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Everything posted by danfrodo

  1. I get the frustration about waiting. but I suspect that ~4 weeks from now we'll all be complaining we don't have enough time to play all the new content. That will be a nice 'rich person' problem.
  2. oh, Right, Capt Miller. I gotta do those! thanks. Someone mentioned those before but I forgot about them
  3. I recently reread Team Yankee and Red Storm Rising after 30+ years. What a treat. And read Larry Bond's Red Phoenix (1980s war in korea) also. reread The Third World War last year. I am ready for CMCW. I suppose I should also re-read Sword Point by the Team Yankee author. I know I used to have The Untold Story, might have to do that one also.
  4. Thanks for pointing this out, Gnarly. There's so much forum traffic these days I miss a lot it seems.
  5. I'm surprised I haven't seen anything on the forum about this. Russia says it's just for exercises while at the same time saying it has right to intervene within Ukraine to protect ethnic Russians from persecution. There's tons of videos showing armor being brought in on trains, supplies being moved up. Oh my. Meanwhile, Ukraine asking for more military support ASAP from US et al.
  6. I wonder what's coming next after BF gets through the hectic work of getting FR & CW released? Since from Steve it certainly aint Kursk I am guessing more BS and lots of add-ons for CW? Anyone read between the lines on what's next? There's lots of speculation and it's hard to wade through. Now that I've gone through the phases of grief (denial, etc) on finding out more eastern front is not coming anytime soon, I am actually kinda excited by what we actually could actually get next.
  7. Steve, I think you will never feel spiritually complete or fully emotionally actualized w/o at least getting to Fall Blau. I am only thinking of you and your mental and spiritual health going forward into the future. But there are many paths to enlightenment. A CMCW NATO module w Germany, England, Netherlands, and also some Norway battles would greatly improve your karmic trajectory even if Fall Blau must wait. Again, only thinking of you, not my own selfish and grasping desires.
  8. Thanks for the info Steve, this definitely clears up my thinking. I have definitely played Normandy the most, being from USA, and after that is big mix of the other games, w a lot of SF2 last year. So does this mean I don't get to nag BF about barbarossa anymore? Where will I find meaning in life? Modern & normandy are the big ones? Interesting. In Steve's shoes, I guess my longer term plan would then be to make a fancy new engine and then release all new Normandy game with it, followed by a modern title.
  9. There are people that would not be excited by eastern front 41-43??? Definitely surprised to hear that. So what does get the most folks excited? Modern?
  10. HOLY F!!! I just rec'd my CMCW license key! Now if I could just put the day job on hold for month...
  11. Also make sure smoke is 'on'. alt-k hotkey allows you to turn smoke visual on/off. I once couldn't get smoke to work then realized (via the forum) it was off and when I turned it on I already had monstrous smoke screen. Note that 'pop smoke' is under the 's'-button menu, not the 'c'-button targeting menu
  12. Let's all remember that F&R is delayed based on quality. they do not release to deadline, they release when product is right. The big players in industry, of course, release to deadline. I would rather be frustrated by waiting than frustrated by bugs. And Stalin has ordered me to take Berlin by May Day, so it does need to come out soon.
  13. I've actually been to masada. Roman siege ramp still there, 2000 years later. I've had two business trips to Israel, lots of history there. Oh, and spoiler alert: The Sea of Galilee is just a lake . But as an Israeli told me "well, it's the only lake we have so why can't we exaggerate?"
  14. I agree Umlaut, Evans' trilogy was amazing. Btw Umlaut, you are from Denmark? I am now an expert on all things Danish because I have watched Borgen and The Investigation (about the crazy submarine murder in 2017). What is it they say in the shows for 'thanks'? Tak? Dak?
  15. From the Realm of a Dying Sun, Vol II, is on sale on amazon kindle for only $3.99 for month of April https://smile.amazon.com/Realm-Dying-Sun-SS-Panzerkorps-1944-February-ebook/dp/B08MH2QFX9/ref=sr_1_90?dchild=1&qid=1617550960&rnid=3441883011&s=digital-text&sr=1-90
  16. Yes, Aragorn, you see my point exactly -- what could they do?? Most situations one can look w hindsight and figure out a solution, but only with knowing the outcome already and all the things those involved did not know. But in 1942, I've long wonder what could've been done. It's quite a riddle.
  17. Hi Jamxo, I have only played a couple of the full campaigns in SF2, having come from WW2 like you. I really like the Highland Games. It's british forces but as the campaign progresses you get some american units to fight along with. Note that it's a long campaign, 16 battles. The battles are all winnable, some harder some easier
  18. so now that we've all read 100 books on Ost Front, I gotta wonder: what would y'all have planned for spring of 1942? My options: 1. very best option: shoot hitler and claim it was all his fault and cede territory to make peace w at least USSR. Germany still very strong so isn't negotiating from complete weakness. 2. I could do Fall Blau, but that is built on the assumption that Soviet army is on its last legs, which was always the assumption and always turned out wrong, and would need a LOT more troops to actually have worked 3. advance only to the donets, push south to rostov then south/SE to the oil regions. Final line is donets to east of rostov, then along the Manych canal eastward to the best spot to run the line southward again. have months to prep that line for soviet attacks while strong mobile forces head for the oil to the south & east. LIne is similar in length to fall blau line but supply lines MUCH better and much more time to prepare defenses for eventual counterattack. Also really puts the focus on the real prize -- the oilfields.
  19. Oh my, you are going to be a very busy fellow! Congratulations!
  20. I agree with Aragorn on this. Kursk was really dumb thing to do. Especially after giving soviets months to dig in and plant millions of mines. Oh, and the panthers they waited so long for that were so important to this?-- nearly all had mechanical breakdowns. And the outcome? -- germans shoved back hundred+ miles w huge losses. So overall, very very bad decision. the soviets had enough men and material to launch other offensives while still holding the defenses in Kursk salient. So how would german plans ever have succeeded if Soviets were always going to launch attack toward Orel that could cut off the entire northern wing of the offensive unless it withdrew immediately? then german war memoir propaganda loves to say "we were so close to victory at Kursk but Hitler destroyed our chances!". ridiculous. Nothing like Kursk for fun WW2 discussions. Soviets were very prone to launch offensives that were overly aggressive and germans indeed would've been better off drawing soviet armies into traps and smashing them.
  21. mkjerner is clearly part of the criminal conspiracy intent on stealing our right to get our butts handed to us in 1945. But the fact that's he's joking about it in this way indicates that release is imminent.
  22. No Aragorn . I am still just so surprised & happy that this showed up one day out of nowhere on the forum. Usually we hear about what's next a year or so in advance. And it should be here in a month or two. One more reason for me to not get careless & get COVID & die before I can get vaccinated -- I have something to live for
  23. ordered, thanks all of you that worked so hard on this. what a delightful surprise!
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