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Everything posted by mjkerner

  1. Are they in either a panic, broken, or shaken state?
  2. Thx for the clarification, Phil! Blender sure looks interesting, but looks too scary to try to learn, lol. It took me several years to slowly figure out graphics programs (still learning!), this would take me decades
  3. I find that happens somewhat rarely, but it happens. I never checked it out, but IIRC it's related to buildings sunk in the ground, just like doors. Haven't tested it though.
  4. Frenchy must have used the demo charge, though, or else why would engineers be the only opposing troops that will use the bundle? There are various separate textures for all the various combatants' grenades, but only one for the demo charge. I thought maybe he some how tripled-up the stick grenade model in the demo charge mdr. Using the demo charge would mean all the other German grenades won't show as a grenade bundle. Anyway, I'm just curious.
  5. Thanks for your answer, Erwin. I figure when I get reacquainted with the Eastern front in the coming weeks, I’ll play around with the “official” and manual methods and see if I can get it to work better.
  6. I have most of his books. These look like must buys to me, too. My real last name is Saunders. I figure if I ever get to England, I’ll look up good ol’ “Cousin” Tim and see if he’ll put up his long lost relative for a bit!
  7. Urrah! Urrrah! Za Rodinu! Za Stalina! Eyes are wet from tears of joy!
  8. So, how successful are you on average? I don't do armor much, so haven't done it very often manually, either. I don't recall ever getting hull down purposefully. Only by sheer blind chance when not even really trying.
  9. I agree, Erwin. That's how I do it too.
  10. Kohl, no texture file for the grenade bundle? Did you somehow make the mdr show the grenade texture in multiple images???? Or did you use the demo charge files instead of one of the various grenade files (since the latter are side-specific, but the demo seems universal to both sides)? Inquiring minds want to know!
  11. Yes, they definitely do fire from buildings. It was a change made in version 3.0 or thereabouts. If no other troops than the AT team is on the same floor, they rarely actually suffer any thing more than just suppression, and not even that too often. Even when other troops are in there with them, it seems they rarely suffer any bad effects either.
  12. Yes, there are French weapons, Phil. Check my Goumier mod...lot's could be done for modding Fall Gelb. We just need a hard charger like you riding herd on us to get it done.
  13. Hey Aragorn, as I understand it, CW has a firm release date because of commitments to Steam and Slitherine. My guess was March 32nd, and I’m sticking with it. Next weekend is your Huckleberry!
  14. That grenade bundle is worth the price of admission right there! I’ve used the Italian leggings on other troops as well. Works good!
  15. No, JoMac, I meant they are holding/carrying their weapons like modern troops do...stock tucked into shoulder, barrel down when no threat near, barrel up when threat known/near. Doesn’t look right to me, especially on the move.
  16. I used the same method as in the video (probably where I learned it) and always knew the target tool draws from the original position. So I guess I just suck at it. Must play more armor-heavy scenarios so I can practice, I guess.
  17. That's how it works for me, too. I'm not a treadhead, so most of my games are infantry-centric, with usually just a few AFVs in support. I don't recall ever getting it to work correctly. b But I didn't ever have your problem #6. I would end the movement path at a point where the vehicle wouldn't be exposed (iff'n the procedure didn't work), then would try to target the thing/area I wanted to be hull down from. Never once got it to work, so I no longer bother trying. Someone will hopefully come along and tell us what we are doing wrong.
  18. Small point for some maybe, but they are using a modern weapons carry in the Caen vid. But more animations in CM would be good.
  19. Fixable problem, though. (Technically, an FN FAL but hey, any port in a storm!)
  20. Yup, it's was a new comp with significantly different everything. Thanks for the info!
  21. Schrullenhaft, I had the same problem as Rocketman (a new comp and reinstalling everything) at the end of January. Finally figured it out back then, but now that everything (every single game and module) is installed and up to date with full installers, next time (Fire and Rubble comes to mind) will I need to go through the whole procedure again, and every time a new game or module comes out? Or does Full Installer mean one key from this point on? @Erwin, hope you get everything sorted?
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