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Everything posted by AttorneyAtWar

  1. I think the new Star Wars Battlefront is a mediocre game that failed to live up to its predecessors in pretty much every way. Edit: I don't think this is the Battlefront forum you were looking for!
  2. I have nothing against you personally Ian, if it came off a bit to aggressive I apologize, but sometimes we all do need to do a double take. That goes double (again ) for the people who have been around for a while. I acknowledged the fact that the marketing thing does go to far in my edit, sorry if you didn't see that!
  3. Are you guys serious? What the hell did he say in his post that makes you all go on a witch hunt? I completely agree with his criticism of the sounds, I was shocked when I went back to try out CMx1 that the same sound effects have been in for almost two decades. That is a department that I think needs a serious overhaul, I can get over graphics for the most part and yes mods alleviate it but it is getting long in the tooth. If your computer can't handle better sounds than I would love to know what hardware you are running, because a computer that can't two decade old sound files has a lot more problems than playing CM this day and age. I also agree with the briefing screen problems, I can read them just fine, but a lot of people can't because of the font size that is an area that could also be radically improved. Obviously BFC does not have a lot of resources but its absurd how you all respond to some of this stuff, this thread is for posting ideas about improving the game, is the marketing thing going a little to far in terms of feasibility sure, but there's no reason he can't post about it.
  4. I have a feeling you're going to be disappointed after work!
  5. Oh god I got a panzerfaust 3 and an RPG-7 mixed up, I might as well commit sedoku I can't be relied on in the wargaming culture anymore.
  6. Top right- SMAW Directly below top right- Rpg-22 or RPG-26? Bottom left- Stinger Missile launcher Bottom right- Panzerfaust 3? Top left- Igla or Strela MANPAD? Thats all I got right now. Edit: WOOO 1000 posts! Man if tests in school were about stuff like this I would have got into Harvard...
  7. I can concur with this... But those TU-22 Back fires...ouch.
  8. Hes a good guy, he'll take a look at it quickly I'm sure.
  9. The abrams gives no *%&$# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVJqBSr_FEs Just search M1 Abrams on Youtube, there's a bunch of stuff ranging from exercises to the war in Yemen, although with the Yemen thing chances are you'll be seeing a few getting knocked out.
  10. There isn't much you or anyone on here can do, ask the creator of the campaign (Dragonwynn) to take a look at the mission.
  11. WHO CARES ABOUT THE TANKS, DID YOU SEE THAT HEDGEHOG?!? That thing will take a refleks and knock it right back at the T-90 who fired at it.
  12. A fellow DCS player! You can actually share targeting data. at least with sharing a laser from a drone or JTAC on the ground. In the A-10 you need to set your TGP to "track laser" setting and it will actively search for a laser on the ground according to its code.
  13. This scenario is probably responsible for the most forum sign-ups though !
  14. Ive always been interested in what-if's and alternative history especially WW2, maybe its not so much "I wanted that to happen" but more of "Its incredible that something like that didn't happen due to some small detail". Of course I am sure there are plenty of books with that tone, but it may be easy to mistake the two sometimes.
  15. Ah Marseille, I read "Star of Africa" and loved it, what an interesting guy! Its nice to see my favorite aircraft of World War 2 as well featured in an AAR!
  16. Can't argue with that while these guys exist. http://www.foxnews.com/
  17. I think we need to define "Anti Russian remarks" in this context. I have not seen Steve insult the Russian people only its government and its decisions.
  18. Yeah those little helmeted heads are definitely lower in those pictures than in CM.
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