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Everything posted by danfrodo

  1. Speaking of POWS, anyone read The Narrow Road to the Deep North? Aussie prisoners building RR in burma. A novel, quite good. Won the Man Booker prize.
  2. Yo, Dudes, take a breath. I would hate to see if you blocked. Because I would lose the good content you add to the forum. Purely selfish reason, yes, but perhaps a good time to walk away for a few minutes.
  3. Just watched it Gav624, thanks. that last fight was crazy, I bet the M16s of those two squads were about to melt
  4. I'm sure they'll be fine, nothing could go wrong at this point in the war. Der Fuhrer assured them the russians are nearly out of men and will crumble with just one more bold strike!
  5. watched video today, well done MJ. And the 'coming attractions' at the end was too funny
  6. yeah, that sounds like a nice revenue stream. official BFC posters, mugs, sweatshirts, hats, etc
  7. Hi Alex, sorry but no idea that is from 20+ years ago I think.
  8. Thanks Czarejs, loved that book back in the 80s and just re-read it recently. Can't wait to play this, and will as soon as I take a break from my current F&R campaign.
  9. For me it's about "am I challenged/having some fun or just frustrated?" and "am I at least learning anything?". If it's not fun, move on to another battle and campaign, there's more content than I will probably ever finish. Some things can't really be won, it's just a matter of fighting your best fight -- for example, last time I checked, Kampfgruppe Piper did not reach Antwerp, so sooner or later you're gonna lose that campaign. Moving to another title and/or era also helps; change of scenery is nice after a bad time.
  10. After much considered deliberation (meaning watching youtube vids of upcoming APCs and tanks), I have decided that BFC's next game will be set around 2025 w US/Euro-types vs Russia in Europe or Ukraine or Baltics or some such. This allows for use of existing terrain though does require lots of new vehicles. The brits will get Challenger 3s and Boxers, for example. Now that I've made the decision for the direction of BFC, they can get properly focused on this project. Battles will be set in all seasons w all major forces in the first release, which will come out in the third week of some month of some year sometime.
  11. FogForever, I had the same concerns about SF2. I had all the WW2 titles but held off on SF2 & BS, but thought the force disparity would make SF2 no fun. GEEZ WAS I WRONG! Just like Vergeltungswaffe post above, there's tons of content, lots of varied NATO & US forces. And you generally need to win w/o taking taking casualties, so you need to use really good tactics relative to each side's strength & weaknesses. You won't regret getting SF2. I finished the 16 battle Highland Games campaign not too long ago, was great fun.
  12. Here's a couple books that have very Black Sea - style combat. Set in hypothetical russian attack to take Baltic states and then Poland. The books are set in Poland. https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B08XN5J6LM?notRedirectToSDP=1&ref_=dbs_mng_calw_0&storeType=ebooks Note, this aint literature, not by a longshot. Everything is a set up for the fighting. There's very silly cartoonish officer that needs to be overcome by our hero, but who cares? -- it's got some nasty fighting w modern weapons. Book one is a stryker-based unit (plus some Poles) trying to take a heavily defended bridge position. Book two is an abrams company + Irish infantry trying to defend a town.
  13. I'm on second battle of On to Berlin. My 2-man tank hunter teams have panzerfausts. I am guessing russians captured mountains of german gear and put it to good use. Why the sniper guy had one I have no idea.
  14. 37mm has a youtube channel? You gotta work on your marketing dept, I just now learned of it. Looks like lots of excellent content, thanks
  15. More important for sure. And taller. And they all wear black. At least last time I was there.
  16. Nice work, DerKommissar. I don't know how I missed this thread earlier, really nice pictures & story.
  17. I guess orders could tell us exactly what the enemy has and where it is and how much ammo and how much experience and his objectives. that would be a nice briefing.
  18. any of those here that read enough military history books know that orders are often not totally clear, usually because the situation is not clear
  19. I bet the forum will be utterly bonkers (me included) when we get first CM3 game and then are clammering for everything else and new content to be ported, which will probably happen slowly. So what game would be first CM3 I wonder? Black Sea?
  20. I guess that was a bit mean on my part. I should've said " maybe you could bring it to the attention of BFC so they could fix it in some upcoming patch, but w/o being nasty". So sorry on my part for being nasty.
  21. You started a whole thread to start a mean-spirited thread about typos that don't change the actual gameplay one tiny bit? So, Dude can't type and/or spell well but he's bringing great stuff? If he keeps making content like this I will never care. I dont' give own littel fuk, just bring me sum NAETO forses spelled any way he wunts. "for a fee copy of the game" -- seems y'all can't spell super good neether
  22. well, at least this didn't occur on an Eagles home game sunday, that would be particularly cruel to Elvis. Although if they are as bad as last year that might save him some suffering (this coming from a Bengals fan, so definitely not gloating)
  23. Aragorn playing CW as the soviets! Never thought I'd see that in writing Good luck Comrade
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