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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by danfrodo

  1. I just did (most of) an SF2 german campaign. Then went back to Ost Front for BenPark's Reitwein battle. See folks, if you play w modern games you don't go blind (to ww2). Now doing BS TF-369 campaign -- and the enemy just parked some high value targets in sight of my observer; if they stay there just two more minutes they are all KIA. Ah, good times. I've played BS the least but looking to make up for that w time off work in December. Death in BS can be sudden and surprising, but it's not like the WW2 battles are cakewalks.
  2. Now that this thread is completely hijacked..... I did the Three Body Problem trilogy this year. Makes majority of sci fi look like marvel movie in comparison. Utterly brilliant.
  3. OMG I remember that book cover from waaaaaay back i the day! So as Probus asks, is it any good?
  4. Just cease-fired at ~50 minutes in. Neither side could make much progress at that point, so stalemate, though I did get minor victory. If soviets advanced, they got hit by panzerfausts & remaining panther. If I advanced, I got hit by his SU100s. I lost 5 of my 6 panthers -- first 3 through overconfidence in their ability to have a long range shoot out. Good times, BenPark, thanks for putting this together. A good example of the depleted state of the germans this late in the war. I feel kinda bad for everyone that died here with the end so close, on both sides.
  5. Perhaps the reptilian overlords are just baiting the hook. Meaning they plan on releasing new modern/CW content and want a bigger base into which they can perpetuate their upcoming control algorithms. And note that I have insider information, as JFK Jr and Sr have been calling my phone. Phone thinks iit's spam but the random phone numbers are actually a numerology code that I've decoded as "buy BFC modern because they are going to release more DLC in that space. more elitist world domination information to follow"
  6. For a long time I played on veteran because I liked not having to click on enemy unit to see what my men could see. But then I saw video by Hapless saying that warrior has 'realistic' artillery response times. That was music to my ears -- I am generally attacking and having short arty delay is great for the defender, more likely to catch my forces if pinned for short time. So I've been on warrior mode ever since.
  7. I think he's actually modern-curious but doesn't want to admit it. Probably worried he won't like shermans anymore once he gets hold of an Abrams.
  8. I was mostly a WW2 person, though I used to love various more modern/CW games back in the day. So I kept putting off getting SF2 & BS. Dumb dumb dumb mistake. Those games are crazy good fun, and I just wish I had jumped in sooner. I suspect there's enough love in your wargaming hearts for both. WW2 won't break up with you if you date modern games.
  9. Taking break from SF2 to play this one, just starting w deployment & initial orders. Tricky deployment. Boggy creeks, some other suspicious looking terrain that really funnels my movements onto the roads. Hard to imagine that such a powerful looking force can get beat -- famous last words
  10. and now that I've posted that mean stuff, I wish to apologize for it. I am just grumpy because work is really hard and I took it out on some feller who is just happily being obsessed w details, which is his business, and which I should just ignore because it doesn't affect me at all whether he's mad about pistols.
  11. I have probably taken 10,000+ casualties in CM games (yeah yeah yeah, I know, it's cuz I suck, blah blah blah ). And I bet maybe 20 of those casualties are from pistols. So the good news is that fixing this glaring bug would change my casuality rate by something like 0.1%. Definitely a buggy game that no one should play. There's about a million changes/upgrades we'd all like to see, so I am just surprised anyone would spend so much time on something so inconsequential.
  12. doesn't Semmes have a job? you seriously have time for pointless crap like this? Pistols are only rarely even fired in this game, so this, even if really true, doesn't make any discernible difference. Why would I care is pistols are overly accurate when they are so rarely fired???? Way to focus on a 3rd or 4th order problem. I hope I never have you on one of my work projects. We'd all be hunting down the least important issues while watching the whole program burn to the ground.
  13. I'm with you, Vinnart. If I were a veteran needing health care, I definitely don't want to go to a facility that mandates vaccines. Especially since I would probably be a sick, vulnerable, elderly male -- COVID's favorite menu item. I wish there were some VA facilities that didn't have mandates on vaccines & testing, that's totally where I would want to go. And hopefully they also don't mandate masks for any of the care givers or staff. That'd be the hospital for me.
  14. Might be your best work. On Youtube I commented "another Megalon Masterpiece". I was glued to my telly watching it. Thanks!
  15. Congrats to BFC! I hope you sell a gazillion copies. And more importantly I hope this frees up bandwidth for the development team to make all the things we want, like BS modules, CW modules, Ost Front 43/42/41, etc. And to have them all done by Xmas, this year. Thanks in advance
  16. yikes! that is one nasty, nasty gun. I hope US adds something to the strikers so they can defend themselves.
  17. Dune: I re-read the book recently in anticipation of the movie, having first read it when I was 21. It was very good, worth the time for sure. And I thought the movie was excellent, despite being edited too much to keep the time down. Can't wait for the director's cut, which I am hoping will be available in not too long. And can't wait for part 2, like mentioned above. Dune movie was clearly a labor of love for the director & his team. Sounds like I'll be skipping Foundation, which I never read though did read some other Asimov back in the day.
  18. thanks MontyMM for putting this out there. Lots of work but lots of enjoyment for the rest of us. I can't help but wonder if there's some nasty surprise back there somewhere.
  19. I've been trying to decide which is my favorite, and basically it comes down to this: 1. the one I haven't played in the longest time 2. great pics & AARs on the forum So my fave varies. Right now I'm playing SF2 and having a blast. Then probably some CMBS. then back to WW2. But if I were stranded on a deserted island for eternity and could only take one game..... CMBN.
  20. German SF2 campaign, first time playing as modern Germans. I love the marder! that 20mm gun is deadly and lots of ammo. Sooooooo much better than Brit warrior IMO. Haven't had a change to use the panzerfausts against armor yet, that should be fun. In this battle I have to clear a large area of hostiles with lots of potentially advantageous ATGM locations for the enemy. So I send the infantry forward with the armored vehicles below crest of a ridge. Infantry spots T55 ~800m away. Leopard does shoot & scoot 3X but can't spot. Soldiers going bonkers pointing and yelling "he's right there, straight ahead, are you blind?!?!". Maybe 4th time is a charm? Leopard crests ridge.... spots.... and fires first ouch I really like the German side so far, some pretty good looking gear, though no javelins. I bet they'd also look good in autumn foliage and winter snow in northern europe (hint hint hint)
  21. is that the guy that betrayed the commandos who came ashore to attack the heavy water plant?
  22. I don't think that's a fantasy. All we need is NATO & winter stuff, then pretend we're in Norway. I don't see Steve saying we will NEVER have NATO CMCW. I hope you're right. We should start a thread endlessly complaining about lack of Norway module , to which I would happily contribute.
  23. so maybe instead of endless discussion of things Steve's made clear are NEVER going to happen, we could return to the fine forum tradition of harrassing BFC about what are next releases and when will we get pre-order. And after pre-order we can harrass them about delivery for a couple months. At least we'd be complaining about something that is real instead of all these fantasies.
  24. wow, this thread is a complete f-ing waste of electrons. And now I have added to it.
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