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Everything posted by AttorneyAtWar

  1. Yes units with binoculars automatically use them, in most cases the guy with the binoculars will be the squad leader and only he benefits from them. Each individual soldier's LOS is represented in game, so in a squad you may only have one or two guys out of the 8 or 12 that can see and shoot depending on his position. The manual has iconography in it if I remember correctly.
  2. Day 5680 CMFB still hasn't been released... There is no God.
  3. Kudos to BFC for the Javelin sound effect, it sounds very similar to the video.
  4. Message Steve or Chris, Steve being the owner of BFC proper. Steve- http://community.battlefront.com/profile/36389-battlefrontcom/ Chris- http://community.battlefront.com/profile/36407-chrisnd/
  5. Come on Russia stop shooting up old US M60's... Oh...
  6. Now were bashing Obamacare in a thread about releasing CMFB? Yeah, we need the game ASAP.
  7. We've strayed a bit off-topic but I think a Cold war gone hot game would do really well, set it in the mid 80's and I am sure you will attract players.
  8. Power sliding Russian tanks combined with there ability to fire in mid-air will make them unstoppable! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrhEZWha8C0
  9. Are you kidding? This level of begging and misery is pretty much the highest form of flattery for a niche war game!
  10. Speaking as someone who made a rather controversial Steam thread...it aint worth it! If it happens it happens, if it doesn't it doesn't.
  11. I really hope there won't be a long pre order phase, at this point maybe just releasing the game would be better.
  12. Quick question gentleman, is it possible for the TOW-1 or TOW-2 to be tricked by shtora? I wouldn't think so because its wire guided right?
  13. Clutter? There is no advantage to the physical copy unless you like having CD's and physical manuals.
  14. That was the most Russian thing ive ever seen...it was beautiful.
  15. Erm...Ken either the radio operator or commander is still alive but wounded in that screenshot...surely they will be receiving medical aid before you place the monument...?
  16. A lot of the developers who are making Squad came from Project Reality so it is definitely a spiritual successor.
  17. Speaking of playing other games, is anyone playing Squad? Its a new tactical team shooter with an emphasis on realism through communication and combined arms, right now we have Russia, US, Militia (eastern European) and finally the Taliban. The British army is on the way and vehicles should be out shortly, its a lot of fun and condenses everything good about ARMA into a nice 50 v 50 package. If anybody has it shoot me a message and maybe we can get a Combat Mission/Battlefront Squad going!
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