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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by danfrodo

  1. thanks to all for posting here, the pics are fabulous. Today is my first CMCW battle day -- I hope it rains here enough today so I don't have to waste time going out to cut the grass and do yard work, so far so good.
  2. geeez, they are a company of 6 F-ing people and just released two new games in the last week. Which you didn't even purchase judging from your previous posts. So why p-ss on them?
  3. You don't need luck, you are a toaster from Minnesota. You are gonna be shocked at how good this game is nowadays.
  4. ohhhhhhhhh, that's where it is. It's usually on my order form on my account at BFC. Thanks CptMiller
  5. you guys are killing me -- I have no access code AND I have to work ~8 more hours, while y'all are having fun. It's killing me.
  6. Hey ELVIS, install went fine but I don't see an activation code on my order page. Can you help?
  7. Did you sacrifice a chicken or goat before you started the install? That's the part the instructions leave out.
  8. I was thinking I won't want to play as the soviets because those US soldiers are the kids I grew up with, and was nearly me except for a lucky job at a GM plant. But I guess my friends gotta go....
  9. downloading now, praise be!!!! I always use 7-zip,if that doesn't work I'll use Elvis' suggestion. So now we will all start complaining there's too much excellent new content and why did BFC provide more fun than we can handle.
  10. So BFC releases this while I was out of town for five days, I see. Clever ploy, but ultimately futile -- Adolf's days are still numbered.
  11. I can't help but think how many of the volkssturm were WW1 veterans who in 1918 thought "I am sure glad I won't ever have to go through that again"
  12. those snow battle pics above reminded me that there's a lot of winter fighting before we ever get to Berlin
  13. Thanks Steve, that was very clear. I'm having fun w Black Sea right now. So while I am ww2 guy first, the other games are really just as fun. And now there will be thread about Abyssinian campaign but with Meanwhile, Elvis says 'major milestone', which to me means we've reached the final product which would then go through the 2-4 week production release tunnel. I can't wait to be overrun by T34-85s! Ah, Berlin in the spring.
  14. I like this idea -- challenge all of us yammering for east front to put our money where our mouths are. I'd pay my $60 right now for a 1943 or 1942 game that wouldn't be delivered until 2022 sometime . So BFC could ask how many would be willing to fund the project, and if that's enough they could ask folks to pay up and if enough actually pay then there's the answer. And if enough don't I guess we get refund.
  15. I think CMCW started out as a labor of love by a couple of long time modder/users and so was presented to BFC as a partially completed project, so low investment. And the best surprise I've had since.... since..... well, gosh, ever? I am still surprised though that east front isn't the most popular thing since chocolate and ice cream, but sounds like it's not.
  16. So following up on what Steve's said over time: once they had Normandy game, then doing east front 1944 (RT) meant only investing in one side's new OOB for the most part. But going to 1941 the entire German and Soviet OOB is different than anything that currently exists, so is huge investment. Doing Italy meant adding some features, but not entirely new sets of vehicles, uniforms, etc. Which also gives me hope that we'll at least get back to 1943 someday since we already have most of the equipment But Steve's made it clear the investment for Barbarossa is very high and therefore very risky given that the market is not as big as some of us (like me) thought it would be. I expect we'll see more Black Sea/modern, plus more existing stuff ported to Steam, as lower risk / higher benefit choices for a while. I am now expecting, instead of east front, some CMCW-NATO and CMBS-NATO releases ~2022+. Dutch, brits, germans, maybe even French vs Russians type stuff. The Russian side doesn't change so only need to add one set of new stuff. But maybe I'll be surprised. Meanwhile, back on F&R related stuff, there's a new Fall of Berlin youtube series coming from a channel that previously did some nice work on Stalingrad. Series preview:
  17. I get the frustration about waiting. but I suspect that ~4 weeks from now we'll all be complaining we don't have enough time to play all the new content. That will be a nice 'rich person' problem.
  18. oh, Right, Capt Miller. I gotta do those! thanks. Someone mentioned those before but I forgot about them
  19. I recently reread Team Yankee and Red Storm Rising after 30+ years. What a treat. And read Larry Bond's Red Phoenix (1980s war in korea) also. reread The Third World War last year. I am ready for CMCW. I suppose I should also re-read Sword Point by the Team Yankee author. I know I used to have The Untold Story, might have to do that one also.
  20. Thanks for pointing this out, Gnarly. There's so much forum traffic these days I miss a lot it seems.
  21. I'm surprised I haven't seen anything on the forum about this. Russia says it's just for exercises while at the same time saying it has right to intervene within Ukraine to protect ethnic Russians from persecution. There's tons of videos showing armor being brought in on trains, supplies being moved up. Oh my. Meanwhile, Ukraine asking for more military support ASAP from US et al.
  22. I wonder what's coming next after BF gets through the hectic work of getting FR & CW released? Since from Steve it certainly aint Kursk I am guessing more BS and lots of add-ons for CW? Anyone read between the lines on what's next? There's lots of speculation and it's hard to wade through. Now that I've gone through the phases of grief (denial, etc) on finding out more eastern front is not coming anytime soon, I am actually kinda excited by what we actually could actually get next.
  23. Steve, I think you will never feel spiritually complete or fully emotionally actualized w/o at least getting to Fall Blau. I am only thinking of you and your mental and spiritual health going forward into the future. But there are many paths to enlightenment. A CMCW NATO module w Germany, England, Netherlands, and also some Norway battles would greatly improve your karmic trajectory even if Fall Blau must wait. Again, only thinking of you, not my own selfish and grasping desires.
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