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Pete Wenman

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Everything posted by Pete Wenman

  1. Like you I can't find a button for new content. However you get pretty much the same content by selecting More activity stream and set content type to topics To refresh just swipe down when on the main page Just to add I log on with the same user name and password on all my devices and at the same time. HTH P
  2. It's good to hear that this map and others are getting plenty of use. I hope you are enjoying them P
  3. This one is on the repository http://community.battlefront.com/topic/118498-crossing-the-dnieper-master-map/ http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=3509 HTH P
  4. Glad to hear you guys are enjoying this one. Zone 2 is an occupy objective, so you need to hang on to it until game end P
  5. Well of course Imperial for Commonwealth forces and Metric for ze Germans. (Not sure about the Red Army though, although I doubt anybody made reference to anything Imperial ) P
  6. Well if you want the absolute basics have a look at this file https://www.dropbox.com/s/6fofm6fimk1cefp/k1.btt?dl=0 Study it in the editor and then watch the movement in scenario author mode until you get the relationship between the editor orders and what the and when the unit carries them out. P
  7. Pre-intel are not sound contacts. They reflect gathered intelligence - recce patrol sightings, aerial recce, etc set by the scenario designer. If pre- intel is zero as you stated you are unlikely to get sound contacts at game start. P
  8. The Allied player has 20% pre intel at game start so I assume this is what you are seeing. P
  9. Give me 10 minutes and I'll re do it in BN edit have a look at this https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5530406/f1.btt AI grp 1 is the control. Gr2 & Gr4 are work arounds for the facing issue Gr3 is a move once option. Play this as a battle - select Axis player in scenario author mode. This will let you see the AI working. Just hit the BRB to get things going. Its worth looking at this in both RT and WEGO as it does affect how things work in each - as it's not quite the same. Any questions just yell P
  10. This is a longstanding issue which is most noticeable with vehicles. It is often described that the AI will face the next waypoint,and this is pretty much true, although it might be more accurate to state the a vehicle will face the direction it was last travelling. Do you have Black Sea as I have a test file I can let you have that shows this in action and the workarounds that can be used P
  11. Interesting article - thanks Ken. I was quite taken by this quote in terms of applying it to CM Obvious, but worth remembering P
  12. Pretty much covered here http://community.battlefront.com/topic/120002-interview-with-steven-zaloga/ P
  13. Evening tea here - In a large mug of course ! P
  14. I'm not sure Ian read your question correctly. Most of what he says is true, but the AI won't/can't fight itself. AI vs Human, or HvH are the options to fight a battle or scenario. The closest you can get to AI vs AI is to watch an AI attack against a static defence. P
  15. If you download the demo you should get the manual pdf within it. P
  16. Looks like a bug, and I've reported it. Thanks for pointing it out P
  17. I also agree with the OP and Ken describes it beautifully above. It's a mixture of table top wargaming and ASL with a level of detail that creates numerous immersive and amazing vignettes almost every game. I do wonder having read a good number of these post over the years, which draw up the battleline between (and my tongue is in my cheek here) the fanbois and haters what the correlation (if any) is between those that really think the CMx2 games are the bees knees and the number of computer games played by them. I only play one set of games on the PC - CMx2. The kids have an Xbox which I occasionally use, but otherwise it is CMx2 all the way. I suspect that many of those that don't regard CMx2 as highly play a lot more games and just see CM as another game in a wider pool. Nothing wrong with that but I do wonder if it goes someway to explaining why views sometimes get polarised. just my 2p P
  18. The scenario timer allows for up to an extra 15 minutes being added to the clock, and so that is the case here, and the mission will end after 15 minutes of overtime. if you've ceased fire and got a minor victory than that is almost certainly what you will get when the mission ends. I can think of nothing that will see the victory level change in those last few minutes. Note scoring is not binary, and in the Blunting the Spear missions, the Red Army scores points for successfully withdrawing units off the map to fight another day. HTH P
  19. Well that's interesting because that's one of mine. The intent here ( I think, as it was a while ago) was to give the Allied player some flexibility as to occupy all the objectives would be very difficult. I won't say any more as you are still playing but we can pick this up when you finish if you like. But you are correct the error is deliberate. P
  20. It could just be the briefing is wrong, or it could be a freebie - what scenario is it ? Is the objective known to both sides as if not your opponent won't know about it regardless of whether it is a touch or occupy objective P
  21. That was a touch objective which you only have to touch once to achieve. Occupy objectives don't provide a message text and the objective remains visible throughout. P
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