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  1. Upvote
  2. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Vinnart in Vin's mods - Animated Text, Geometric Icons, Easy vis UI, Bases   
    Here is a v1.03  compatible one of my original version for CMBS that can be used until Marco gets around to updating the graphics compatibility. Just put the whole folder in your mod folder to use. DO NOT USE ANY OLD VERSION of this mod as it is no longer compatible with v1.03. If you are getting screwy text remove the old one, and replace with this one to continue use.
    Firing= (----------»
    Aiming= \¤/
    Cowering= [X]
    Hiding= (???)
    Medic= (+)
    Casualty= †
    Packing up= (UP)
    Deploying= (D)
    Reloading= ®
    Moving=  >>>>>
    Driving=  » » »
    Guiding= (•••••=>
    Vin Animated text original CMBS v1.03.zip
  3. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Philipp in [Released] Raid on the Pump - Small infantry battle   
    I finished designing my second scenario.
    The setting is that a US infantry platoon+ assaults a Russian mortar battery and battalion HQ at a gas station outside Cherkasy. The challenge for the player is to quickly cause a lot of damage to the Russian target formations and then retreat before he is overrun by the Russian reinforcements.
    The map is semi-fictional. It is inspired by a real world location but I changed the scale and some other things.
    Blue vs. AI only, H2H might work but I have not tried it.
    You can download it here for now (I will see if I get some feedback and eventually also put it on the repository):
    Please tell me what you think, good and bad, and let me know if you find any problems (spelling mistakes, briefing issues, map oddities, scoring bugs etc.).
  4. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to SeinfeldRules in SeinfeldRules Scenario Thread (CMFI)   
    Hi All,
    I have a new scenario (Reverse Slope) for CMFI to share, and I thought I'd do what I did for CMRT and create a thread where I have all my scenarios in one easy place. Hopefully this will expose them to more people too, as I'm still looking for feedback on all of them! Please let me know what you think and what needs to change!
    *NEW* Reverse Slope v1.0

    Your Rifle Company is poised to breakout of Salerno and push towards Benevento. The whirlwind of German counterattacks has finally abated, and battalion has passed down the order to push forward. Our first objective is a village strongpoint on the reverse slope of the ridgeline to your front. Our patrols know that at least a German company has spent the past several days digging in and are prepared to defend it. Your riflemen and attached tanks are assembled in a wood several hundred meters short of the village, and must push over the ridgeline and into their reverse slope defense... Allied vs AI only.
    Flak Hunt v1.0

    You are in command of a British parachute company that has been dropped into Sicily as part of Operation Fustian. Your battalion has been dropped far south of its intended dropzone. You've managed to gather the majority of your company, but are unsure of where the remainder of your battalion is located. During the drop, you noticed a German flak battery among some fields and orchards. Absent of any orders, you have taken the initiative to take out the battery with your troops. Allied vs AI only.
    Pontine Patrol v1.0

    You are a company commander in the 1st Special Service Force (1st SSF). The 1st SSF is a mixed American-Canadian force, highly trained and well led. Your unit currently sits on the western side of the Mussolini Canal, forming the right flank of the Anzio beach head. East of the canal is the Pontine Marshes, drained by Mussolini in the 30s for farming, and flooded by the Germans following our landings. The government farms built by the fascist Italian government have turned back into swamp. Since our arrival here we have been aggressively patrolling into the Pontine Marshes, and in some places have forced the Germans to pull back their lines almost a kilometer. Yesterday evening a strong German force moved back up towards the canal, and occupied several farms just east of us. We believe they intend to hold the farms and overlook the canal in order to stop our aggressive patrolling. Your company has been tasked to cross the canal and show the enemy they can not take up positions so close to our lines. Allied vs AI only.
    Recon Gone Wrong v1.0

    You are an Italian infantry company commander in Sicily, July 1943. Your company is currently guarding one of the many secondary roads to Palermo, in a defensive position not too far from a bridge running over a riverbed. Shortly before dusk your forward positions overlooking the bridge spotted American soldiers and personnel carriers rushing towards the bridge. Half of the enemy force has already crossed the bridge and have setup on our side. You take the initiative and attack... Axis vs AI only.
    Small Patrol Action v1.0

    You are Charlie Company's commander, a part of the 2d Battalion, 30th Infantry Regiment, 3ID. You and 2 of your infantry platoons were on a foot patrol along a local road when you recieved machine gun fire. You ordered your troop to take cover along both sides of the road and informed your battalion commander of the situation via radio. He has ordered you to take your platoons forward to the enemy and to eliminate any resistance you may find. Allied vs AI only.
    Snow Day v1.0

    It is winter in Italy and our advance up the eastern coast has been slow going. Our major combat operations have ceased for the moment, but that doesn't mean you or your soldiers will get any rest. Your infantry company has been tasked with seizing a small town sitting to the west of our position in order to better secure our front lines. Allied vs AI only.
    Wires and Rifles v1.0

    You are a German recon commander in Sicily, July 1943. Your recon company has been tasked with delaying the American advance, harassing their flanks and conducting raids on exposed positions. It seems that your unit has found a seam between the American forces, as your column has pushed far forward without encountering any organized resistance. The lead elements of your column have just ran into an American support unit laying communication wire along a road. Your lead units were spotted and fired upon, but were able to withdraw without any casualties. You quickly decide to take your company forward and attack. Axis vs AI only.
  5. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to dragonwynn in CMBS Shadow of the Motherland Campaign   
    I recreated the core file and core units and have placed all forces in each scenario of the campaign. I have tested it through 3 battles and everything seems to be working fine. So I will try and upload again and hopefully all will be good. This turned out to be a real adventure.
    The campaign consists of 8 total battles of which the player will play in 7 depending on the chosen path you take.
    Here is a short list of the changes made based on testers suggestions and comments:
    Added some replacement squads as reinforcements for losses obtained during each battle. This should add a better balance.
    Gave players additional setup zones space in most scenarios for those who like to place their own forces. I tried to group the player forces together in their associated companies, platoons and squads for easier placement.
    Reworked some AI issues (especially the last battle which had some bugged AI) for most scenarios to add a better challenge.
    Added some additional detail to the maps
    Once again all the previous details still apply. I feel the story is unique so it is important to read all the briefings and designer notes (The story). It is imperative to keep Capt. Koval alive.
    Any additional comments or suggestions are welcome as I am trying to improve my skills at scenario and campaign creation. But most importantly I just want each who give it a try to enjoy and have fun with it.
  6. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to fry30 in SeinfeldRules Scenario Thread   
    I've something that reminds me of the first Airborne mission from CMBN (I believe it came from the repository.) I think I am being too ambitious... I keep trying to come up with something that has AI plans for both sides. As it stands, I think I have something workable...
    PanzerMike is right, more scenario editors seem to be entering the fray.
    And by doing so, people like you, Seinfeld and PanzerMike, inspire people like me to make new missions.
    Crappy missions, but missions nonetheless.
  7. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to George MC in New CMRT Scenario: Carius at Malinova   
    About the Scenario
    This scenario recreates one of Lt. Otto Carius' engagements made famous in his book 'Tigers in the Mud' on page 166 'The Ambush'.
    The scenario map size is around 2.9km x 3.4km. Both sides have around a company+. You have around 01hr 40 Minutes (+0-15 minutes variable time). However it’s unlikely, playing against the AI that you’ll need all this time, although playing H2H it might be useful. Playing the ScenarioThis scenario was originally designed to be played first and foremost from the perspective of the German side against the Soviet AI. It is playable head to head (H2H) but has not been playtested for balance in this regard. I suspect it’ll be a tough one for the German player – so if playing H2H let the less experienced player take the Soviets. It is also playable Soviet Vs German AI - given the tactical situation and the game engine limitations of the AI - the German AI struggles with the situation. Still if you want to blow up Hitlerite Bandit Tigers – knock yersel out! AI PlansThere are three distinct Soviet AI plans and one German AI plan – thus allowing some level of re-playability. Those who want the true historical ‘feel’ then play Soviet AI Plan 1. It is the closest to how the Soviets reacted in the actual action. To access AI Plan 1, open this scenario in the editor and ‘switch off’ whatever other Red AI Plans you don’t want to play. It won’t affect FOW unless you take a peek at the other info. About the Action
    On the 22nd July 1944 Tigers of 2 Company (under the temporary command of Lt. Carius) from schwere Panzer-Abteilung 502  ambushed the spearhead of the Soviet 5th Tank Corps, the tip of 4th Shock Army’s spear, which had just cleanly broken through Army Group North’s defences. What is arguably unique about this action was the initial bold attack made by Carius and Kerscher into the village which was occupied by T34s from 41st Tank Brigade, made destroying a number of them.
    Subsequent debate focuses on the exact kill tally - claimed by Carius in his book - in and around the village, the subsequent 'ambush' of the remainder of the Soviet tank unit some km east, and the part played by a nearby German Stug battery or batteries. The debate around the facts of this event I'll set aside for now but if you are interested there is a Historical Action PDF contained in the zip file that outlines the facts behind the engagement and subsequent research and opinion.
    To Play
    You can grab it from the repository or the Scenario Depot in a zip file (which contains the scenario game file, historical action PDF with sources and a master tactical map to help orientate yourself).
    As always I'd appreciate any feedback etc. If you can post any comments etc in this thread that would be hugely appreciated ta!
    The Battlefield
    You can find the real world place (Malinova or Malinovka) in Google earth at the kmz file attached below.

    This image shows the view looking west towards the village of Malinova/Malinovka. In Carius' account Kerscher's and Carius' Tigers engaged twenty Soviet tanks (T34s and IS-2s). They quickly destroyed 2 T-34's and one IS-2, (according to Carius' memoirs). Some remaining tanks were destroyed in the village, others were forced out into the field to the southeast of the road (foreground as you see in the above image above). As the attack was taking place, Carius and Kerscher were joined by Nienstedt as well as some assault guns coming from the north. Most Russian tanks were destroyed, but a few did escape. 

    Close up view of part of the village of Malinova/Malinovka.




    Carius and Kerscher charge into the village to engage the waiting Soviet armour.
    Carius at Malinava Historical Background.pdf
  8. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Big Boss in Wish for modified Vehicle Hit text   
    Are there anybody else than me that would like to have a selective side specific Vehicle Hit text function as an option before you start a H2H game?
    IMO I would like to have the Vehicle Hit text appears on my own vehicles but not on the enemy. That way you should be left a little in the dark of the effectiveness of your hits. Today, even on Iron difficult level you know exactly if it's a spalling, partial or penetration hit. Without the text message, burning and opened up vehicles can tell you a lot but other than that you may want to fire an couple of extra round just to be sure. This I think would add to the fog of war and immersion.
    This should encompass all combat mission titles and not just cmbn and if this has been requested/discussed  in the forum before I'm sorry.
  9. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Kieme(ITA) in Kieme's modding corner   
    All mods released recalling topic
    A list of ALL mods released within this thread until now, organized by genre, with their direct download links.
    Terrain and environmental mods:
    Ground mod (HD) pt1 https://app.box.com/...fg7et7668q0egdg
    Ground mod (HD) pt2 https://app.box.com/...j3bad939iks1n9l
    Alternative crops https://app.box.com/...r7w6dzrnsf11piz
    Reworked foliage https://app.box.com/...f1jwjax2wix1o7x
    Reworked horizon https://app.box.com/...szl3cd0qamdkrm8
    Alternative overcast clouds https://app.box.com/...wju3wq9ttmjoqfi
    Improved doodads https://app.box.com/...3q3p05qdl9ld8ws
    Buildings and structures:
    Alternative walls (HD) https://app.box.com/...t85ik1b08fb2nh4 OR (standard) https://app.box.com/...bgyx6uimvvyrmdh
    Modular buildings (HD) https://app.box.com/...eke1u99f5jowptc
    Modular buildings add-on 1 (HD) https://app.box.com/...qsj7b68xyp0ffxx
    Modular buildings add-on 2 (HD) https://app.box.com/s/3b38gl6wykb1h1sqmovv4z5gicof4krf
    Modular buildings add-on 3 (HD) https://app.box.com/s/3jvzj9rmgdbpg14gpcgbok88qk3ik8es
    Modular roofs pf1 https://app.box.com/...rlaub62hs2h0fv9
    Modular roofs pt2 https://app.box.com/...emmodn5b44qklnh
    Improved roads (HD) https://app.box.com/...yk9jx7f6gnhra04 OR (standard) https://app.box.com/...1imrd2qzjawar7s
    Troops and soldiers:
    Reworked russian uniforms https://app.box.com/...8cz7adh3s1pz0vk
    Reworked ukrainian uniforms https://app.box.com/...7riaboi9uty98u8
    Reworked USA faces https://app.box.com/...8wxgnbj6a70cq0e
    Reworked USA faces -50% glasses add on https://app.box.com/...yz48ujqqf2g7j7w
    Reworked USA faces more faces add on https://app.box.com/...97xjl5sfb2ibdyn
    Reworked USA uniforms https://app.box.com/s/br9tjcxrbr2451oe5h1bp7e706ywojuc
    Ukrainian Army vehicles:
    T-64BV https://app.box.com/...c5frk9z83nuxva5
    T-84Oplot (digital) https://app.box.com/...l2tisg6o07hgjw0
    T-84Oplot (green) https://app.box.com/s/zwyqv1lnih6tjacvtgjuo78eqvyvaioq
    T-64Bulat (three-tones) https://app.box.com/...3xxf4whsf6n5zhe
    BMP-2 https://app.box.com/...sl2sjfz9r70xcf7
    BTR-4e (digital) https://app.box.com/...6jyr7trg674up2t
    BTR-70m https://app.box.com/...4rwj8z19s3kl8qz
    BRDM-2 https://app.box.com/...alv4dv8xmvydtnh
    MTLB (+variants) https://app.box.com/...bh3z9lz0u0p21of
    MTLBu https://app.box.com/...7z988tn5rhft6zw
    BRM-PRP https://app.box.com/...4etbn1wg88cvcjm
    UAZ-URAL https://app.box.com/...q0v82xrhnv8b2z1
    Tunguska https://app.box.com/...8luj5zzvgsyrq8z
    MT-12 https://app.box.com/...l1apiqq7hv1qhfn
    US Army vehicles:
    Abrams https://app.box.com/...3gmrqkblhum95ia
    Abrams tank names add on https://app.box.com/...9tsjsl4yolekpaa
    Bradley https://app.box.com/...0zd8pylvea4j763
    Bradley desert era add on https://app.box.com/...b0vv2kahj9uo3sp
    Bradley graffiti add on https://app.box.com/...hsi84qez2x45v4c
    Bradley vehicle names add on https://app.box.com/...r9a1ugab6zjneki
    Hummer https://app.box.com/...claiqv2b2fwr2do
    Stryker https://app.box.com/...dd453pfjawtae0f
    M1200 https://app.box.com/...qdhbrgcj3m7klfb
    M1200 vs-17 optional https://app.box.com/...i379lmzccm7u3p2
    M1200 vehicle names add on https://app.box.com/...tya89575i8s2e95
    M1064A3 https://app.box.com/...14n7vw0ok91b8ti
    LMTV https://app.box.com/...3exicb4w5f31h9a
    Russian Army vehicles:
    T-72B3 - light green https://app.box.com/s/8eur26fc1lhidwa3tg7jaod86ciqcimt
    T-72B3 - dark green  https://app.box.com/s/akgz9isilqy1xuila6uergp8qdymg1sd
    T-90A - camo https://app.box.com/s/h97wmn4yhonwqzoxvteis394jy3l0436
    T-90A - green https://app.box.com/s/10ws24qpg2ocoxhf73dehcxfd66ebnl1
    T-90AM - camo https://app.box.com/s/cv6qpg0lqn9c8px4w8b6xzilecahbsrc
    T-90AM - green https://app.box.com/s/ff1r784wb2sk7cgxl8l0rr9169ap3u46
    BMP-3M - camo https://app.box.com/s/m1wn11nhw48ftkbozuhl5z4lsoqsh553
    BMP-3M - green https://app.box.com/s/iy6iayfjfqn951fvmo44dtixtgdgdzmm
    BMP-3-k - green https://app.box.com/s/mowro433fzj30l9226sqez8jsvm1kt67
    BRM-3k - camo https://app.box.com/s/ggehoowiw4irfugh0pgffse7nn9r73vl
    Krizantema - light green https://app.box.com/s/qdlglo955m795sr2kkfvapdxehogsfif
    Krizantema - dark green https://app.box.com/s/u7y7ois0imy77jxb7z4s88r17frn4tx5
    BMP-2-k-M - dark green https://app.box.com/s/3zqr2zbyaz7pjc1a598isn2a7boacmln
    BMP-2-k-M - light green https://app.box.com/s/5va39km5skgld4z1wxdwjc7dnx1ffvfl
    BRM-PRP https://app.box.com/s/8g5bik7uc8rsm8qpf4wrtx1x29msng2b
    BRDM-2-M-AT5 https://app.box.com/s/tj4cfslxv1i33qncdqhtg4qn7ihjud39
    BTR-82-80 - camo https://app.box.com/s/epo5cea3s33l42p55vzr04lm5cov1o2l
    BTR-80-82 - green https://app.box.com/s/2gm061govy27eoxgp9cftxgmpclvr31y
    Tunguska - green https://app.box.com/s/y40xg7xlincl3jjsh0qi2w2ma7u7cums
    Tunguska - camo https://app.box.com/s/19z7fuib25jo1muct7yzx5fgznl8fx1d
    Tigr - green https://app.box.com/s/xaj3pfohjezyfmo1jzfitlxmmkjvv938
    Tigr - camo https://app.box.com/s/7n52uuxmjn6jjfr2o6mhc0jozr3zx6nh
    Additional flavor objects 1 https://app.box.com/s/z745hm21a86oo924wkzelqib9dsdticc
    Additional flavor objects 2 https://app.box.com/s/puyx6ropwm502j9zpjmm5v1r0y31vltc
    Additional flavor objects 3 https://app.box.com/s/5iuxnrjqt05olpodsy0bsu0kcqpqr6vz
    Additional flavor objects 4 https://app.box.com/s/z2aeqpm7ecsznnpgjn5sdnvmgtzql9ax
    Additional flavor objects 5 https://app.box.com/s/odn7zwh274fd2chzwfvhtafmqoya04mj
    Optional highway (TAG) https://app.box.com/s/jfwkivms84094nno5lyb20eyt4fh8x7t
    Optional highway total conversion https://app.box.com/s/um40u18msvxpjpflwjzmdh3f73rt3i0s
    Optional highway total conversion editor buttons https://app.box.com/s/p12rlix2lpbui9n8r1zmq0rza93qa2ag
    Total: 1.7 GB
    Top dowloader is: Kieme CMBS Modular Buildings (HD) with 401 downloads, followed by Kieme CMBS Ground Mod (HD) 371 downloads.
    Top downloader vehicle is: T-64BV, Bulat and BMP-2-k UA with 252 downloads.
    -Still missing some Russian vehicles, mainly the MTLB + variants. Which should come next. Then a few other odds and ends and reworks of UA vehicles. Still need to mod all game's bridges (under way). Then rework the independent buildings (some, at least). Maybe make a dirty/used variant for the personal/heavy infantry weapons.
    -Master downloads: I tried with some options, but the master downloads would be very large files, and my upload speed is very slow, that would mean hours and hours of upload time and my connection is not that good, I often get error messages due to connection drops/hangouts/lag spikes, so at least for now I cannot provide master (collection) downloads.
  10. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Kieme(ITA) in Kieme's modding corner   
    Kieme CMBS additional flavor objects 5 (monument)
    Could be used as war memorials, gate guards of military bases or museum props.
    Special thanks to agusto for the idea.
    This mod adds 3 new flavor objects to the game, in form of three world war 2 russian tanks (T-34/76, T-70m, JS-2m). The models and textures were ported from combat mission red thunder game.
    These flavor objects are not present in any game map created since now, but they will be available for map makers from now on if they decide to use them.
    You will find these in game's editor, under "monument" in the flavor objects 2 Group.
    Note: these flavor objects do not provide cover, don't block shots or vehicles movement and are sometimes glitchy with their shadows.
    Download: https://app.box.com/s/odn7zwh274fd2chzwfvhtafmqoya04mj

  11. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Fredrock1957 in Coming Soon - Colonel Nosov's March on Germany   
    some screens from the past few weeks of the campaign material
  12. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to W1ndy in On The Horizon?   
    Happy to hear that. Still a brilliant title.
  13. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to MarkEzra in Mother of Mara !!!   
  14. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Oneyearwarpilot in Mother of Mara !!!   
    So I just finished playing Black Sea and I have to say this game is merciless I thought CMSF:Nato was hard till I had to take a small town from the Russians with mechanized troops there was anti armor everywhere. Eventually I pulled my IFVs back (playing as USA) and fought from house to house twas a very fun QB lost in the end but I still enjoyed it,
    I am horrible at recon I realized this in CM-SF.  Alas good game Battlefront, good game 
  15. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Jorge MC in Red thunder sound mod v2 Update, by JorgeMC   

  16. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to SeinfeldRules in SeinfeldRules Scenario Thread   
    Hi all,
    I've been working on a whole bunch of scenarios for CMRT, and finally got around to finishing a couple. I'll use this thread to post whatever I manage to finish. I have 4 for today (though one has already been posted before, just tweaked it a little), and hopefully I can put the finishing touches on 1 or 2 for tomorrow. Most of these have had barely any playtesting, beyond what I could do by myself. That's where I need feedback from you guys. These are not 100% tested. Please let me know what I can change to make it better!
    I like small, company sized engagements. All of these have 2 companies or less. These may be suitable for H2H, do not have anyone to test them with though. All my maps are "hand made" originals. They look best with my terrain mod IMO!
    Interlock OP v1.0

    You are in command of a German Grenadier platoon in Estonia. Soviet forces have secured an interlocking tower overlooking our forward positions and are calling artillery on our forces. You have been tasked with securing the tower by force and securing whatever intel you can. Axis vs AI only
    Pastureland v1.0

    The Germans are falling back in confusion. Our tank corps and mehanized infantry have pushed far foward, leaving us, the dismounted infantry, behind to mop up the remnants and widen the corridors. Your company was doing exactly that when you came out of a small copse of trees and immediately started taking machinegun fire. A large, open pastureland sits between you and the incoming fire. On the far side, a group of buildings on the outskirts of a village. You determine that is where the enemy fire is coming from, and you immediately decide to attack. Allied vs AI only.
    Gorbatzewich Roadblock v1.0

    You are in command of a Soviet Cavalry Squadron southwest of Babruysk. After several long days of fighting, we have finally managed to capture the vital city and open the road to Minsk. Remnants of German forces still remain around the city, occupying blocking positions and doing their best to prevent our forces from rushing into Minsk. One of these blocking forces is located in the village to your immediate front. Allied vs AI only
    Amongst the Ruins v1.0

    You are in command of a German Pioneer Company somewhere within a large city inside Belarus. We have been fighting with the Soviets for control of this vital city for several days now. Your company has been tasked with taking back a bombed out industrial area. Axis vs AI only
  17. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Kieme(ITA) in Your Favorite CM: Black Sea Vehicle?   
    Well, if anyone studied military history should be afraid of Abrams...
  18. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to A Canadian Cat in Armata soon to be in service.   
    That's not the word I was thinking of
  19. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe got a reaction from Apocal in Your Favorite CM: Black Sea Vehicle?   
    Homegrown coolness.
  20. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe got a reaction from agusto in Your Favorite CM: Black Sea Vehicle?   
    Homegrown coolness.
  21. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Aragorn2002 in Rossmann at Kodersdorf 19 April '45   
    Olebouch, I hope you are still working on this great scenario. It is such a good design, especially for a first attempt. You have talent, my friend and we desperately need people like you.
  22. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Alan8325 in Armata soon to be in service.   
    I'd love to see Armata in the game, but it seems most CM-relevant improvements over current Russian tanks are to crew survivability, which in CM terms means combat will play out very similar to the way it does now but with less Russian casualties.  I see it going something like this:
    The way CM is now - M1A2 SEP spots T-90AM before T-90AM spots M1A2 SEP.  M1A2 SEP fires APFSDS round through turret of T-90AM, causing catastrophic explosion.  3 Russian casualties.
    CM after T-14 is added - M1A2 SEP spots T-14 before T-14 spots M1A2 SEP.  M1A2 SEP fires APFSDS round through turret of T-14, causing catastrophic explosion.  T-14 crew bails out and escapes.  Possibly gets mowed down by MG or airburst HE.
  23. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Blazing 88's in CMBS total conversion ideas...   
    Just a heads up:
    Really well done, open source and ever expanding.

  24. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to agusto in CMBS total conversion ideas...   
    Back to the desert! I still play CMSF because of its capability to simulate currently ongoing conflicts in the middle east. Or maybe something completely different, i think could get into Halo mod if it is well done.
  25. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to borg in Operation Hercules: The Invasion of Malta [WIP]   
    one word - kohlenklau is BADASS...
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