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    Baneman got a reaction from Lethaface in CMSF2 - UK-Germany Beta AAR   
    And here's the first look at where this is all going down - this is a pretty magnificent map ( I tried to make a small map once and it was a fairly miserable effort, hence my admiration for well made maps knows no bounds ).
    Looking North ( my deployment zone is top left )

    Looking South

    Another view South ( just a bit to the right of the above shot ) showing what I like to think of as an abandoned archaeological dig site.

    Rolling hills - check.
    LOS nightmare - check
  2. Like
    Baneman got a reaction from Lethaface in CMSF2 - UK-Germany Beta AAR   
    Well folks, here we are again. Your favourite ( I hope ) underdog is once again risking everything ( because I have a named unit on map  ) against Bil, the evil genius.
    This battle is essentially a classic Meeting engagement between our recon elements and will escalate as our main forces enter later.
    Bil and I are both using forces from 2 nations and the makeup is essentially the same:
    Each nation has a platoon of mechanised recon and an infantry company with a couple of attached tanks.
    The battle area will also have some local guys, some of whom are on our side and some who have been seduced to the dark side.
    In my case, I am fielding elements from the UK and Germany.
    The battle is set up ( thanks to George MC ) as follows :
    Turn 0:
    Scouts - on-map in the set-up zone at the start:
    British recce platoon (Scimitars);
    German Aufklaring platoon (Fenneks).
    Turn 5 Advance Guard:
    2 x Leopards;
    German PzGr Company HQ and Obs section and the 1st Platoon (Marders);
    Artillery ( some 105's ) and on-map mortars;
    Myself as the German body HQ - performing a classic c3k manoeuver by waiting until it's safe.
    Turn 10 Main Body:
    2 x Challengers;
    Brit Arm.Inf company (all elements) - Primarily infantry mounted in Warriors.
    Turn 15 Rear Guard:
    Remainder of the German PzGr company - 2nd and 3rd Platoons (Marders).
    Bear in mind that I've never played CMSF1 and barely touched on CMBS due to my preference for WWII.
    So I am ignorant of many of the weapons systems and their capabilities.
    Just pointing out how underdoggy I am ( gotta get the excuses in early - yeah, I learned that from c3k too !  ).
  3. Upvote
    Baneman got a reaction from sburke in How Exciting...   
    Just wormsign, in your case. 😋
  4. Like
    Baneman got a reaction from Mord in How Exciting...   
    Just wormsign, in your case. 😋
  5. Upvote
    Baneman got a reaction from c3k in Afrika Korps or Early War?   
    Early war all the way, no contest. It easily trumps Fulda Gap for me too.
    Light tanks, tankettes, armoured cars - AT rifles actually a threat, "doorknocker" 37mm AT guns, outmanoevering ( having to do so ) French Chars ( although they'd be half-blind ), British Matilda 1's and 2's, trying to knock out Matilda 2's with PzIV 75mm HE gun, rubbish air support - Fairey Battles bombing miles off target
    ( and you could use most of that equipment to do early desert war too, so there ...  )
  6. Like
    Baneman got a reaction from Muzzleflash1990 in QB map pdfs   
    This is the case - just ask Helpdesk and they will give you additional activations.
  7. Upvote
    Baneman got a reaction from c3k in CMRT Module 1 Bones   
    You were never winning. You have never won.
    It's that quantum stuff doing your head in ( you knew those physicists would get you, right ? )
  8. Like
    Baneman reacted to sttp in QB map pdfs   
    These are pdf's with large, labeled pictures for every QB map, covering CMFB, CMFI, and CMRT. I always get frustrated trying to remember which QB map is which, and having to load up the scenario editor just to find one gets really, really old. So I created these.
    I'll eventually put these on CMMODS. As soon as I finish the CMBN one, which is a significantly bigger task, and has had to take a back seat to a different project I'm now invested in. So I decided to just post these here, now.
    Can someone please let me know if these links work for plain ol' public download / access? If not, I'll repost proper links in a new thread. Dropbox recently got rid of its "Public Folder" feature, and the new way to accomplish almost the same thing is not very intuitive....
    Here ya go:
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/jffokwaq2w017bj/CMFB - All QB Maps.pdf?dl=0
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/3l4xpbdhps0mgq6/CMRT - All QB Maps.pdf?dl=0
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/4rh9ya8wbe3tldr/CMFI - Alol QB Maps - lower quality.pdf?dl=0
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/p9vhj33u708h0f9/CMFI - All QB Maps.pdf?dl=0
    *NOTE:  the "lower quality" CMFI pdf is actually the same quality as CMFB's and CMRT's -- plenty good enough. The higher quality CMFI pdf was my first, though, and features lossless images... which is great, except that the file size is almost 300MB.
  9. Like
    Baneman reacted to banned in Tanks and Roads   
    Yes you guys are right, wrong choice of words here. My apologies to Vergeltungswaffe and to you mjkerner.
    Look what I mean mjkerner when you give group movement orders you pretty sure noticed that you get waypoints that are in relation to each other like the units are, which is a wonderful function. However sometimes when setting waypoints trough corridors or you want several vehicles follow the road the classic RTS "all waypoints go to one place, to a single tile" function would come in handy especially for curvy roads. Could be toggled with Shift like the Target Arc command.
  10. Like
    Baneman reacted to Sublime in The patch?   
    no really dude I dont hate Russians. But I will call out behavior I see. Thats not to say I havent met tons of pr!cks from all countries especially America. Then again I live here.
    Ive had off the boat Russian friends. Online Russian friends.  But I will call it how I see it its my opinion. And lately I cannot understand the seeming utter willingness large amounts of Russians I encounter online and read about to collectively set asixe their intelligence to wholeheartedly buy into the absolute nonsense Putin and Co. propagate and how the toxic mix of insane conapiracy theories, rewritimg history, lies, and nationalism has trickled down to where now I see outright pro Russia biases for anything Russian in Russian made video games and Russian posters will go to the greatest lengths to propagate inane or bizarre conspiracy theories.On Arrse. com the Brit Army rumor svc site theres plenty of great examples of this.
    Still I think the biggest blowhard leader in the world isnt Putin but Americas own 'dear leader'. 
    It really saddens me. I used to be impressed by the general level of intelligence of Russians I encountered.Now it just seems so many are willing to turn off their brain and let sputnik choose. 
    and stalin as the most popular russian leader ever? Imagine if Germans smugly proclaimed how awesme Hitler was and F You if you dont agree. Stalin wasnt evem Russian anyways!
    Anyways at the end of the day I dnt think any govt is on my team. Im on my team. I expect nothing else and have no fondness of authorities. wherever they may be. Some may know why because my past but Im not going to go into it.
    edit : Id like to add I will freely bash on any nation state as I see it different than its people who I see as individuals. I assumed Carl was Russian from his very first response to me about me being the 1st person he met to believe in Russian trolls or influence on the election. I didnt mean to offend anyone.. err well I didnt mean to apologize anyone simply bexause theyre russian, and apologize if I did of course.
  11. Like
    Baneman reacted to Mord in The patch?   
    I am gonna go out on a limb here and guess that Carl is upset.
  12. Upvote
    Baneman reacted to Falaise in encouragement !   
    For more than a year, I joined this community after the acquisition of the complete CMBN game.
    and I confirm that one of my childhood dreams has been fulfilled
    The thread on the patch is stiff.
    Criticism can be constructive but can also be morally destructive for a team
    Also I wanted to tell you that I thank you for your wonderful work
  13. Like
    Baneman reacted to Kuderian in Balcony?   
    Balconies have excellent fields of fire. Ambush for thirty seconds then set a crawl and target arc opposite. Return fire is usually absorbed by the balcony and facing external wall while your troops hug the opposite wall. Then sneak back and repeat...
  14. Like
    Baneman got a reaction from zinzan in What will the next CM be?   
    I'm with you buddy.
    Now, who's the patron saint of lost causes...
  15. Like
    Baneman reacted to Sgt.Squarehead in What will the next CM be?   

  16. Like
    Baneman reacted to Bil Hardenberger in best CM game   
    He might have connected you to that campaign by the "Highland" part in its name and then distracted by what you have under your kilt... 
  17. Like
    Baneman reacted to John Kettler in Crater grogs rejoice!   
    Since I don't want the trench grogs to feel ignored, I thought I"d show the dazzling work of a gentleman who makes WW I trench models of dazzling accuracy and detail, using mostly found materials, too. If we ever get CMGW (Combat Mission: Great War), this'll be important. 
    John Kettler
  18. Like
    Baneman reacted to A Canadian Cat in BM Oplot needs its ammo choice fixed   
    However, even after what @LukeFF said don't forget that the game is set along an alternate timeline where the invasion of Ukraine by Russia is triggered because of their entry into NATO that included increased military spending on Ukraine's part prior to that trigger. So, in game terms the Ukrainien's ramped up production earlier and were using them for their own units as well as selling them.
    The fact that does not match what actually happened is not a reason to remove equipment.
  19. Like
    Baneman reacted to Kinophile in SHORAD Stryker getting deployed to Europe   
    Which counts as a win for Hezbollah, no? Their stated objective was to simply exist after the war, as a coherent organisation. Israel's objective was to defeat them, militarily at least. Who achieved their aims?
    Whatever reasons the Israeli military might dress up their non-achievement with, in the end Hezbollah is still there, stronger than ever, despite the 2006 offense, which purpose was to degrade and defeat Hezbollah. Ergo, Hezbollah achieved their aim (keep existing) and Israel did not. Which is way more than a draw.
    Similarly, I've heard/read many commentators in US media describe the 2nd US War in Iraq as a "failure". Yet, to me, the objective of that war, post-invasion, was to keep a friendly, popularly elected (in reasonably free and fair elections, pretty damn rare for that region) governmental system in existence, functional and strengthening. Despite Al Queda, the civil war,  the ISIS defeats, that political system is still very much there, and now with an arguably far better and more experienced army. AQI is gone. ISIS is hanging on by fingernails and the civil war has stopped. I'd rate that as the US achieving its aims and its opponents not doing so. Ergo, a win.
    Steve @Battlefront.com has argued that Debatlsev' was actually a win for Ukraine - its objective, to him, was to keep its front line forces together, operating coherently. The army (well the LOCAL commanders) managed to extricate themselves out. A full kettling and surrender would undoubtedly have been catastrophic for UKR morale and political capital, something naturally desired by Putin (we assume). He got second prize ( a heavy local military defeat) but not first prize - a heavy strategic and political defeat. I can see Steves point, but I still call a retreat a "retreat", and a loss of a territory, badly need men and material still a loss of same.
    So while UKR fox did escape the bear claws with the bear only getting to bite off the tail -the fox is still tail-less and bleeding. To me, Debaltsev is a tactical win (for RUS) but a strategic draw. Yet, to go back to Israel/Hezbollah, seeing as Russia/Putin's aim was to destabilize and erode the UKR state further, and did not achieve that, then UKR did win..sorta...kinda...
  20. Like
    Baneman reacted to rocketman in Blast vineyard   
    Don't know if this is common knowledge, but it isn't in the manual; engineers can blast vineyards. Pretty big holes for each demo charge. Can come in handy to make shortcuts through otherwise hopeless terrain that provides good concealment.
  21. Upvote
    Baneman got a reaction from Warts 'n' all in Stuart Recce - What's the point?   
    You're a damn Sassenach, is what you are.
  22. Like
    Baneman reacted to DerKommissar in Finally made it!   
    Welcome, friend!
    I struggled with those missions, as well. Recently, also struggled with parachute regiment campaign. The bocage is a two sided blade. A few tips:
    - Mortars are invaluable. I went into the game thinking that light mortars were pop guns mostly for smoke. By the end of the campaign I depended on them. Best way to deal with dug-in Jerry MGs on the other side of the bocage. Germans have mortars too (very good ones), relocate quickly if you see them landing around your troops.
    - The bocage is a formidable barrier. Never troops to an obvious entrance, the Hun has very effective heavy weapons trained -- in ambush. Look for imperfections in the bocage during deployment -- small gaps and pathways that are less accessible.
    - Nothing short of a satchel charge can make a hole. Do not waste valuable HE ammo shooting at it, or try to plow through it with a non-Rhino tank. Satchel charges, sappers and their trucks are worth their weight in gold. Breach the bocage in places the Fritz does not expect!
    - Artillery is the Lord of War, not Nick Cage. Off-map artillery is key to taking out trench systems and bunkers that can halt your entire advance. Heavier artillery can take long to call in, and long to call off. I often find it is prudent to call it in during deployment, to save time -- adjusting it, if need be.
    - Use smoke screens on bunkers!
    - Beware the STuG! You'll be facing more assault guns in the bocage, than anything else. A STuG hidden in the bocage is much more effective than a tiger in the open. It will spot your shermans and advancing infantry. It will kill both fairly quickly. Do not attack it head on, outflank it with bazooka infantry.
    - The bocage can also be your shield. Infantry and armour behind the bocage are very safe. Doesn't just provide concealment, but also deflects projectiles. Sprinting to an unoccupied strip of bocage can be wise, but be careful of cowering germans. Get close enough and taste the MP-40 and grenades.
  23. Like
    Baneman reacted to Falaise in CM:BN Screenshot Thread #2   
    A la tienne 3j2m7
    camouflaged !!

  24. Like
    Baneman reacted to Falaise in just to say: MERCI   
    Hello it will be a year now that I discovered CMBN and this forum and  is time to intervene to say thank you
    I'm not the only one to do it but the repetition is good
    Since my childhood I have a dream, a desire, to see with my eyes this battle that has rocked my childhood, imagining to travel the battlefield like a drone.
    I was born in Falaise in 1970 and my family suffered the battle : 4 killed, the house bombed, the exodus on the road, the strafing of the bomber fighters, the artillery, the fighting but also after the battle, the destroyed houses, the burning vehicles and corpses littering the battlefield were all family meal conversations. Here in Normandie this was an important trauma.
    It always impressed and interested me, in a word: fascinated. I constantly asked for clarification and to question civilians or soldiers who had experienced these events.
    All the film reports on the subject, I watched them. I think I have seen ¾ images known from the battle.
     I never stopped walking the battlefield, collecting vestiges and remaining some hours to imagine the events.
    I used every means to immerse myself in this battle and the battles of the second world war in general. Movies, books and even games
    Squad leader then Close Combat  that I practiced  a long time.
    But although this battle has become my daily life because I have made it my job (I am a guide of  museum and even considered as an expert of fighting led by the Poles during the Battle of Falaise pocket), the time passing my imagination has declined. and little by little the image of these fights in my mind was becoming more and more abstract. I ended up consoling myself by telling myself that if I go to paradise there I  will can achieve this wish
    i was not counting on CMBN
    What a shock and even if it remains a game, my imagination work and as in my childhood events come to life in my head.
     After a year of practice my enthusiasm is not blunted my dream is somehow realized.
    So for that:
    thanks for this formidable game
    thanks to the moder who improves even more are aspect,
    thank you to  persons who animates this forum
    thanks to the battle designers (for the anecdote I live on a map of the game !)
    I'm begining to smoke again and  to say some nastiness on my neighbors, paradise has lost its appeal !!!
  25. Upvote
    Baneman got a reaction from General Jack Ripper in Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures   
    Off topic, but I'm so glad to find I'm not the only one with a book addiction.
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