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Pete Wenman

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Everything posted by Pete Wenman

  1. The problem is your end so something is going wrong with your installation. Are you unzipping the BP files to an empty folder before running the installer as if not that can cause a problem P
  2. @Ivanov If you fancy learning how to play German infantry on defence against Red Army armour have a go at Red Hordes as the Germans - plenty of on the job training, but you should emerge with a good feel for how to use limited AT assets. Let me know if you enjoy it P
  3. I take it you have the vehicle pack correctly installed It should show like this In the editor this is where I find them P
  4. German Army or SS Armour Anti Aircraft Platoon ( Light ) gets you 4x Flakpanzer 38(t) HTH P
  5. Very much the sort of noises we should see in a AAR, - as rounds no greater in diameter than 50mm bounce off thin armor plate and blast flesh ! P
  6. While there was a separate ammo carrier this is not in game as the vehicle itself carried 14 rounds which is what the game reflects. No real data for reload times seems to be out there, but all reloading of the 14 rounds was carried out inside the vehicle. Guesstitmates for reload times generally make mention of two- three minutes, but I suspect it changed as ammo was used up. The first round was already in the breech, with the second in the loading tray. Thereafter I assume the rounds were moved slung from rails and lowered into the loading try. No reason to suppose this took too long if the crew were well practiced - more like loading torpedos on a submarine than moving 75mm shells by hand. The crane on the rear deck was used for ammo replenishment P
  7. You're thinking of Secret Army which for someone of my generation was "must watch" TV. The BBC at it's best with both Secret Army and then Allo Allo p
  8. Some of these might be of use http://www.logtnest.nl/downloads/fonts/ P
  9. This might be of interest and there may be some more large ones in here. P
  10. It's possible the game is even cleverer than we think. I've just run a very quick and dirty test with KT vs ISU-152s at just over 2k range. Tight arcs on the KT to prevent them firing. Once the 152 spotted the KT its first two rounds, one which fell short and the other went very long were HE, but the third round was AP. This also missed, but the next two rounds were AP, both of which hit without penetrating. One on the turret front the other on the hull front. So it's possible the ISU will initially fire HE to help get the range, as it has more of these rounds to waste, before switching to AP. Not that it makes any difference as the AP round doesn't look like it can penetrate the KT frontally anyways at 2k range P
  11. Red Hordes is one of mine. The lack of a Red Army FO is a device to give the AI some help when it plays either side. For the AI as attacker it gets the benefit of a preliminary smoke bombardment. When the AI is on defence it needs all the help it can get in this scenario and so the arty is not available to the player when attacking. This mission is primarily designed to be played as German vs the AI. Playing it the other way round should see the player getting a very easy win. I'd be interested to hear hows those that have played as the Red Army vs the AI have enjoyed this one. Maybe the AI puts up a better fight than I thought. P
  12. As I recall the parachute was a texture painted on a terrain tile, with a supply container made up from modded oil drums (on their side). There is currently no way for any third party to introduce new models in the game without them going through Battlefront, but yes you can move models within the games and modules. Yes I build the maps to be used so great to hear this. As for CMFB I have to say the number and quality of the maps is superb. I've only made the one, but at 5k x 3k it's not too shabby. Hope you enjoy it once it's released P
  13. I think the answer to both is yes but while you can move flavour objects between games but you cannot create new models. To move a flavour object you need to find the model file (.mdr) and associated texture and move them to the new game. You must then either rename and replace an existing FO file or use a blank space. As an example of this FB has three wood-pile models and so wood-pile slots 4-9 can be used for additional .mdr files, but they need to follow the naming convention so they can be selected in the editor. Hope that makes sense P
  14. Are you talking doodads (which are leafy bits in fields etc) or flavour objects (buckets and dead cows etc) ? P
  15. On a couple of occasions I've thought of doing the following , but have always chickened out as I imagine the howls of anguish from the player on the receiving end. 1. Create a scenario where counterbattery fire might be realistic 2. Advise the player that he will be receiving an arty asset as a reinforcement at say 30 minutes into the game. 3. Include within the briefing that effective enemy counterbattery fire has been problem over recent days. 4. Create a reinforcement group at say 15 minutes into the game, which flags the message that the promised artillery reinforcement has been subject to CB fire and has had to relocate and so will be delayed and less assets than anticipated will be available 5. Determine whether to have any actual arty reinforcement appear within the remaining game time. This will probably work best for a scenario vs the AI. P
  16. Light forest without trees I use a lot. Heavy forest without trees rarely but on occasion it can serve a purpose. P
  17. I think what is illustrated here is that Bils OOB choice is a high stakes option. There is a reason why armies fight with combined arms forces. Baneman has a "balanced" task force (although far from perfect) while Bil has no real infantry to speak of. Given enough time Baneman can probably move his infantry the length of the map, in much the way a real battlefield commander would. However he has a tight timescale to work with and snow on the ground. I read people suggesting that he should be moving mounted infantry quickly forward, but really can't see how that could be achieved. Any vehicle movement in the open will be punished by long range direct fire (as far as the weather permits) and Baneman knows this. He also knows he has to do the moving. If he can keep pressing with his infantry and rest them sufficiently I can see him grinding forward. Whether he has enough time to make the gains required is another matter, but in this instance I do wonder if the map and mission time was always going to preclude an Axis win. Rushing forward into a prepared defence was never going to be a winning strategy. Bils recon force and tank killers would have worked perfectly had Baneman gone with an armour only or heavy force, but he didn't and Bil then made a mistake in thinking he could push forward and create an ambush, whereas he had no real reason to do so and it's cost him three Hellcats. At some point Baneman may well realise that Bil has very little infantry and if he can find routes to infiltrate and close on Bils armour, particular with tank hunter forces then Bil will have to react to avoid close armour assaults and PF's. I do agree if Baneman loses the JT regardless of cause then it's most likely game over, but hey, everybody wanted him to purchase it. IMO opinion Baneman has purchased units to show off the new game, while Bil has purchased units to win the QB. P
  18. Hey Emrys - so you finally got bored playing with the nurses. Welcome back
  19. My understanding is that movers in Bangalore are like buses. You don't see one for ages and then loads appear all at the same time !
  20. First off I would reiterate the point made above that good maps of the area are probably a must for most readers or reference to google earth or the like. To truly understand the battle it really helps if you can understand the ground and relationship between locations and distances involved. This goes some way to explain how towns and road junctions could change hands with such casual ease over the course of a few hours in some cases. Get a good topo map of the area if you can and refer to it when ever reading about the battle. and just to add some of my reference to the mix. The Then and Now offering - a might tome at 540 odd pages with great reference for maps and appearance. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Battle-Bulge-Then-Jean-Paul-Pallud/dp/0900913401 The Battle of the Bulge - Charles Macdonald http://www.amazon.co.uk/The-Battle-Bulge-Charles-MacDonald/dp/0297787594 Danny Parker http://www.amazon.co.uk/Battle-Bulge-Danny-S-Parker/dp/0938289047/ref=sr_1_7?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1419677010&sr=1-7&keywords=danny+parker The Devils Adjutant - Mike Reynolds http://www.amazon.co.uk/The-Devils-Adjutant-Jochen-Peiper/dp/1848840101 I was lucky enough, many years ago, to attend one of his Pied Peiper Staff Tours which traced the route and exploits of KG Peiper. While I think his view of Peiper the man and the SS as a fighting force is a little wonky his understanding of the ground was very good. Hubert Meyers History of the 12th SS Pz Div http://www.amazon.co.uk/History-12-SS-Panzerdivision-Hitlerjugend-Hubert-Meyer/dp/0921991185/ref=sr_1_8?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1419676937&sr=1-8&keywords=12th+ss+meyer And lastly for the real detail Grogs the Duel in the Mist Series will take some beating http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=a9_asi_1?rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Aduel+in+the+mist&keywords=duel+in+the+mist&ie=UTF8&qid=1449924501 P
  21. The speed of move is still down to the player, however troops tire much more quickly in snow, which results in any active fast or quick command being replaced by move. Move appears to be the move command of choice over long distances in snow. P
  22. A collection of online resources relevant to the "Battle of the Bulge" - with no M-47's with Balkenkreuz's painted on them in sight. Good site for 1:25k period German maps along the border with Belgium and Luxembourg. http://contentdm.lib.byu.edu/cdm/search/collection/GermanyMaps Here are some specific locations and the map sheet they are on. Julich 5004 Koln 5007 Eschweiler 5103 Duren 5104 Aachen 5202 Stolberg 5203 Grosshau/Hurtgen 5204 Eupen 5302 Schmidt/Vossenack 5304 Monschau 5403 Malmedy 5502 Elsenborn 5503 St Vith 5702 Dasburg 5902 Hosingen, Marnach, Clerf 1:50k maps of Belgium Series M703, US Army Map Service, 1937 There's a good overlap here, with the previous site, with maps covering St Vith, Bastogne, Malmady/Stavolot and Aachen. and some 1:25k http://www.coulthart.com/134/maps/map-index.htm and a rather nifty site that compares GE images with period maps (thanks the Benpark for this one) http://maps.nls.uk/geo/explore/#zoom=13&lat=50.4167&lon=5.9041&layers=gsgs4040 P
  23. This is the file I've used. Play as US and just give the Javilin team a series of hunt command in the light wood terrain until it gets tired and then keep them going on hunt. t3.btt
  24. You select the church model in the editor. It might be easier for you to understand what is what, if you place each of the church buildings on blank map so you can see what they look like. P
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