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  1. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Heinrich505 in Shall try to start an unofficial screenshots thread?   
    Veteran squad leader Schlaffer has found his squad in a bad situation.  They were advancing to cover and are now caught in the open by a charging Ami halftrack.

  2. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Stagler in 85 Converted CMRT To CMBS QB Maps   
    Happy Friday.
    I have converted 85 of the Red Thunder QB Maps not found as duplicates in CM Black Sea over to be usable in CM Black Sea. All are ready to go as you can imagine.
    AI plans are not perfect as they are designed for WW2 combat, but they are workable and more content is always a bonus right?
    All credit for original creation and distribution of these maps goes to BFC.
    Download Link @Dropbox:
  3. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to antaress73 in RPO nerfed/not working well?   
    Did à test . A platoon of RPO (10 two men teams) against a US reconnaissance platoon in some standard 2 storey houses. So far, after three battles, 72-1 in casualties in favor of the Russians. They are very effective. Some shots took out 5 soldiers at a time. Three houses were flattened.
  4. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to MarkEzra in Quick battles   
    Thank You for your kind words. It is a labor of love. I also appreciate those who report problems when they find them and endeavor to fix them when I can.

    RE: future title QB Maps: I'm hard at work as are the Campaign/Scen Designers. I believe we are all improving our craft as we go. Only time and you, who play the maps, will tell how successful we are.
  5. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Tanks a Lot in Tanks a Lot's CMRT building preview   
    Thanks. I just uploaded the new building to the oomph warehouse.
  6. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Baneman in Tanks a Lot's CMRT building preview   
    Looks great Tanks
    Remember that the stock game ( incl. textures ) is designed to be able to run on the slowest computer that customers may own.
    Increasing texture definition raises that "lower bar".
    But hey, with great modders like Tanks out there ( and others ), we get the best of both worlds.
  7. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Tanks a Lot in Tanks a Lot's CMRT building preview   
    I'm still slaving away, here's another one on the horizon.




  8. Upvote
  9. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to womble in Phlegmatic tank commanders   
    Depends what motivation level and morale state they're in. Low motivation tankies get their heads down a lot more rapidly than Fanatics. 
    That said, I do wish they wouldn't be quite so sanguine about the lead pinging off their hatch surrounds when it's automatic fire, and several rounds hit the tank in the last 10s. It seems somewhat inconsistent that the TC will front up for a good while and then, immediately he decides it's too hot to have his head out, orders a retreat. Especially when he knows he's well screened by infantry, and there's not a sign of AT weaponry being available to the grunts who're spoiling his top-down-motoring (since if they had any that could reach, they've had plenty of time to get it used by the time the TC ducks.
    Ideally, a high motivation, high experience TC will stay "up" when incoming is light, and know better when it's getting to the point of prudence than a similarly well motivated TC of lesser experience.
  10. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to womble in How common are 13K point range QBs? Who here plays them?   
    Hyperbole much?
  11. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to JoMac in Soviet SMGs   
    This is why I only use Green Troops ( against AI or Opponents ), and use certain Bonuses ( Leadership & Motivation ) to represent Reg or Vet Troops.
    And I'm with you in that Regs and above ( especially if having bonuses ) stand too long on the battlefield.
  12. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to womble in Are distant shooters spotted too easily?   
    You're welcome. The biggest piece of advice is "Be Patient". Sitting still and letting your observing teams (Split "A" teams and HQ teams with their binos are good) gain full appreciation of what's ahead of them for a minute or two will also help avoid being surprised by the enemy.
  13. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to PanzerMike in CMRT Gates of Warsaw Redux released   
    You can grab it here:
    A revised version of the original CMRT Gates of Warsaw. 
  14. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to choppinlt in Operational Level Game Announcement   
    As promised I have some information to share: the time has come to pitch the idea to the general public via Kickstarter to produce this game. The TENTATIVE date is Sept 1 for the Kickstarter. In a few weeks we will be rolling out an advertising blitz on the internet, and we will need your help in getting the word out. Then we need to actually generate the funds with the Kickstarter campaign to make this a reality. We have assembled an impressive team with many talents, but we have come to a point where we need to generate enough money to get this game produced! This funding will go directly to paying for full-time developers cranking out the remaining game code for public release in approximately a year.
    To give a brief update on the evolution of this project:
    the initial release will be for PC/Mac will have multiplayer capability (we are shooting for up to 16 players that can participate in a given scenario) the game name is now simply Combat Operations (though we still considering a different name) because... the focus is no longer just Normandy. The base game will include scenarios from Normandy, Italy, and Eastern Front all in June 1944. Map areas, unit databases, and time scope will be expanded via DLC. Players can pick and choose if they want to focus on a particular front and time. Combat Operations will be a complete standalone game, however as discussed earlier it will give OOB's to players for engagements that develop, and allow players to resolve the engagements manually with whatever game they want (like CMx2). Remember, this is Step One to reaching the goal of an operation layer interfacing with CM. There is A LOT more information to share regarding the game features that can be found on the forum (see the link on the first post of this thread). A future goal will be to hit the mobile market as fast as possible so players can check game progress and/or have playing capability on your phone and/or tablet. More to come!!
  15. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to MarkEzra in Unsolicited Possibilities   
    I wine and cry for WW2 North Africa 1940-43.
  16. Downvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to LukeFF in Stupid question re. BF CM file repository   
    You mind not spamming the same message all over the forum in the process?
  17. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Bahger in Stupid question re. BF CM file repository   
    If Shane is kind enough to fill a large hole in the scenario database support currently offered by BF's own web site, then he is performing a valuable service. I do not regard his attempts to popularize this service as spam and I intend to support it fully.
  18. Downvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to DasMorbo in Operation Tumbleweed   
    Hey Guys!
    I just wrote an email to Slysniper about this topic, here is a copy:
    The bugs I am referring to are the following:   Fisrt of all the movement system is skewed - troops tend to bunch up way more than in earlier versions. You can spread out a whole platoon 200 yards wide and give them parallel movement orders and you have them all bunched up in one thick line after 30 seconds. Nice when enemy artillery is present...   Secondly the Panthers (and some other vehicles) hit and damage registration is still bugged. This was present already in version 2.12. The vehicles won't get destroyed before receiving 3-6 partial and solid penetrations (by 57, 75mm, 76mm guns) even in areas which hold ammo and fuel. Just recently a Wespe 105mm SP gun received about 6 direct hits from 3 Churchills without showing any sign of reduced combat readiness. In this match I have one enemy Panther destroyed (5 solid penetrations needed) and 3 active (between 1 to 4 penetrations each). Just one is unscathed. Remember our match with your invincible Tigers. How many PIAT hits did they recieve with very little damage?   Thirdly the spotting system acts really weird at times. You pile up all the spotting advantages on your side and the enemy still spots and shoots first. Just had a match where my Stug III with an unbuttoned veteran crew looked straight at a T-34/85 through some trees and bushes. The T-34 was at an 30° angel, buttoned and with regular crew. Guess who shot first and killed the Stug? This is really no single incident, with vehicles staring straight at other vehicles 150 yards away in the open, and no identification happening.   That is about it.       The 'abandon older titels'-claim points in the direction that Battlefront is a very small developer. And with every new Installment, their limited rescources for technical support are spread further.I hear about the Shock Force Upgrade to V3.0 for the first time. An overhaul of that titel I have been awaiting ever scince Upgrade 2.0. So this point is somewhat less significant now. I still have the impression that the Upgrades for CMBN have been made quite hurredly with the above mentioned issues not having been noticed, due to limited rescources.     Best regards
  19. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to JonS in Preview of the first Battle Pack   
    Yes, Mark E has QB-ified some of the maps, and they'll be included in the pack.
  20. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Juju in [WIP] Juju's TweakedUI v5   
    And there I was, saying it was never going to happen, but it's almost there: TweakedUI v5 is just about finished. For CM:BN users there's but a single new Bren gun icon, but CM:FI users can soon enjoy a fully compatible version of TweakedUI! Here are the new (WIP!) previews:


  21. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Baneman in Things in ASL that aren’t in CMx2   
    Hah, clearly you never played Starfleet Battles ( captains ed. )
    My favourite boardgame of all time, but you have/had to be a maniac micromanager to enjoy it...  
  22. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Bil Hardenberger in Tiger Armor Issue   
    I think you will find most disagree with you.. I for one think any penetration regardless of degree or damage inflicted is a penetration.
  23. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Kinophile in Kieme's Mods - All In One Place -- PIN PLEASE   
    ## Kieme's Mods are superb, but the links are buried way too deep in a constantly growing thread.   ## So, for ease of access here is the most current list, ripped from @ Page 34, Post #672, July 17 2015.   Terrain and environmental mods:

    Buildings and structures:

    Troops and soldiers:

    Ukrainian Army vehicles:

    US Army vehicles:

    Russian Army vehicles:



    Total: 1.8 GB
    Still missing: bridges, a couple of them have been done already. More interface: weapon and vehicle silhouettes (less than 50% done), plus a few tweaks here and there.
  24. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to dragonwynn in CMRT Mini-Campaign: The Hill   
    Ok I reloaded all the core units into each scenario in the campaign and repositioned them. Of course with the setup zones you can move them as desired.  Hopefully this fixes the bug where none of the core unit stats were moving forward from each battle. I have not had a chance to test so let me know if it still persists. Also I reduced the amount of reinforcements in the last fight to make for a tougher challenge.
    New link
  25. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to A Canadian Cat in Preview of the first Battle Pack   
    Jon, that sounds excellent.  Very exciting.  I like the idea of two scenarios, one with US troops and one with British troops fighting on the same map against the same enemy.  Cool idea.
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