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Pete Wenman

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Everything posted by Pete Wenman

  1. The Battleground series are good for CM level reference, and I used a good number when creating scenarios They offer one on Anzio http://www.pen-and-sword.co.uk/Anzio-Paperback/p/1302 P
  2. I remember a stoppage when we were first issued the SA-80, I think it was at Copehill Down, but were certainly only firing blanks regardless. Working parts were jammed forward. My first attempt to clear it saw me gashing my thumb and I still have the scar. To clear the stoppage I ended up having to put the butt on the ground with the barrel pointing skywards and stomp on the cocking handle with my foot. Not sure what the armorer would have said, but it did the trick. P
  3. @nathan1776 Once in game click the menu button (that is below the big red button) and it brings up a set of options including the hotkeys. As far as I am aware this is the only way to access them. P
  4. Christ I'm impressed you remember that - it was a long time ago !! P
  5. Sorry - what I was trying to say was that you can overlay the withdraw indicator action square (the purple square) with an area fire order so that the withdrawing unit fires at the location it faces while withdrawing. As you say Ctrl click is the area fire command, Alt click the face command and Shift click the withdraw command. P
  6. And a small demo AA1- play as US in scenario author mode to watch the AI in action (No US units in play) The MG layers down cover fire. The HQ, squad, and BMP start to withdraw after 30 seconds. Move command is advance and so as a consequence the squad moves in bounds by team. Also note the HQ pulls back first When they reach their full back posn they trigger the movement of the MG back to their new location. The action stops when the MG reaches the woods and opens fire again. This little action has just 2 AI groups ( 2 and 4) and uses the new AI commands, face, area fire and withdraw, so have a look at things in the editor P aa1.btt
  7. From the manual So the Shift left click sets the point to which the withdrawing unit will face when stationary. It's worth playing around with this feature and experimenting with movement speed as dash will have units (say a squad) move en mass and without pause, while advance will see teams move in bounds, with the non moving team facing the shift left location. You can also place an area fire indicator with the Shift left click location at which non moving troops (and vehicles) will fire while withdrawing. P
  8. @Dutchman1997 Kudos for wanting to make a scenario but you are perhaps being a little ambitious in starting with so many units. My tip would be to start small and keep testing how things work until you are getting the result you want, then start to expand the number of units etc. On the Allied side as I see it all units start the game in the positions you have placed them, and because you have not painted any set up zones for them there is no reason for them to move On the axis side as Combatintman stated you have no AI groups and so they all default to group 1 and on starting the game as US the axis units all move (once you have started the game clock) into the small set up zone you have created for group one. Things are working as they should. You need to understand what you need to do to get the result you are after. If you can be more specific as to what you are trying to achieve we can try to help. It would help to start with to have less units in play as it makes it easier/quicker to keep switching between the editor, set up zones and game play. P
  9. Only if you have a saved game which you can load up. It's a good idea to save at the end/start of every mission for this reason P
  10. carrying on from above as the formatting is all over the place. As to how troops operate in zero visibility conditions - it's hard, slow and dangerous work. Ken walked off a cliff - just think about the mind set that has a body of men walking in those conditions in unfamiliar terrain. I can recall putting my rifle on the ground at my feet in order to dig a shell scrape in total darkness. I dug the scrape by feel, and then spent the next 10-15 minutes searching with my hands for the rifle. No light of any kind was allowed and so I just had to keep on feeling where I thought it should be until I found it. Situational awareness in these conditions is very low and based on sound and touch. Add fog, tree cover to the mix and yes you will bump into an enemy vehicle and not know it is there. Take a step back and you have lost it again. Do you want to fight in these conditions or maybe think that discretion is the greater part of valour, when you can't see friend or foe. P
  11. I've just pulled this from https://www.timeanddate.com/sun/belgium/liege I assume this is for either 2016 or 2017, but it gives an indication as to when the sun rises and sets. Yearly Sun Graph for Liège 18 Dec 000204060810121416182022 Night: 00:00 - 06:33 18:35 - 00:00 Total: 11:58 Astronomical Twilight: 06:33 - 07:13 17:55 - 18:35 Total: 01:20 Nautical Twilight: 07:13 - 07:55 17:13 - 17:55 Total: 01:24 Civil Twilight: 07:55 - 08:34 16:33 - 17:13 Total: 01:18 Daylight: 08:34 - 16:33 Total: 07:58 Solar Noon/Midnight: 12:34 00:34
  12. This might help http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?p=3811 and I think you will find the font is "gunplay" as for size you'll need to experiment. P
  13. http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&category_id=37&flypage=shop.flypage_bfc&product_id=601&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=26 Upgrade 4 Features GAMEPLAY HULLDOWN COMMAND: Vehicles have access to a new movement command called Hulldown. This command allows a vehicle to move forward until only the turret is exposed to a specified target, and then the vehicle stops moving. IMPROVED INFANTRY SPACING: Infantry on the move will now respect each other's personal space! While moving, squad and team members will maintain a few meters of distance between each other. Soldiers will also spread out laterally on the move when possible (some terrain may necessitate column movement, such as paths through rough terrain). PEEKING AROUND BUILDING CORNERS: Infantry units positioned adjacent to building corners will now automatically post some soldiers at the corners to observe and fire around the obstacle AI PROACTIVELY AVOIDS HIGH-EXPLOSIVE FIRE: The TacAI that runs soldiers and vehicles will more proactively, and reactively, attempt to avoid incoming HE fire. Two classic examples are that the AI will attempt to avoid being wiped out by incoming artillery barrages and direct tank fire. COMBINE SQUAD COMMAND: Combine Squad is a new Admin Command for squads. This command is useful for squads that have suffered major losses and need to consolidate their remaining personnel into larger teams! USER INTERFACE EXPANDED WAYPOINT DESCRIPTIVE TEXT: More special unit commands (such as Hide and Deploy Weapon) will now be marked with white floating text above the waypoint they are assigned to. CAMPAIGN BRIEFING: The overall campaign briefing is now viewable during any campaign mission by going to the Menu Options Panel and selecting "Campaign". FORWARD OBSERVER KILL CREDITS: Finally, time to see how effective your artillery really is! Forward Observers now get credit on the AAR for any casualties caused by off-map fire missions called in by them. SCREEN EDGE PAN TOGGLE: Tired of trying to fine tune a camera position and then messing it up by touching the edge of the screen with the cursor? Using the hotkey ALT-E you can disable camera panning by touching the screen edge with the mouse cursor. EDITOR AI AREA FIRE ORDERS: The AI can now be scripted to use Area Fire! Each AI Order can have a target zone designated. AI FACING ORDERS: Each AI Order can be given a location for it to Face towards. AI WITHDRAW ORDERS: AI Groups can be ordered to Withdraw towards their movement destination. Vehicles will move in Reverse to the destination, while infantry will leapfrog back while turning around to face behind them. CAMPAIGN RESUPPLY: Personnel replacements and ammunition levels are now more uniformly resupplied across all core units between campaign missions, as opposed to the all-or-nothing check on each unit done previously. 3D FLAVOR OBJECT CLONE TOOL: Flavor object can be cloned within the 3D view without having to go back to the 2D view. 32 ORDER AI PLANS: Each AI Group can now have up to 32 Orders, increased from 16. STREAM TERRAIN: Small streams can now be placed on battle maps. GRAPHICS New tracer and muzzle flash effects.
  14. Looking in the editor a Cannon Co only has one jeep with a driver and a 3 man HQ mounted in the jeep. It might be you are missing seeing it on the map as I'm not aware of any mechanism that imposes a maximum number of men/units other than a CTD P
  15. I've posted this before, but think it's worth repeating as otherwise myths can become fact ! I have 27 scenarios within CMBN with the prefix CW and I'm pretty sure all but one or two of them came with the Commonwealth module. The average map size is 1670m x 1291m Of the 27 maps only 3 are less than 800m on their longest side, a further 3 are exactly 800m on their longest side, with another scenario at 816m. Thereafter all the remaining 20 scenario maps are at least 1k long with 12 of them being 2k long or greater. P
  16. Cheers @Heinrich505 that map is mine being a cut from the larger Stoumont, La Gleize, Cheneux master map. Have a look at the full map if you have not already done so which off the top of my head is 15 sq k. (5k x 3k) Like you I did think the area covered in a December Morning made for an attractive map, which is why I made the scenario. P
  17. @Andy_101 Can you upload the bmp file here, or if it's too big drop me a pm and I'll let you know my email, and I'll have a look at it. P
  18. You don't actually mention the ranges involved, but looking at the "Cats chasing Dogs" scenario the map is 1.12k x 656m. The same Wiki article you shared goes on to quote accuracy of 82% at 1.5k. I have no idea if this is correct but I do wonder if your concept of long range is a little different from actuality. PzGr. 39/43 Armor-piercing[edit] Projectile weight: 6.80 kg (15.0 lb) Muzzle velocity: 385 m/s (1,260 ft/s) Penetration figures given for an armoured plate 30 degrees from vertical[2] Range Penetration Hit probability (%) 100 41 100 500 39 100 1000 35 97 1500 33 82 2000 30 n/a P
  19. Interesting to watch this play out - Am I right in thinking that you are playing this vs another player ? P
  20. The only real way to do this is to stitch together several images. These can be either of screen shots of the editor, or of the actual map from viewpoint 10. P
  21. From the manual Unit Objectives (Allied and Axis) In addition to (or instead of) terrain based objectives, you can also designate enemy units as objectives. This allows for such things as “destroy all enemy tanks” to be the primary mission and to judge success based on tank destruction instead of other things. To designate a unit or formation as a scenario objective, you have to first assign it to a “unit objective group” in the Unit Editor. To do that, select the unit or formation and hold down the SHIFT key while pressing a number key from F1-F7. The selected unit(s) will then show a next to its name followed by the corresponding group number you pressed. In order to remove a unit that is already part of a group, select that unit, hold down SHIFT and press F8. Note: when deploying units in the 3D Preview of the Editor, units that are part of a Unit Objective show a U in the Suppression area of their Team Info Panel, followed by the number of the group they belong to (e.g. U:1 indicates Unit Objective Group 1). Once you’ve done this, go back to the Mission editor and select the Unit Objectives Option. Click on one of the buttons for Unit 1 through Unit 7 to set the parameters for that group. Note: keep in mind that only ENEMY units can be assigned as unit objectives. For example, an Axis unit assigned to Group 1 will be tied to the Allied side’s Group 1 objective, never to the Axis side’s Group 1 objective. Unit Objectives can be one of three types - Destroy, Destroy All or Spot. DESTROY - the designated target unit has to be knocked out for full points to be awarded, and damaged for partial points. DESTROY ALL - the designated target(s) must be completely eliminated for points to be awarded. Exception: if the enemy has an Exit Zone on the map, then points are awarded to the opposing player - as if the unit was destroyed - for ANY unit that is part of a Destroy/Destroy All Unit Objective and that does not manage to exit the map on time. SPOT - the designated target unit has to be spotted in order to be awarded target points. KNOWN TO... - player, enemy, both, or none POINTS - assign how many points are awarded to the player who fulfills the objective NAME - assign a name to the Objective for easier reference (it’s also shown in the After Action Report), e.g. “Eliminate enemy tanks”. Note: there are no restrictions with regard to how many and what types of units you may “lump together” into the same Unit Objective. With the exception of Destroy All (which is an “all or nothing” type of Objective) partial points are awarded according to the following rule of thumb: you get some points for each soldier, more points for vehicles, eve
  22. The camera start position in a scenario is set by where you leave it when exiting the unit deployment tab in the editor. So make sure when you have finished deploying units to set the camera to where you want to it be, exit from the 3d view and save. This pretty much wants to be one of the last things you do. P
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