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Everything posted by AttorneyAtWar

  1. Too be fair to some of them, when I was in my teenage years (which wasn't that long ago honestly) I also thought "TIGER TANK WAS BEST EVER", but as I delved into history more my perception changed. World War 2 is actually becoming "main stream" at least in the gaming world, you have games like War Thunder and World Of Tanks making more people interested in the period than ever before probably. Unfortunately with this much popularity the myth's start to crop up everywhere about the invincible German tanks of yore that were only stopped by the "hordes of under equipped Russians" and how it wasn't a fair fight.
  2. Why do you think artillery has a "small" impact on the enemy? It was the number one killer during the actual war and if used properly is probably the same in game, 81mm mortars are deadly accurate, 105mm howitzers and above are destructive when on target and rockets just murder everyone. Artillery is great at suppressing and killing infantry that is not dug in, and if they are dug in they won't be too happy for some time afterwords if there not dead.
  3. Unless you catch a Panzer 4 or Stug that doesn't have schurzen from the side and you are within at least 100m anti-tank rifles are pretty much useless.
  4. Looking good BTR, I love your Russian camo mods.
  5. http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&category_id=36&flypage=shop.flypage_bfc&product_id=544&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=26
  6. Do I spend my money on the Battlepack now and risk not having enough for Bulge...or suffer for an undetermined amount of time until Bulge comes out? The ultimate question.
  7. Surely someone sees what I was trying too do, maybe even Luke himself?
  8. What does this have to with Combat Mission: Black Sea?
  9. I think it goes without saying that an infantry heavy force encountering armor is always going to have trouble during the WW2 period. Edit: More so on the attack of course.
  10. I have never said anything like that about BFC or Graviteam, please quote me where I took a side. The only thing I'm guilty of is posting silly things about how I am excited for CMFB.
  11. The developers have shown off a lot of those new features on Youtube, you can't seriously think they are lying about what they are putting into the game. I havn't seen anyone on here accuse BFC of lying about putting new features into a release, that's just a silly accusation for both parties. Turning this into a Graviteam vs Combat Mission thread is just as stupid.
  12. You guys are exaggerating the whole "BFC hates Steam and will punish you for mentioning other games" thing. This thread will probably be locked because most of the comments have nothing to do with the title though.
  13. Oh I didn't see that, definitely looking forward to the game though, I am currently playing through there previous game.
  14. They haven't said anything about a release date so I wouldn't get my hopes up too much, nice screenshots so far though.
  15. No more BMP-3's... *cries* Theres something about those boxy death traps that I just love...
  16. Ill temper your expectations for a "video of a bug being worked on", Charles is the lead programmer/coder and he basically never posts (on the public forum at least), do not expect anything like that from BFC. The closest you can get to seeing a bug being worked on is Chris running into one during a stream.
  17. All the more reason to release CMFB ASAP. One last blitzkrieg to hell with panzers, only its quite literal this time.
  18. Both launchers fire a HEAT round which does include a high explosive. The Panzerschreck fires an 88mm shell and the bazooka a 60mm shell.
  19. Donald probably made a deal with BFC, don't release CMFB until hes elected. Its a win-lose situation.
  20. *snip* Wow...the price of one lousy trench line somewhere on the eastern front.
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