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Everything posted by mjkerner

  1. Lol, like I know what the hell is going on. I just noticed for the first time this morning that my man cave calendar was still on February, and my clock radio date showed March 23. True story!
  2. You mean, a plethora? Great stuff, as always, K!
  3. Nice! End of that first post, can't quite figure out what that tanker is doing with his gun. Where's a 400 year dead Roundhead's picture-captioning contest when you need one?
  4. You hopeless romantics! You should listen to Aragorn more...probably 3 months yet.
  5. Could you please. In case I want to do some modding at some point. Thanks IMHO!
  6. Not sure where I found it, but I assume I got it off of the Scenario Depot (FGM, where Bootie's CMMOD is located). Very well done campaign, it appears, but for this one I stripped out all the scenarios and am just playing a few of them.
  7. That's a creek/river running through Geilenkirchen. File is 96.1 megabytes. Never bothered to check size with FRAPS, so don't know if this is any better.
  8. Oh, and try the missions in the Operation Clipper campaign, Zaybz. You'll be begging for bocage rather than dealing with mud!
  9. Sorry, couldn't edit it (first time trying out the built-in GeForce photo/video capture on my comp). This shows the first charge thrown. 1073810257_CombatMissionBattleForNormandy2021_03.17-11_42_23_02.mp4
  10. I should have mentioned that just the night before Hypeman posted the question, in one of the Operation Clipper campaign scenarios, I had a Panther trapped along a stream bank, behind a group of buildings, smothered in smoke by other troops, with an engineer squad creeping up from behind. I simply ordered a normal Target command. Three demo charges thrown--- Panther died.
  11. Yes, the army in China was about a million, and I can imagine a lot were strung out all over the Pacific, but I would have thought they would have been demobilized a lot sooner and with a lot smaller standing army afterwards.
  12. Yup, no issues for me either regarding those mods.
  13. zaybz, you won't have as much bocage in the British sectors, and there is really none in any of the Market Garden area scenarios. With all the content in BN, I'd go for that first as an avid WWII British enthusiast. Italy next....,
  14. You know, I tried that, but I obviously glitched it somehow. And...I rule my chaos with an Iron Fist!!
  15. Am I correct in understanding that there will be naval gunfire in CW?
  16. The uniform mods won't work because the skeletons/wireframes are different in SF2, Jonzey, but the scenarios will. According to BFC all SF1 scenarios are supposed to work in SF2, and all the ones I've tried do.
  17. Lol, you’d think so, Falaise, but in fact my files are super organized. They have to be so I can find sh*t!
  18. Check post-war Japan, 46-50 or so. Can that be right?
  19. ARMA’s single player sux, though (as I understand it). Or have they made changes to make SP worth while? But yes, would LOVE that sort of graphics in CM!
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