Every time I see a show in which someone's presented as a WW II expert, my gorge rises.

The 250 Neue Art is the vehicle in the foreground of your pic. It's the 250 chassis, but with a redesigned, simpler, easier to assemble and weld, armored body. A monkey model of the 250, if you will. You can easily see the differences between the original design (baby 251 in appearance) and the 250 Neue Art in this short vid on surviving 250s.


Those are really nice pics. Obviously, you don't find handling your GIs to be like herding cats, either. Also, please see my prior remarks on jealousy. I wonder. What's the graphics equivalent of a makeunder. Why? If I can sell the concept, then I won't need a shrink over my case of GIC (Graphics Inferiority Complex)!


John Kettler

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