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Everything posted by danfrodo

  1. paintball w AFVs?!?!? And now i know there is a benevolent creator of the universe.
  2. Just finished this movie (Forgotten Battle, Netflix). I thought it was VERY good, especially as compared to most the drivel that is WW2 themed. Good battles, good story. Three unrelated young people whose stories start completely separately (one on eastern front) then collide in fighting in Scheldte estuary.
  3. which battle was that? totally epic eastern front battle. Thanks for taking the time to post those great pics!
  4. well, that's quite a coincidence. I was listening to Spearhead audio book today during my workout and it's the battle of Paderborn.
  5. I suspect BFC is keeping quiet so as to not have us yelling at them to hurry up. Which means I am very much hoping for a surprise pre-order thread one unsuspecting day. Like they did w CW. And hopefully it's soon. NATO, marines, etc.
  6. Stock German campaign battle #2. Step 1: use anti-personnel artillery to clear potential ATGM rooftop positions as much as possible. Step 2: advance scouts w Leopard overwatch. Then these true believers open up -- on a Leopard. Ah, actions & consequences. It's hard for me to put into words the amount of sublime emotional and spiritual satisfaction this provided. These guys would've shredded my scout vehicles. Dang, that felt good!
  7. ohhh, yeah, that battle. That was tough but excellent fight. Bummber about your losses Codreanu, hopefully weren't core units.
  8. OH BOY NEW MEGALON MOVIE!! only movie I am looking forward to at all other than maybe Dune
  9. Hey y'all, just took Berlin 1945 and now looking to start a new modern campaign in either BS for shock force. I want to play as western forces. I've played highland games and task force thunder. I am thinking about the SF german campaign to take Aleppo -- your thoughts on this one? So what are some of your favorites?
  10. Final battle of On to Berlin. Foolish defenders all cram into bunker that might as well have a "kill us" sign in neon letters, lots of those in this campaign. These are OK until their AT neighbors go down. Usual techniques, infantry moves to contact, armor edges up and starts area firing into the bunker area. and the usual outcome sherman scores 3 hits on STUG from only ~300m but not enough to knock it out. Side hit, lower front hit, partial penetration just next to driver's port. STUG puts round through top of turret, killing commander. Crew bails (but returned later). fortunately STUG backs up and comes into flank fire from other sherman at ~400m. Tough STUG, but not tough enough. Then some big boys show up late to the party but not before the dancing is done. and finally I finish the campaign! Yay me! Hard to read here but over 2000 enemy lost + 20 tanks. I lost ~600 and 23 tanks. Overall, EXCELLENT campaign. Really had the kind of feel I'd expect from this phase of the war. And now the big decision: what's next? Modern or WW2? I think something a little smaller, but not sure yet.
  11. It's like a "what is the best tank" thread. Some folks will see the weakness, some will see the strengths, and both will be right, like RedWolf said above for me, what else am I gonna do for military sim that doesn't require twitch over brains? Better graphics would be fantastic, but there's lots of military games out there w amazing graphics that I have zero interest in playing but are super popular.
  12. It's all fun & games... until someone stick a flamethrower through the window... Suffered several casualties from these well positioned devils. FINALLY got some use of flamethrower. That'll learn 'em. Meanwhile, just a couple of buildings away, Mr SmartyPants w an MG34 thinks he's taking on just a 3 man scout team. Then finds out the scouts have lots of well armed friends who rush up the street in support of their pinned comrades. Always hard to capture the actual torrent of bullets that PPsh teams can send at a target, but good enough. Around ten or so soldiers firing on the one.
  13. all depends on the material models. The material models are built from from pulling on a sample of the material and then backing out stress-strain from that. So it all depends on how well the stress-strain behavior used in the model would match with the stress-strain behavior of the projectile and armor materials. They are probably reasonably close. These kind of models are used in car crash simulations simulations every day, though the test data for those models is very good, of course. Automakers don't go crashing dozens of super expensive prototype cars into walls to see what happens. They simulate and get something they are very confident in, then crash just to verify. Simulation-driven-design, which is predictive, as opposed to old school build & test, which is reactive.
  14. This company, Sy Simulations, is showing of its structural simulation chops with a bunch of armor penetration videos like the one below. These are cool in general, of course, but I like it even more because I use this same SW tool (Abaqus) every day, though my simulations are not this totally cool. Excellent representation of advanced material modeling using damage initiation and evolution leading to element failure. Love it.
  15. Best birthday ever I'd say. I hope you have lots of time on our hands, you'll be busy
  16. I hear you, codreanu, this one is really satsifying so far. I have cleared the tiergarten and am starting to enter first row of houses. Just got a nasty armored surprise, I think you know what I mean, definitely have to flank that beast. Lost some men but no armor. Spent a ton of bullets thus far but better bullets than bodies. I currently plan to advance via mouse-holing down the blocks until I run out of satchel charges (or sappers).
  17. Dudes thinking they are so cool in their bunker Even invited all their friends But forgot to invite the friends w AT assets and this is what sherman(-ski) tanks excel at. Two shermans and an SU76 make 3 hits at nearly same time Party over, Dudes Meet the new neighbors The bad news is there was another bunker I hadn't properly suppressed and one of the sections above lost several men and fled the scene
  18. When is santa claus (GeorgeMC) gonna leave this under our trees? Me & a bunch of my heavily armed friends want to know (picture from On to Berlin, battle #8). SU152. Yeah, slow loading, not many rounds, but 120mm of frontal armor and a navy-sized gun. I'm planning some urban renewal in Berlin.
  19. Codreanu, you inspired me to keep going on the campaign and not divert to seelow heights battle. I have pre-planned smoke and arty barrage on the enemy side of the first bridge set for 15 minutes from start. So I have to get the bridge approaches clear enough for an assault. This is a really fun one so far. Glad I am not volksturm, they are getting hammered. And so it begins: infantry + armored car rush the bridge. The smoke rounds missed did the bridge/road but at least will blind flanking fire. First wave rushes across. Success: first wave across w follow on troops now crossing. So vulnerable but it looks like my preliminary fire destroyed the immediate bridge defenses. That plus smoke made for no casualties in first wave
  20. Either this Admin feller knows his stuff or he is a persuasive liar. Either way, at least shows talent. I just want striker w some like a 50mm autocannon. That would be cool.
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