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Everything posted by AttorneyAtWar

  1. No Team speak can be used for whatever you want, I use team speak to communicate with my friends and play games often. Interesting idea Wildcard, this would be useful for also organizing Real-time CM play.
  2. Try using Imgur instead, it sounds very interesting!
  3. Die Glocke as well, it makes your panzers float.
  4. I was in my freshman year of High School when Russia invaded Georgia, I remember seeing a news reel of tanks entering the country and thought..."wait a second, the Russians are invading GEORGIA?" Turns out that Georgia was not the state of Georgia on the eastern seaboard of the United States... Oh to be young again...
  5. Not sure what you are trying to say here Steve, I play ARMA and Combat Mission and like both.
  6. Ok "moot" maybe was a bit over the top but I think it is certainly silly to believe the west wouldn't do anything against Russian aggression in the Baltics because of a "mom jeans" wearing president. The "red" line was certainly controversial but I am glad we didn't carry out what we were going to do, that is a discussion for another thread though, sorry for the derail in that regard.
  7. To "C3k" (Quoting got messed up) Yeah and one kills reporters and "enemies" of the state, and illegally invades countries killing thousands in the process, huge difference! The bias here is obvious and does nothing except make your argument moot.
  8. Yeah that's pretty much the same thought I have on the matter. The trees/bushes in game are not in 1:1 scale, the leafs and all that are merely there for looks, most of the time you have pretty clear sight through them.
  9. Without a screenshot/Save this is pretty much impossible to be debated or troubleshooted.
  10. What a coincidence, hopefully you fare better than me Aragorn... Panzers from 1st battalion with the aid of bridging troops and armored pioneers were able to fight to the western side of the Hotton crossing, upon which the bridge blew up in there faces. I tried to construct the bridge over night, but to my horror I could spot the American reinforcements coming in from the north which included a lot of armor. In the end I was forced to retreat from the crossing, and my infantry in the center north and northeast were beginning to fold from a massive counterattack from the north west. There were not enough panzers to go around by the end of day 3 so I surrendered, lets see how you do!
  11. The armor contacts are probably sound contacts.
  12. I meant in CM: FB Badger but thanks I will check that scenario out.
  13. Yeah some of this definitely doesn't look right. I don't want to say its absolutely wrong but I usually don't get spots like these, what is your difficulty setting?
  14. Those bushes aren't hedgerows, if they were your units would definitely not be able to spot the Jagdpanther.
  15. The battle pack is only going to cost 10$ so your not really missing out on a deal or anything if you wait for it to be put in the pack. Go ahead and buy the bundle now and you can pick up the scenario pack when it comes out "soon"TM.
  16. Thats a new one...I have never seen vehicles rubber band on bridges before, this didn't happen to my armor when playing that mission.
  17. Great stuff Bud, these last few panels have been top notch, I love seeing the "meat chopper" and Chaffee go to town!
  18. Any scenarios involving these guys? I am currently playing a Command Ops 2 scenario that deals with there attempt to secure the crossing at Hotton, interesting stuff!
  19. Yeah I hate when that happens with buildings, I guess its because it can't see the right side of the building completely.
  20. I play Men of War and Combat Mission, there is nothing wrong with not playing one or the other.
  21. *snip* Yup to put that first point simply, air force priorities go something like this- 1. Neutralize enemy airforce/capability to launch planes and achieve air superiority 2. Attrit enemy air defenses aka SEAD 3. CAS and high value targets Edit: Actually I guess "High value targets" was a bit vague for #3, if were talking NK for example, SCUDS and launch sites would absolutely be at the top of this list.
  22. The weather outside right now is perfect for a surprise attack, I'm expecting to see Tigers rolling out of the blizzard any second... *hint* *hint*
  23. That is a stream and yes it is new to Final Blitzkrieg.
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